Share Your Plant Rescue Pics and Stories

Teresa D
by Teresa D
So many of you rescue plants. I thought it would be cool to see some of the plants you've rescued. If you have before and after shots, that would be great! I've already posted my oakleaf hydrangea on that first post. Here is my mandevilla I got 2 years ago from Lowe's discount table at the end of the season. It was on it's way out. I got it to vine around my mailbox and other mandevillas I've purchased died when it got cold and never came back. This one, I put in the ground and said, "what will be will be". Last year, it greened up and grew a little, but this year, I actually have flowers! Who knew it would even come back?!
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2 of 14 comments
  • Peg Peg on Aug 09, 2013
    These hardy hibiscus were a shock! They were on a clearance shelf for $1.50 each 3 yrs ago. I had no idea that they would grow so huge and didn't know what color they would be. I didn't even think they would come up the next spring.
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  • Brittani Oplinger Brittani Oplinger on Aug 19, 2013
    This is amazing you guys. Seriously amazing.