How can I make this room look better?

by Cynthia
I have a neutral green on the walls and in the trey ceiling. Trying to sell my home and need to make it more appealing. Should I paint the fireplace white to make the space look larger and brighter? Should the tv are be painted a different color? Other colors in home are blue and white thoughout.
Color is not this bright.
Actual color. can appear grey green or tan depending on time of day.
  35 answers
  • Z Z on Jun 20, 2013
    First I would not paint the fireplace. If a potential buy wants it white it's an easy job for them, but once you paint it it's not an easy job to undo if a potential buyer would have liked it more if it stained. Have you been getting negative feedback, because I don't see anything really wrong with the room other than if someone does like green. Though it's my favorite color, my five years old grandson informed me today that he doesn't really care for the color green.
  • Kat =^.^= Kat =^.^= on Jun 20, 2013
    Hi, I agree with Becky! dont paint the fireplace. I would paint the room a soft off white or linen and accent the ceiling and moulding in a slightly darker of same colour; maybe place something white on either side of the fireplace or a large vase of colourful flowers to accent. Neutral is best, I know though, it is hard to think, not your place anymore, so go plain and sleek, let the new buyers paint and make it their own, they would have a nice start if white or neutral. Your room looks great! Here are a few more thoughtsl add a small area rug under the table to ground it; touches of same colour in your gorgeous teal and blue painting around the room to bring it together on those neutral or white walls ;) good luck! have fun! how exciting!
  • Reinventing Space Reinventing Space on Jun 20, 2013
    As a professional home stager for 14 years, you have a few issues. You're focal point of your room, is a small wall between two entries. I can't see the rest of the room, so I'll just go off the two pictures provided. I'd 1st re-position your furniture to focus on the wall - Right now your main seating (sofa), is looking at a door. Add an area rug to create a nice seating arrangement and anchor the space. Angle the rug using the fireplace wall as the horizontal line. Make an impact with focal wall and make it POP - So, YES, YES, YES - paint the mantle surround white!!! It will have substance, the white draw the eye to it. Mount the TV on the wall so it it centered. Take the 2 prints down on the dining room entrance wall too. The cocktail table should have a few stacked cocktail books on an angle a nice large candle and holder. No fake flowers anywhere!! Staging is offering a dream to someone moving up - Show them how they can live in your home. Family rooms are cozy, comfy and are for family conversations and evening TV watching.
  • Cynthia Cynthia on Jun 20, 2013
    I've tried to place seating arrangement on an angle but the furniture is far too big for the room. I love the ideas you all shared. Thank you! No negative feedback other than house is too small. Thought the green might be making the room look too small.
  • Cynthia Cynthia on Jun 20, 2013
    Anyway to make the dark fireplace area pop?
  • Sue Sue on Jun 20, 2013
    I have this same thing and I'm thinking of whitewashing the brink .Not totally painting it for those that will like exposed brick(me)
  • Linda Linda on Jun 20, 2013
    I'm not a home stager by any means; liked the stager's comments, except for painting the fireplace. Yikes! Your room is really quite nice, esp. the floor and the ceiling. Is the cat included?....nice kitty! If your furniture is too big to place on an angle, can you trade out for other furniture in your home, or borrow someone else's? The rectangle behind the TV could be painted a darker shade of the wall color and maybe the top board only of your fireplace could be painted white, plus the edges of the indented space, if you know what I mean. I would change out the candles on either side of the TV for something way taller, thinner and less symmetrical, maybe in a color similar to your colorful painting. I would also remove the placemat from beneath the coffee table flowers and place whatever other items you decide to use asymmetrically. I'm guessing a lot of people would rather have a different light fixture. I like your wall color. I think it is fairly neutral. Good luck!!
  • Sherry Bullard Sherry Bullard on Jun 20, 2013
    I liked the ideas of "reinventing space" Cynthia is there any way you could remove some of the furniture to make it work more like she suggested? if you don't have a place to move it out to possibly moving a piece to another room or basement. Just a thought. I agree too, to paint the mantle white. When you mentioned that I was thinking definitely :). I go to the parade of homes where I am from every year and the trend now is white and bright for sure! And honestly people want a home that is move in ready now a days. They do not want to even paint, people are much much less do it your selfers than they used to be and want it already done for them.
  • Z Z on Jun 20, 2013
    @Cynthia I'd not worry about making major changes, instead add a paint allowance. We gave a carpet allowance when selling our last home. This gave the buyer power to change the flooring to something of their choosing as would a paint allowance in the wall and fireplace finishes. Personally I think HGTV has so many thinking our homes need to fit a certain mold to sell quickly. We're all individuals that have different likes and dislikes so changing your home to fit one mold is not necessarily going to sell it faster. My best advise is to remove as many personal items and furnishings from your home to allow the potential buyer a chance to see your home and not how you've decorated it. Yes a beautifully decorated home can be attractive but it can also be distracting. They're looking at your home, not what's in it. And relax. The family that's meant to buy your home is out there. They just haven't visited yet. In this DIY world there's no reason to think you have to make your home perfect for some unknown strangers. Most want a home they can afford with the potential to become a home of their dreams. It'll happen.
  • Molly Brown Molly Brown on Jun 20, 2013
    I don't understand why to leave a paint or rug allowance? After people buy a house, they do whatever they want to anyway. Why pay for it? It's the way you had it when you lived it's someone elses. It's all cosmetic anyway.
  • Z Z on Jun 20, 2013
    @Molly, giving the allowance puts the choices in the hands of the potential buyer instead of the current home owner changing things that may still not be what a potential buyer would have chosen. It's win win for both the seller and the buyer.
  • Molly Brown Molly Brown on Jun 20, 2013
    I understand that, but why is it up to the seller to change these types of things that are just decorating items? Just enticement, I guess.......
  • Cynthia Cynthia on Jun 20, 2013
    When I bought the home the fireplace was a pinkish color fieldstone which we changed to a stained wood. The flooring was grey berber which just collected cat hair so I opted for a wood floor. The walls were all white and looked very sterile so I picked some neutral blues and greens to liven it up some. Looking now I wish I had left the living room wall a soft white and just painted the trey ceiling. As for furniture there are only three pieces in the room. It's very small 14x17 and has openings in all directions. I wish I had smaller furniture or could borrow come, but nothing available. When I bought the home the lady had a huge couch in front of a low window with two chairs. Rooms looked really small. Trying to make a small house look larger is not really easy. Taking the suggestion to get larger candles for the mantel are. The mantel now is stained the same color as all the cabinets in the house. I may just change it out to white. People say the house shows well, but looks very small. Being only 1290 sf I guess it will. Thank you all for your help! Holding out for the person looking for a nice country home.
  • Kathie taylor Kathie taylor on Jun 21, 2013
    It looks to me that the wall the fireplace is on is very narrow...what if you painted that white all the way up so that it frames the tv, but leave the part the tv is on green. Is the fireplace useable? Is there a grate? Can you place some logs there? A restaurant we frequent uses a small strand of lights to look like flames during the summer when it is too hot for a fire. My trick was always make it smell like you are baking.... I keep one of those wax chip candle burners ( Better homes and Gardens @Walmart)on a timer. Good luck and remember someone will love it the same as you!
  • Karen Lambe Karen Lambe on Jun 21, 2013
    I like Linda's idea of painting behind the tv using a slightly darker shade than the wall. I also think an area rug would warm the space and anchor the sitting area. we just sold our house and I understand how you feel.
  • 117135 117135 on Jun 21, 2013
    DO NOT paint the fireplace, that is a major change and it should be up to the new owner. I would paint the inset above the fireplace a different color to make it pop. Can you move the TV somewhere else and decorate the fireplace mantel to be a mantel and not for a TV? I would add a great area rug to give some color. It looks to me you just need a few more accessories to give the room a comfortable feel. Maybe the furniture is too big for the room and oversized furniture will make a small room look tiny, change out the furniture if possible.
  • Pat Pat on Jun 21, 2013
    I would not paint the fireplace but would paint the coffee table....the white stands out too much. I would put the TV on a small credenza, on the wall where the green painting is and put artwork or mirror on the fireplace.
  • Gina Mora Gina Mora on Jun 21, 2013
    Don't paint the fireplace, but you could add a bright pop of color by putting a fabric runner on top and coordinating with matching pillows and a rug. (Make it something you like-then, when you sell, you get to bring those with you--you can always reuse the runner on a table). Ditch the painting--replace it with a grouping of mirrors or one large one to create space. Mount the television--make the fireplace a mantel. If it works, put wood in it. You want them to know that it is functional. Ditch the flowers and add books instead.
  • Larose LoganOakes Larose LoganOakes on Jun 21, 2013
    Hi Cynthia! One of the things that I found most helpful when looking at homes for sale was a floor plan with the size of the rooms listed and placement of doors and windows.A lot of realtors seem to leave that information out of the picture. When a prospective buyer is at home after a busy and confusing day of looking at a lot of different houses for sale it can boggle your brain. It helps if you can also show placement of some of the larger size furniture inside of the house as well as tress and shrubs, etc outside of the house.Also if you can put some cute little signs around the house like what size tv would fit in that opening above the fireplace etc.I would use some neon poster paper cut out in a zig zag design to best capture their attention.) Oh and I agree with Molly that most prospective home buyers expect to have to change the color of the walls. That is part of the fun of buying a new home, putting your own mark on the place.I would not put anymore holes in the walls than what is currently necessary.Best of luck to you in selling your home! :) Be Brave!
  • Sharry Speaks Closter Sharry Speaks Closter on Jun 21, 2013
    Try the color "Riverbed" which I buy at Dunn Edwards.Take the coffee table out and try an ottoman (footstool) in it's place, 2 small ones or 1 large one. If that's a TV over the fireplace get rid of it. Remove all the nick naks and small pictures. The picture on the wall by the chair is questionable and the chair as well. Can you add more pictures of the overall room?
  • Accentuations! Accentuations! on Jun 21, 2013
    Hello Cynthia! Don't know the real estate market in your area but I want you to not be discouraged! Many areas are moving real estate very slowly yet. And beside, when the perfect buyer comes through they will love the house for what it is! Regarding your room...I would most definately NOT paint the fire place! Wood always provides and implies warmth and value. I would, however paint the area above in a color that is either deeper or contrasting to emphasize the mantel and the niche. So many folks are hanging their tv's these days that a nicely sized spot like that is of value to the home. Also, because the tv is smaller, I would consider a green plant on either side of the tv---you will show off more space and draw the eye over to it. If the room is adequate, I would consider addressing the furniture toward the focal point in your room--which is the fireplace/tv. An area rug in a more vivid color in the space between with draw the areas together and warm things up along with defining the room. I would not paint the coffee table at all...what would you do with it later? Lastly, I think the picture on the wall is lovely, but a bit undefined. Have you considered a frame to help make it pop? That and maybe a few colorful throw pillows should be all it takes. You have a nice place and certainly don't want to put your money into it unless you believe you will recoup that amount by making changes. Wishing you the best of luck!! If I could be of further help please feel free to ask!
  • Janice Janice on Jun 21, 2013
    I agree with those above about painting the niche and losing the TV for the time being ..... I would also move the coffee table out. I would orient just the couch, OR if you have another chair that is about the same size as the one shown in the 2nd picture in front of the fireplace with a colorful rug between them and the fireplace. The couch could then be set up as another seating area within the room. I too live in a home of about that footprint and have a couch, rocker, recliner, fireplace, 2 end tables and a trunk 'coffee table' in my space with plenty of floor space left. Good luck.
  • Hurry and get that rug on the floor. Get the sofa off of the wall, what are you looking at. Put matching pillow in the chair, (make it more inviting). Create an intimate sitting place with your sofa facing the fireplace. DON"T paint the fireplace. may want to soften that wall color as well.
  • TheOldPostRoad T TheOldPostRoad T on Jun 21, 2013
    A potted plant - pretty large, next to the fireplace. Something on the mantle. A rug, for sure - go to Ikea or Lowe's and get a tan colored natural fiber (look alike) rug to soften the room -I like this one - . Plants can do wonders for a room - as long as they are full and healthy. You could place one that drapes (like ivy) in a small bowl on the edge of the mantle. Maybe a pillow in the chair for a little color.
  • Cindy Cindy on Jun 21, 2013
    That would be my suggestion as well...reposition the furniture to play up the fireplace. Paint the recess where the tv is white or the color of the door and trim. Add area carpet to brighten up the room ...make it fun. Use a few large plants around the room. A grouping of color on the mantel that ties in area rug...such as candle stick group or different size glass or pottery. Topiary of ivy on each side or some potted plants of fireplace....fireplaces will sell a house...make the area homey and inviting. Burn pillar candle group in fireplace...use battery operated...have turned on when showing.
  • Lanie Lanie on Jun 21, 2013
    A lovely mirror in a frame, or beveled, would be great above the fireplace. Sitting on the mantel a small collection of colorful glass and a plant such as an orchid. Buyers may want to put a TV there, I've seen it in several homes, but for the purpose of selling, a soft inviting focal point and vibe is best.. An area rug under the coffee table is a must, but keep it just about 4"-6" larger than where the table legs are. Your home looks lovely, you've done a nice job of getting it ready to sell, it looks super clean and uncluttered. Best of luck! BTW.. your cat is beautiful!
  • Cynthia Cynthia on Jun 22, 2013
    Thank you all again for your thoughts. I will be making some changes that you all suggested. If I could add on 500 sf to the home I would be better off. Everyone so far said it shows lovely, but very small. I actually bought it to add onto but ended up liking it the way it is.
  • Jo Tieslau Jo Tieslau on Jun 22, 2013
    I agree with the stager. I have a small family room and when I purchase new furniture the Designer suggested angling my sofa and I have to say I was hesitant. But it worked our beautifully. I lived with it the traditional way and than move it back to the angle. Makes the room much more inviting and comfy!
  • Linda Parker Linda Parker on Jun 22, 2013
    Hi Cynthia, These are all great suggestions....and not to add to your confusion (I usually do not comment on these because of that - felt compelled to comment on yours though =) I am a Feng Shui Designer and have worked in the interior design field for 15 yrs. You have a very nice room, but it's what a person "feels" when they walk into it that makes a difference. Everything has a vibration.....even the past conversations or events in the space. I would suggest clearing the space with sage first. You can buy it in a stick and just light the end (open all windows and doors) start from your front door and move clockwise through your house. Blow gently on the stick to create smoke and blow it into all spaces seen and unseen. This may sound crazy, but it works to move out stuck energy (and people do feel it) it will smell for a little while, but it will go away. Play some nice soothing music in the house afterwards and when you are not there....the vibrations will create a feeling of peace and we are all looking to come home to that at the end of our day. You also have a lot of "wood & metal" colors & elements in both rooms (elements can work with or against each other) wood & metal fight with each other....add some "water" elements or color to both rooms (darker, "muddy" colors, shiny items, mirrors, or artwork/pictures hung on the wall in a cascading fashion).My suggestions: Some mirror tiles or a large mirror on the top of the cocktail table (under what you already have) along with some throw pillows that would complitment a 5x7 at least, area rug in front of the sofa (transitional= one with mostly dark colors & a nondescript pattern, to keep the room from having any kind of definite title of style, this way anyone can look at the room and see their furniture here) move the chair over next to the sofa on a 45 degree angle; move the t.v. off the fireplace (it is not big enough to balance the bottom half) the inset area above should have something there that will stand out (painting it is not a bad idea either....and def. a darker color) a picture or artwork that will take up most of the space would balance out the area below. I would also agree to paint the mantle white because of the thick white trim on the bottom, it will draw your eye up (the thick white trim at the bottom of the fireplace seems to draw my eye there and then I have a hard time looking anywhere just keeps going back to that spot. This may just be the picture, but my guess is that it still has the same "weight" when you are in the room) The fireplace also is on it's own wall, and in a walkway....put something on both sides of it to anchor that space....flowering plants would be very pretty and add some life energy, or some tall finials....what ever you use, make sure that they don't stick out so far as to create a barrier into the next room. A sofa table or chest on the wall with the art work is a great suggestion, and the t.v. on top of that (if you are still using it...if not, another large piece of artwork) a tall leafy plant next to that with an uplight behind it would make for great shadows on the wall and ceiling above which creates a nice calm atmosphere. And again, another area rug under the dining table, one that compliments or is the same, but larger than the one in the living room. A nice floral arrangement on the table would also slow down the energy in the space from leaving so fast (or you could hang a 30-40mm round faceted crystal above that is good quality= high lead content) When your prospective buyers enter your space they also bring with them their "intent to buy" energy....when you have large windows (which is good!) you want them to be open (if there is a great view anyway) and energy likes to "leave fast" when it comes to open by putting something in the way, we distract the option of leaving quickly, which gives time to look around and contemplate.....feel....and imagine themselves in this space. Also, make sure you are REALLY ready to let this house go! You're feelings about it can also be felt by others when they enter.....if you have feelings of remorse for not getting everything done the way you wanted= release them and forgive yourself (it's OK)....if there were any hopes and dreams that you had for your life while living in this house and they didn't happen= release them and forgive yourself (it's OK) ~ you get where I am going with this =} You can also attract the "perfect buyer" to you! Imagine (or even better, write down) in great detail, who you would see wanting, loving, and living in this space. You see, our vibrations attract like vibrations....right now there is someone wanting everything your house is offering....but they can't find it. They're vibrations are out there....all you have to do is put yours out there. One last thing, be sure to sage your house often, it will clear out any negativity that is left there from perspective buyers and others! Sorry this is so long, what I do is not summed up in a sentence or 2, and usually needs explaining along with the suggestions I give.....Good Luck to you....namaste =}
  • Dana Nodler Dana Nodler on Jun 24, 2013
    I love the color of the walls. I agree with the white fireplace. Why not just remove the TV and place a mirror or piece of art on that wall?
  • Larose LoganOakes Larose LoganOakes on Jun 25, 2013
    I was surprised that no one mentioned using a fire place screen. They make lovely ones out of wood or stained glass. They are temporary artwork that you can take with you to your next home.Some people prefer to put candle arrangements in the fire place and this is nice if you are having an open house but you obviously can't leave the candles lit for very long. Maybe use some of those flameless votive candles inside of some Mason jar holders all inside of the fire place.You can play with the colors of the candles or whatever you decide to put into the fireplace.Best of luck to you!:)
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  • Z Z on Jun 25, 2013
    What a lovely idea @Larose!
  • Roberta Alessi Roberta Alessi on Jun 25, 2013
    I would first paint the fireplace wall a contrasting color and make a sliding cabinet with a print on it that would cover the tv when not in use (or showing the house)
  • Cynthia Cynthia on Jul 04, 2013
    Thanks Roberta. Say hi to Joe.
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jun 02, 2021

    Hi, Change the TV for a large Mirror or Larger TV. Add an electric Fire with real coals or logs in the fire place. Add a Hearth. or add a wood trim around the opening for the TV.