does anyone know if I can sit my aloe plant outside or not it has gotten so big and has a baby one and i'm going to have

Patricia B
by Patricia B
does anyone know if I can sit my aloe plant outside. it has gotten so big and has baby one so i'm going to have to put it in a bigger pot
  19 answers
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on May 07, 2012
    As long as it is warm outside you can take it outside, though it is probably not a good idea to put it into full hot sun after being an inside plant. Try to give it the same light as you did inside. They are really easy to divide and soon you will have many to give away to your friends and family!
  • Patricia B Patricia B on May 07, 2012
    mine is about 2' tall can you devide the babys
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on May 07, 2012
    Yes you can. They are really easy to divide. You can let the babies get bigger if you want to ...or divide them when they are small. I seem to have better luck (probably due to watering if I let them get some size on them before dividing. Aloe seem to do better in a crowded pot anyway.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on May 08, 2012
    Make sure you wait until all danger of frost has past, and, as Four Seasons says, acclimate your plant by letting it spend some time in a shady spot before moving it to more sun. Do the reverse when you bring it (and your new babies) in in the fall.
  • Rossa D Rossa D on Oct 13, 2013
    I moved my aloe plant from the bookcase top to a desktop each area...area has the same amount of light.. .it appears-to be withering and dying .can anyone share how to save my plant? it is huge ! Should I repot it anytime? I gave away the baby plants that had reproduced and it's been all down hill since.. . Thanks for your comments . 0 bids
    • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Oct 14, 2013
      @Rossa D How much light does it actually get? How did you remove the baby plants?
  • Rossa D Rossa D on Oct 14, 2013
    Hello, thank you for your sits in a southern window with plenty of day light..little to no sun and the babies just popped out easily without disturbing the mother plant
  • Rossa D Rossa D on Oct 14, 2013
    Hello thanks for responding .. It sits in a southern window with plenty of daylight. Area was not changed from the book case... The babies popped up from the soil without damage to the mother plant...removed them with a small folk.
    • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Oct 15, 2013
      @Rossa D I would be surprised if it was because the plant is too big. I have aloes that are seriously overcrowded in their pots and they keep on growing. What's your watering routine? Could you post a photo?
  • Rossa D Rossa D on Oct 15, 2013
    will do a photo today, I tend to let it dry a bit in between watering not more than once a week. I have had it for more than 4 years ! Just is not healthy looking ...
  • Rossa D Rossa D on Oct 15, 2013
    thanks for your help here is the pic
    comment photo
    comment photo
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Oct 16, 2013
    Have you tried putting it back where it was and seeing if it recovered? If it was perfectly healthy and the only thing that changed was the location, there must be something about the new location that you can't recognize that it doesn't like.
  • Clarissa Fowler Clarissa Fowler on Apr 07, 2015
    Is there slugs or other bugs in the bottom of the pot.? I had a Christmas cactus that died from bugs eating the roots.
  • DORLIS DORLIS on Jul 24, 2015
    I would set it outside for the summer. Start in the shade and gradually move into full sun. The pups can be broken off to start new plants. Left to grow, they do take up a bit of space (2 - 3 feet) and will bloom.
    • See 2 previous
    • Sherry H. Sherry H. on Nov 24, 2015
      @DORLIS Oh it was so nice in Fla. Wished I had never left there. We lived by the Atlantic Ocean. Few cold days every thing green I'm still not used to this weather here in Ga. Hope you and your loved ones have a nice Thanksgiving.
  • Margaret Margaret on Sep 24, 2015
    Mine always lives outdoors in the summer. It grows like crazy. This year it got brown tips a few times. I think it was from too much rain. After it dries out they go away
  • Lily Hile Lily Hile on Oct 07, 2015
    your allow should be ok until the snow it will freeze and quick. they like warm weather
  • Lin3044097 Lin3044097 on Nov 20, 2015
    oops, I nearly said, Yes, of course you can put the aloe outside....and realised you seem to stay in a place where it snows! I am in Sunny South Africa and snow...nope what's that?? especially inland. so aloes here love it outside. Keep yours inside till summer! Happy Christmas season!
  • DORLIS DORLIS on Nov 24, 2015
    I wish I could have a home in Missouri, Florida well in every growing zone, then I would not missour on any flowers and trees. But I am stuck in Missouri so if I have tgropicals, I bring them in for the winter.
  • Janice Janice on May 18, 2024

    I have aloe plants outside but success surely depends on your geographic area and how ell it is watered, etc. Aloe plants, when well taken care of, will create additional babies that can be planted in small pots and then transplanted. Some of my aloe plants have actually grown so well they have created canes with light orange blooms on them...then the canes die off but the aloe plants remain.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on May 18, 2024

    We can summer them, but when the chill comes, in they go. Geography is important, best to you.

  • Dee Dee on May 19, 2024

    I keep all my aloe plants outside. I water when necessary. The mother plant is from the 1980's and I have 6 plants now growing. I give them away each year to my neighbors. I repot every year, and just take a few stalks put them in potting soil and a new one grows. They need very little water and thrive outside.