Faux granite counter top film: yay or nay?

by CK
Have any HTers out there used this faux granite countertop film? If you have I'd love to have your own personal review. Thanks! (Please don't respond if you haven't used this. I'm actually looking for personal reviews. Thanks so much.)
  13 answers
  • Molly F Molly F on May 02, 2016
    I don't know too much about it, but it looks great!!
  • MN Mom MN Mom on May 02, 2016
    I've never seen this but it looks nice!
  • Carole Carole on May 03, 2016
    Wow! I never heard of this. Looks good!
  • Ali Kay Ali Kay on May 03, 2016
    I have been wondering about it too....I hope someone will answer for you
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    • Sas5996034 Sas5996034 on May 03, 2016
      @Ali Marshall Kay ...side note.... I am from Choctaw, OK too. Small world. :-)
    • Kathy Ruth Kathy Ruth on May 03, 2016
      @Porland1624 I'm looking at these types of products, too. What problems did you have with it?
  • Joe Blackstone Joe Blackstone on May 03, 2016
    I haven't tried it but I've been researching this subject preparing for my own re-do on some 70's countertops and I am loving the reviews and pictures of the Giani countertop paint kits. They are amazing and it's apparently super easy and darn near impossible to mess up. That's important to me being a first timer!
  • Diane Diane on May 03, 2016
    i used gianni countertop paint on corian countertops and it looks fabulous. Caution you must be a good diy'er with a good eye and knack for using those sea sponges. I took pictures of granite and printed them out to try to copy the patterns. I also added more colors with paint purchased at Michaels. The job was a long process, but worthwhile since I was going to rip out the ugly blue corian and replace with granite, so I had nothing to lose in trying the Gianni kit. So for about $200 and lots of sweat equity my kitchen looks awesone and the counters have held up for 2 years now with no problem. I have pics on another computer that I will post in a little bit.
  • Rose M. Rose M. on May 03, 2016
    Oh yes I have! I love this product but you have to be forewarned that doing those curves around the sink can be very tricky. Give yourself plenty of time and pray for a good dose of patience! Also, DO NOT get ahead of yourself and remove too much of the paper backing as you go along. And when you get those stubborn little creases around a corner, haul out your hairdryer and coax them a little. I wish they had more of a selection but I have grown very fond of the darker patterns. Don't like the white marble, not enough striations. Good luck to you, if you don't like it, just peel it off!
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    • CK CK on May 08, 2016
      @Thank You Rjavocados
  • Jo Jo on May 09, 2016
    I have the materials but keeping putting it off I can tacky back a book how much harder can it be? when doing a book I release a small bit of paper say an couple of inches and work with a ruler, I guess you could try that method too.
  • Fru-gal Lisa Fru-gal Lisa on Jul 19, 2016
    I don't know about film but I used the giani paint. It looked terrific at first but has not stood the test of time. I have noticed some of the paint smearing when I wipe the counters when cleaning. Now I need to replace the giani.
  • Amber Perry Shank Amber Perry Shank on Jan 15, 2017

    The above is an image of EzFaux Decor's Faux Black Granite. It is a 5 layer product which is made just like laminate flooring and is durable. Go to www.ezfauxdecor.com or http://stores.ebay.com/EzFauxDecor/_i.html?_nkw=marble&submit=Search&_sid=2768947 or https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_6?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=ezfaux+decor&sprefix=ezfaux%2Caps%2C163&crid=3PVIVWESUW27U to see what many of our buyers have used our Faux Granite, Faux Marble, Faux Mirror and Faux Stainless for.

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  • Dana Wagner Dana Wagner on Jan 19, 2017

    I used the Giani in a rental house. I am not artistic and it looks ok. Wish I had used a sponge that had a pattern and I would have let more of the black show through. The only problem I had was the renters coffee maker caused the counter top to get to hot under it. So the paint has bubbled up in that area. I would use a trivet or something to keep a hot item from touching it. It was easy to apply, but it does take about 5 days or so if you wait for the drying between each step. I personally would not do it to my house, but for a rental it is ok.

  • Modhouz Modhouz on Jul 20, 2017

    try www.modhouzdecor.com we have better films than anyone on the market, the contact paper and china pvc films from ezfaux dont even come close.