How to Keep the Critters Out of the Garden

The rabbits were eating my beans so I came up with an easy, inexpensive solution for covering the crop until it gets big enough an no longer tasty to the critters.
How to keep the critters out of the garden.
All you will need is chicken wire, wire cutters and gloves.
Tender bean shoots ate down by rabbits.
Dome made from chicken wire put over the raised bed.
Dawn @ Creative Cain Cabin
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2 of 11 comments
  • Evelyn Evelyn on May 17, 2014
    If you want the perfect solution for keeping critters out of your garden check out these last up to 20 years outside, won't rust like chicken wire and have a ton of uses. We have been using them on our Virginia farm for the past 8 years. We couldn't have a garden without them. They are great for raised beds (they have a 2'x4' base and heights up to 30Inches. You can line them down your garden row to cover a large area! A green product for sure, never need chemicals, animal friendly and last for a lifetime!
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  • Jenny Jenny on May 18, 2014
    i did this a few years ago to deal with my neighbors annoying cats destroying my garden. Works sooooo well and the cheapest way to deal with the critter problem