Asked on May 07, 2016

It used to a fabulous sun garden now it's an eyesore. Ideas anyone?

Amy Chase
by Amy Chase
My mom used to have this beautiful sun garden in the center of her driveway but the septic tank is under the middle of the space. After multiple time of having to replant and repair the garden after a pumping she has given up trying to keep it looking nice. I am looking for ideas to pretty it up and keep the access open. That would be where the stick is in the middle. I am not sure what to do with it and moms hands have gotten to arthritic to garden. Thoughts?
This piece of dirt sticks out into the driveway and can not be driven over.
It used to be so pretty =(
  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 08, 2016
    Maybe replant flowers or perennials in different colored pots within the area to allow access to the tank.
    • See 1 previous
    • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 08, 2016
      @Amy Chase I am sorry she feels that way. I to got very ill and sometimes cannot do one thing,however flowers and creating keep me going. So you may just want to keep the pots simple but at the same time make your happy. You can maybe put colorful glass in there as a bottle tree. etc. Here is a great website for inspirations . Flea Market I think you will find a happy medium.
  • Lisa Gage Lisa Gage on May 08, 2016
    Since I am now a renter for a while I am doing all garden above ground for easy moving. You might consider this in case there is any further problems with that space. Has lots of potential for nice low maintenance for your mom. Happy Mother's day.
    comment photo
  • Nadine Nadine on May 08, 2016
    I would do container pots and plant various types of succulents and cactus. They are hardy and require very little maintenance.
    • Amy Chase Amy Chase on May 08, 2016
      Nadine, I am not sure I can do them in Michigan but I will check!! Thank you so much.
  • Colleen Walpert Colleen Walpert on May 08, 2016
    I would do a hard scape using natural creek gravel no larger than 1/2 " with some large rocks or boulders strategically placed to give it definition. Then add some large container plants with some height or even add large containers with veggies. Be sure to put down a good weed barrier first to eliminate hands and knees weeding. You will need to till under or get rid of the weeds first. Another nice addition would be a metal sculpture or wind sculpture. Just be care not to get it too busy, less is more.
  • Joan Peterdi Joan Peterdi on May 08, 2016
    a combination of the above... take those large stones and create a large circle. Within in, plant a regular sun garden in the soil. where the 'stick' is, find that cover and create a concentric circle of container-gardening around it, leaving plenty of room for access. You now have a circular garden within a larger circular garden and the center containers can be shifted anytime.
  • Amy Chase Amy Chase on May 08, 2016
    Thank you all and happy Mother's Day!!!
  • Lisa Gage Lisa Gage on May 09, 2016
    My mother and I built a spice garden. Very low maintenance and lots of flowers to smell. And you can eat it!