Any ideas on how I can upcycle this bottle holder for outside decor?

Mary boudreaux
by Mary boudreaux
I would like to do something with this metal wine holder to keep in my backyard. My house overlooks vineyards and would love to do something with it to be placed on counter or flower beds.
  35 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 21, 2016
    I have pretty much the same thing. Get some blue bottles and place in the holes as if your were storing wine. Place in the garden and your done.
  • Tammy Rae Chasser Tammy Rae Chasser on May 21, 2016
    Place a plastic container in the bottom, cover outside of container with Spanish moss, and plant grape vines inside container. As the vines grow weave them through the wine rack, place wine rack on bishop hook and place in area to admire.
  • CK CK on May 21, 2016
    Maybe you could place small pots in the wine holders and fill with succulents. Just a thought.....
  • MN Mom MN Mom on May 21, 2016
    It would be cool if you could make it into a lighing fixture or even put some tall pillar candles (real or battery or solar) inside for use at night.
  • Barb Ellerton Barb Ellerton on May 21, 2016
    Stuff it with moss growing medium. And use it to grow suckulet plants
  • Eve Moore Kiser Eve Moore Kiser on May 22, 2016
    Cover the back... then Place PVC piping in each hole to fit... spray with a beautiful new color ... fine beautiful tree hanging from there and now you will have a town house for the Birds to enjoy!
  • Myv3417057 Myv3417057 on May 22, 2016
    Thread battery operated lights into empty wine bottles and plant a vine growing annual beneath it like morning glories or ivy. Another idea is to turn it into a fairy apartment. Line the bottle holders with moss and decorate with other natural fairy accessories.
  • Gina Gina on May 22, 2016
    What a beautiful find!Im on the hunt for something like that myself,...plant clematis and let it climb! How beautiful that would be!
  • Linda Linda on May 22, 2016
    I'd rest it on its side and put small plant pots in the holes for the wine. Those could be planted with fake flowers, or real ones, or even herbs.
  • Monica Monica on May 22, 2016
    Hang it on a wall.
  • Elz5436007 Elz5436007 on May 22, 2016
    Bonjour... quel bel objet... utiliser en transformant chaque coté comme un vitrail avec des ronds et des losanges de différentes couleur et mettre de la lumière dedans.... belle lanterne sous un porche ou ailleurs..... ou transformer en fausse cage à oiseau en ajoutant des oiseaux artistiques dedans et pendre sous un arbre ou sous un poche ou ???? bonne journée à vous.
  • Maggie   Gallagher Maggie Gallagher on May 22, 2016
    How about adding pots of plants tipped on their side and grow climbing or trailing plants in them. Paint pots different colours.
  • 861650 861650 on May 22, 2016
    I have one like this and do not know what to do with it so I look forward to all the ideas you guys come up with.
  • Trish F Trish F on May 22, 2016
    I would just use it a decorative piece all on its own. Let it patina naturally with the weather and just stand it in a corner or your garden. If you really want to do 'something' with it again put it in the corner and plant a vine inside and train the tendrils to grow up and around the metal.
  • Huntress Huntress on May 22, 2016
    I would get clear Christmas bulbs or even colored to save a step, if clear I'd drizzle glass paint in preferred color and swirl around . Let dry and plug into holes on rack . Set in a sunny spot. Voila stained glass yard art.
  • Dot D Collett Dot D Collett on May 22, 2016
    Simplest thing would be to add wine bottles (blue is my favorite) and place it in a flower bed to add that sparkle. I added mine to stacked flower pots.
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  • Jeannie Jeannie on May 22, 2016
    What about opening one side up (a little) and adding a couple of shelves? BUT, if it were me, I would just display it as is. It is beautiful!
  • Carol adams Carol adams on May 22, 2016
    why not put terracotta pots in where the bottles should go and plant vertically, much like they do with pallettes ? flowering vines would be lovely or anything:)
  • Jbe5852890 Jbe5852890 on May 22, 2016
    Hang in Bath Room for towels holder.
  • Sus5143459 Sus5143459 on May 22, 2016
    Sue F. Fill in terra- cotta pots or terra-cotta wine coolers and plant with a large grouping of succulents. there are so many colors and textures to choose from.
  • La Habra Fence Company La Habra Fence Company on May 23, 2016
    This is a very nice idea for using it in your backyard. Or we can also use it for outdoor.
  • Darrel Rose Darrel Rose on May 23, 2016
    That's it, Carol and Susan have the right idea for your request, I would do the same with this beautiful wine rack
  • Bobbie Bobbie on May 23, 2016
    Melt plastic beads in circles slightly smaller than each hole and hang in wine bottle holes for a kalidiscope (can't spell) effect.
  • Linda Holland Linda Holland on May 23, 2016
    Put in a planter and plant a vine on it!
  • Julie Graber-Doyle Julie Graber-Doyle on May 23, 2016
    I would add some color with a bit of paint, and then a good sealer,. I would then fill with succulents and display by hanging on a fence, wall, etc,.
  • Laura G Laura G on May 23, 2016
    I like the succulent idea--but I have a smaller version of a similar rack, and I use it to hold hand held gardening tools.
  • Mary boudreaux Mary boudreaux on May 23, 2016
    Thanks for all the wonderful ideas. So many to choose from, I'm really going to have to think about them.
  • Elz5436007 Elz5436007 on May 24, 2016
    Aidez à répondre à cette question ...
  • Elz5436007 Elz5436007 on May 24, 2016
    il serait peut être possible aussi d'en faire une mangeoire pour les oiseaux accroché à un arbre.. il serait beau et eux seraient heureux
  • Josie Josie on May 24, 2016
    I think it is a pretty piece. If it were mine I think i would find a way to insert photos in the circles and use it for a picture display. family maybe? or plates.
  • Cindy Cindy on May 24, 2016
    it would be really cute if u cut plastic bottles in different lengths so they stick out at the sides but cut the top part of the bottle shorter and put bird seed in them
  • Shele long Shele long on May 24, 2016
    Paint, turn it on its side. fill with terracotta planters holding herbs......
  • Lvd6307403 Lvd6307403 on May 25, 2016
  • Yana Yana on Jul 03, 2016
  • Barb Barb on Oct 18, 2021

    Its very nice as it is Imo . But you could lay it on its side on a tray then put some paper towels in the top hole to wipe up spills on the picknick table .Then in the other holes you can add serving spoons and other utensils for serving .In some of the other holes add you eating utensils such as spoons forks knives . add some napkins and maybe even some katsup mustard and mayo in the long squirt bottles .

    You know have a nice serving caddy for those outings with friends & family that you can turn in to something else once again .