Garden, Mulch Beds, Mulch Washing Away, Drainage Solution for Patio

Clay B
by Clay B
2 Materials
2 Weeks

We had a patio installed last year on the back of my house to replace the old deck, and connected it to my old patio around the pool. One thing the installer should have advised (he did build what I wanted), but he should have mentioned water run-off. when it rained hard, the mulch would wash out of the bed between the two patios. So I installed metal edging, added gravel. Two hard rains, and no mulch moved. The only water in the bed has to fall directly on it, so it is doing great. I like the metal edging, very easy to install, looks better than the vinyl rolls, I started with that, but ripped it out and returned it, as it looks so bad, plus it would not be strong enough to hold up the gravel/rocks. Plus a added photo of my front garden for others to get ideas, still need to work on the front garden to the right of the steps though, but it's getting there.

Before: the First Garden attemp. Mulch would wash away.
After: added metal edging and rocks to keep mulch from washing away.
After: another view
After: another view again
view from other side of pool.
Pic of front garden area, so far...

Past Summer pic

another past summer pic

and another past summer pic

added a roof over patio finally. I had a builder do this part.

2x6 T&G, with white solid stain for roof sheathing. 2ftx4ft skylights. Still need to add ceiling fans.

Need to re-do my garden now; got all tore up due to installing the post footings.

Suggested materials:
  • 2x6 T&G   (Saunders Lumber-Suffolk VA)
  • Velux skylights
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  • Renee Renee on Nov 16, 2017

    I went to Home Depot they had no clue, I found the plastic. But nothing metal. I even asked for facia flashing. No help. What's it called? It sounds like you used materials from gutters, am I correct?

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5 of 47 comments
  • Clay B Clay B on Jun 09, 2015
    The plants all grown up!
    comment photo
  • Deanna Deanna on Jun 27, 2015
    How deep did you make the hole for the stones? Did you put landscape fabric down before adding the stones? Thanks
    • See 2 previous
    • Clay B Clay B on Dec 03, 2020

      Better off using PREEN weed control in flower beds. Make is manageable.
