My profile picture is my front yard. Iam confused wether to install juniper in half front yard or to install artificial


  12 answers
  • can you post some more photos and perhaps complete your question?
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on May 04, 2012
    Yes, please post some photos that we can see larger. Are you asking this question because of the slope? How much sun does that area get?
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on May 04, 2012
    To add photos, simply click on "add to this post" below. The text box will expand and you will see a link beneath it to "Add Photos or Videos."
  • HEDGEROSE HEDGEROSE on May 04, 2012
    Sorry! This is our first house & I don't have much idea about the lawn care, & i dont have much time ,so i was thinking of putting juniper plant. But somebody suggested me to put the artificial grass so then i will not have to worry at all. Now iam confused. specially our front yard is steep. I contacted one or two lawn maintance but he said to put juniper it will cost me around $2000,and i don't know about grass charges .any suggestions please. Iam posting few more pictures of my front yard. Sorry Iam trying to click add photo or video it's not doing anything .
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on May 04, 2012
    Here, I did it for you :) Hopefully this will help.
    comment photo
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on May 05, 2012
    Junipers are a natural choice for a slope like that but are not the only option, nor does the slope need to be all one thing. How much sun does it get? Another consideration is that you're going to have to get water to that area. Artificial turf is pretty pricey. If you're looking to cut costs, you can start with smaller plants, which will get established more easily and will generally catch up to the bigger ones in a season or two.
  • HEDGEROSE HEDGEROSE on May 07, 2012
    Thanks Mariam!
  • HEDGEROSE HEDGEROSE on May 07, 2012
    Thanks for the answers, but I'm still hoping for more ideas.
  • Beverly P Beverly P on May 08, 2012
    If it were me, I think anything but artificail grass would be the way to go. DIY makes it look so great and easy but there is alot of expense and upkeep to that, on top of the fact that it really doesn['t look that great after awhile, especailly not in a big area. I would go for ground cover, drought tolerant such as sedums. They look good all year long and never need watering..atleast not here in MI. But they are an easy care ground cover, and a whole lot cheaper and prettier than artificial turf.
  • HEDGEROSE HEDGEROSE on May 08, 2012
    Thanks. I will give a thought
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on May 08, 2012
    Pleasure :) Good luck!
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on May 08, 2012
    Hedgerose, I prefer plants that are easy to care for, don't require much water, prevent erosion and look good all year long without trimming. Google Monkey Grass. Try mixing monkey grass with different foliage types and colors for variation. Plant it along walkways, gardens, and flower beds.