Asked on May 07, 2016

How can I hang a shower curtain in a bathroom with a slanted ceiling?

by Mary
My 2 story house upper floor rooms all have slanted ceilings on one wall. In the bathroom, I have a porcelain over steel bath tub, and we built a wall on the right side of the tub to allow for shower plumbing. If your looking at the tub, the right side is the wall we built to house plumbing for a shower. The left side is where the ceiling slopes down. There is just enough room on the right side to stand in the tub without banging your head on the ceiling. I have tried everything I could imagine on how to put up a curtain rod, and it's just not working. Right now I have a shower curtain going across the top, but it stops where the ceiling slants, which then enables water from the shower to go over the tub and onto the floor. The curved shower curtain rod does not work. So many older homes (mine is 98 years old !) have slanted walls on the 2nd floors and I never see pictures of bath tubs near the slanted part of the ceiling. I can not afford to have the wall extended out, so I need a fix for a shower curtain rod. Hope this makes sense to you all! (picture yourself standing in the tub to take a shower, and if you back up more than 2 feet, your head will hit the ceiling, unless your under 4 feet tall)
Found this picture on a website. It's close to my situation... there are no windows in my tub area.
  29 answers
  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on May 08, 2016
    Hi Mary! It looks like this is intended to be a soaker tub and not a shower. But, since you are looking, I would think your best bet would be to hang a fixture from the ceiling. Something like one of these: You might need to modify the rods to fit the angles, but this might work for you.
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    • 512181 512181 on May 08, 2016
      @Mary I guess it all depends on how long you are going to stay in your house. If it will be a long time, I would say, get the stainless version. Or, even if you plan to sell, a new buyer would like the solution to the shower curtain. I wondered how the shower curtain did not slide down the slant too. It seems like a little screw in the rod would keep the last straight ring from falling down. That arrangement would mean you almost always would keep the curtain closed or mostly closed since it would be a pain to constantly pull each ring over the screw or bump, or whatever you used. Shower curtain would be tricker. Your opening is probably wider than the standard shower curtain. If it is not wider, you might be able to hang the standard curtain up on the straight part, and then fold the curtain down so it works on the angled part of the rod. Once it is hanging right, you could cut off the angled top part with enough left over for a hem. Then you could put button holes in the hem for the curtain rings. I have made shower curtains before and I reinforce the back of the hem area with bias tape so the weight does not rip out the buttonholes. If you want to make a curtain, you will need two widths of fabric. I use indoor/outdoor fabric and join the two widths with a flat felt seam. I have bought discount fabric from Fabric Guru with good success. You could use a nylon shower liner too and that part can go in the tub and the "nice" curtain stays outside the tub. That way the water stays in the tub as it rolls down the nylon curtain. I find them at HomeGoods and Marshalls or other discount stores. Perhaps you could first fool around with the nylon liner to see if this will work, and then you could use the liner as a pattern for the curtain. Solving problems of life goes on forever, doesn't it?
  • Valerie Valerie on May 08, 2016
    First of all, I love Sue's suggestion. I would think of putting in a shower door with the top section (on the slope) put in separately. If your budget does not stretch to that, I would put in a separate piece of clear plastic across the top section. I would secure it to the sides with a wooden batten, painted white, and use another batten across the bottom. The bottom batten can then do double duty as the 'support' for a shower curtain.
    • Valerie Valerie on May 08, 2016
      @Mary I personally would not use plexie glass. The installation of clear plastic would be a great deal easier, and a lot cheaper. I would look for thicker plastic than you normally get for a shower curtain. Often you find it where you buy oil cloth (the same sort of thing that you use for outdoor table cloths). It would be strong enough. I would start by making a template of the slanted section. You could make that using a couple of rolls of brown paper, or even newspaper. Just measure very carefully. Then place the plastic on the floor and place the batton in the correct place. Wrap the plastic around the batton, leaving the wood against the wall. Only cut the plastic once you are sure of your measurements. You would then attach the batton to the plastic, and only then would you secure the batton to the wall using screws. Don't go too wide with the batton, it will not look good. I would think 1 inch by 1 inch would be fine, as the plastic is not heavy. If the support for the actual shower curtain presents a challenge, think about installing two blocks of wood into the wall on either side of the opening. You could then run a curtain rod across the straight section, with the brackets being installed on the blocks of wood. Just cut the rod flush with the wall, and the curtain will then not be able to slip off the rod. The curtain will hide most of the fittings. Really all one needs is a practical solution.
  • Susan Bechamp Susan Bechamp on May 08, 2016
    Do magnets stick to your tub to keep a shower curtain in place at the hem line? Might be possible to use magnets at the top too.
  • Jim L Jim L on May 08, 2016
    There are "circular" rods that are available from places like Restoration Hardware...they hand from the ceiling and need two shower do not have use of the full length of the shower, but it does work. It is simple to "Google circular shower rods". Good luck.
  • Cheryl Markus Reynolds Cheryl Markus Reynolds on May 08, 2016
    It looks to me as if you will need to build one yourself to suit your needs. I would think a swivel fixture and 3-way elbow joint (don't know the proper term) on the slanted wall should work. You would just have the other pipes cut to the size you want them depending on the size shower area you want. What ever way you do it, you will probably have to use more than one shower curtain.
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  • Becky Becky on May 08, 2016
    Hi. Just a Thot. Is it possible to hang a regular curtain rod on the entire slanted wall and then hang one or two shower curtains (according to length needed) where you use thin wire to hold the first of the shower hooks so that it cannot slide down but you can still open up the shower curtain from the bottom of the rod? Where the two shower curtains meet I'd just overlap two of the slots and put the shower hooks through both curtains at once for those two slots. Anyway, I'd try it. It would be an inexpensive fix. :)
  • Kim Kim on May 08, 2016 Maybe this link will work. Expensive, but could maybe fashion something similar for less?
  • Robin Burnham-Moynihan Robin Burnham-Moynihan on May 08, 2016
    What I would do, from looking at this picture is use a tension rod across the top, they can be cut to size, and put up just enough of the curtain to hold it in place. I would then cut the slant end of the curtain to fit the slant leaving an inch to be carefully folded and ironed over. Next I would apply a strip of velcro ( keeping both sides attached)to the slanted ceiling, then peal and carefully press the inch of folded over curtain to it, the curtain should be flush to the ceiling. Now you would be able to finish hanging the rest of the curtain and it can be removed for washing.
  • Mary Mary on May 08, 2016
    Hello Many! Lynda sent me this link and it is exactly what I need! If you go back to that link and look at picture #3, that is what my tub/shower looks like. It would cost me $200 with tax to purchase that configuration, but it's all stainless steel, so I think I'm going to buy the cap for the slanted wall at Amazon for $20, then buy the ceiling swivel piece for $20, and then use 2 pieces of PVC pipe joined together with a PVC "L" piece of "elbow" piece to connect the 2. This would end up costing around $50. But there is one problem. The picture at the link shows shower curtain hooks on the bars, including the one that goes down the slanted wall. How would a person put shower curtain hooks on that piece without them all sliding down and taking the shower curtain with it? Got any ideas? Thank you for your help! Happy Mother's Day!
  • Pam Walker Pam Walker on May 08, 2016
    Cut a very small piece of wood into a triangle & mount it to the slanted wall. This will give you a straight edge for your shower curtain rod.
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  • Mary Mary on May 08, 2016
    I am going to have to take a picture of my bathtub and shower and post it, but I'm so embarrassed of it. My tub is built in, and at the end of the tub, there was like 18 inches of room left over, so we built a wall at the end of the tub (slanted wall) and then built a small cabinet in that space to store bathroom items. When I went to this new link you sent, I so did fall in love with the 2 piece glass door. That's what I originally wanted, but can't afford it. I need to keep the tub because a few years down the road, I want to sell the house. This is a huge family home, and my kids don't live here any more, so it would be sold as a family home, which needs a tub. If only I could find a rich guy to marry. LOL I do so much appreciate all of the time your spending helping me out... that's the best Mother's Day Gift I've gotten today! I'm going to ponder spending the $200 on the stainless steel set... at least it would match the sink/shower/tub fixtures and the $100 I recently spent on new polished stainless steel towel racks. I have so many projects to do before putting the house on the market, so maybe I will use my credit cards (again)... I hate making decisions... I'm one of those kind of people. Thank you so very very much!
  • Pat Ruge Pat Ruge on May 08, 2016
    The wonderful thing about pvc piping is that it can be configured to deal with most angles at a low cost. I suggest you attempt to come off the angled wall to the 90 degree wall with PVC and create a shower curtain wall. OR, perhaps one of those all around shower rods coming off the 90 degree wall held by some suspension supports. Certainly not impossible, but challenging situation. Good luck on your endeavor.
  • Sandy Sandy on May 08, 2016
    hang chain from the wall/ceiling at appropriate lengths, (one long, one shorter)hang any shower rod level from the chain either by looping the chain or attaching some sort of hook. No need to go crazy changing the archetecture.
  • Cindi Cindi on May 08, 2016
    I agree with Pam, just cut a wedge of wood to make a straight side. That would be the quickest, easiest, and cheapest way to do it.
  • Bobbie Littlefield Bobbie Littlefield on May 08, 2016
    You could use PVC pipe (you can spray paint it and the color bonds totally), or you could use regular pipe fittings - on the diagonal, securing the curtain link at the highest edge. Get waterproof material (or back regular material with clear plastic), cut to the diagonal - leaving inches for bottom hemming. Insert grommets on the material then shower hooks. Insert cording from the top (secured link) thru the bottom with a locking curtain pulley. When the pulley is unlocked the curtain falls with gravity to the bottom. Locked it will stay up with a waterfall effect due to the diagonal cut. Hem as appropriate- done! Fairly inexpensive...
  • Updiane Updiane on May 08, 2016
    My 1.5 story house built before 1885 and indoor plumbing with all sloped ceilings like you stated. The upstairs bath when we bought it had just a tub. Many years ago when we remodeled we were able to take some room from the hallway and flip tub to a different wall to accommodate shower plumbing as well. This tub is a whirlpool and I wanted the openness without using a door or shower curtain because of how small the bathroom is and that showering in this bath would be infrequent. Installing a curtain rod the whole width you would hit your head exiting the tub as I tried a tension rod. It also took away the “soaker look” of tub which I desired for my bathroom. My fix and might not be helpful to your situation if the desire is using your shower more than I do. Uploaded pictures show the “no head room end”, and there I installed a horse bridle bracket I bought on eBay. It normally holds the fabric shower curtain but I recently took down to paint the bathroom but hope you can visualize it hanging from the bracket. On the opposite side, I installed a robe hook and we would unhook and stretch the curtain for use on the other side when needed for full showering. The bridle bracket end the shower curtain is tied back a couple of feet down and then anchored to the wall with a tieback to keep the curtain stable for draping to the other side. Good luck Mary on figuring out what will work best for you and your budget. Lots of great ideas posted by people here.
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    • Mary Mary on May 09, 2016
      @Thank You Updiane What a great idea and how beautiful those hooks are. I don't know if your bathroom is at all like mine in regard to the plumbing... my bathroom is 12 ft. x 11 ft. (company is always surprised at the size).. when you walk into the bathroom, the floor is flat and when you walk up to the toilet or tub/shower, you have to step UP ! the plumbing was built on top of the existing floor, and then encased as a step. A relator friend of mine said the origin of the "throne" is due to this type of plumbing, and the fact that you have to "step up" to sit on the "throne". Everyone here has such good ideas and I'm grateful for the time given to my problem. Happy belated Mother's Day !
  • Linda Freiberg Linda Freiberg on May 08, 2016
    How about using a decorative screen?
  • Lynne Krywulycz Lynne Krywulycz on May 08, 2016
    A freestanding, folding screen, painted to be waterproof, with legs attached, if needed, set against the wall and pulled across when required.
  • Pam Walker Pam Walker on May 08, 2016
    ANOTHER IDEA: Buy some PVC pipes & make a circular shower bar going the full circle around the tub. It won't leave any gaps thataway. THIS will work out better than my other idea I think lol.
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    • Pam Walker Pam Walker on May 09, 2016
      @Mary Good Luck hun. :)
  • Catnip4me2 Catnip4me2 on May 08, 2016
    Im stealing my response from a DIY I found online for cheap lighting ideas. The blogger used a good ol fashioned hula-hoop, painted it with metalic spray paint, and adorned it with shower curtain hooks that she draped with icicle lights. You could easily hang a "hoop" of sorts directly from the slope and attach your shower curtain. It would drape around the tub. Or even use 2 curtains for fuller coverage. Let us know what you decide and Good Luck!!
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    • Mary Mary on May 09, 2016
      @JOHN Yes, the tub is steel with porcelain coating, and having magnets on the bottom of the shower curtain is what I now have over half of the tub... the straight part. I used to cut the bottom part of the curtain off so it wasn't folding on the floor of the tub, but then I realized why some curtains have those magnets in them!
  • Lynn Palmatier Lynn Palmatier on May 09, 2016
    Now sure how wide your room is, but if you clould hang a rod across the whole end where the tub is, you could use that space next to the cabinet to pull a curtain to that side when not in use. Use PVC that will hold weight and closet rod ends to span from wall to wall. Just a thought....
  • Kcama Kcama on May 09, 2016
    Make a PVC rectangle the same size as tub. Hang it over the tub - attaching at each corner, slanting with the ceiling. Using inexpensive (cheap) plastic shower curtains, figure out how many you need to go all the way around (have at least one at each end and a slit at the center front to allow you to step in and out of the tub). Cut the curtains at an angle to hang just inside the tub. You could leave it like this or use the plastic curtains as a pattern for prettier ones.
  • Michelle Michelle on May 09, 2016
    If going for shower curtain take the hight where you would put a shower rod then get a wider curtain if you can find it if not use two and take velcro with sticker back and attach to the wall or put a glass shower in-go frameless better look .
  • Melody Drinkwater Wagner Melody Drinkwater Wagner on May 09, 2016
    Hang a curtain rod and hooks according to it's slant but add a pully. Tie the pully on the end to keep it open. Untie to close.
  • Mary Mary on May 09, 2016
    What an interesting idea! Never thought about hanging something from the slanted ceiling part... this gives me a thought to think on!
  • Sue Sue on May 11, 2016
    Attach 2 decorative hooks to the ceiling. Attach chains , each one the correct length so that the shower curtain rod is level. Then attach the shower rod to the chain using large S-hooks or loop the chain around the rod , then reattach with small S-hooks.
  • Deb K Deb K on Jan 02, 2023

    Hello Mary, hope this helps you out. You can actually buy a kit,
