Baseboards too high

by Michele
Hi everybody. I finally got carpet put in the absent. The carpet looks great, but now it is apparent that my contractor put the baseboards at different heights around the room. Where they are too high, the room has an unfinished look. If I year put the baseboards, I'll have to redo the painting. Anybody have an idea of how to make this look better? All ideas are appreciated!!!!!!!
  14 answers
  • Jemma Dee Jemma Dee on Jun 03, 2016
    Add "quarter round" at the floor level and that will cover up the gaps. Be sure and paint it first if you do not find it prefinished.
    comment photo
  • William William on Jun 03, 2016
    I have never heard or seen a contractor remove baseboard to install carpet. Usually they just remove the quarter round molding which is replaced after the install. Any chance he removed the quarter round molding and forgot to replace it or damaged it and didn't want to replace it?! Otherwise do what Jemma Dee suggests. Quarter round is used to hide gaps and imperfections for a clean look. I'm surprised there wasn't any quarter round or other molding there originally.
    • Michele Michele on Jun 03, 2016
      @William Thank you! The baseboards were added before the carpet. The room was re-done after a flood.
  • Chris Chris on Jun 04, 2016
    There are other moldings that have a nicer profile than quarter round. Check out your local big box store for one. That is the only option other than removing and reinstalling the original molding. If you are going to do that, I would change up the new molding for something bigger and more interesting.
  • Sue Kiene Sue Kiene on Jun 04, 2016
    I agree, quarter round or something similar will do the job.
  • Cynthia Nye Cynthia Nye on Jun 04, 2016
    When it's all furnished and decorated, no one's really going to notice the tiny gap..just sayin'
  • Johnchip Johnchip on Jun 04, 2016
    Molding or removing only real choices. But let's get creative. If you have any remnants of the carpet, cut up the fluff, make a slim roll of it (glued ) and push it in the gap. 2. Find a nice piece of rope that fits and 'push it in' like a piping. 3. Call back the installer and make him correct it.
  • Centsably Creative Centsably Creative on Jun 04, 2016
    william is correct. As a former flooring contractor, we only removed baseboards for tile and wood installs. Never for carpet. That being stated, I would remove them and place them correctly. Yes it is more work but I like things done the correct way. At the very least, you could add quarter round to the base board.
  • Rae Rae on Jun 04, 2016
    Michele sometime ago I came across a project where the old molding was covered right up by new molding placed right over the top.. If anyone of you diy people remember this post help Michelle out, It turned out gorgeous and I agree why did he remove the baseboard? Normally the carpet is tacked and fitted right tight against it,
  • 9530106 9530106 on Jun 05, 2016
    If this is in a basement, I can see why it may have been installed this way. I have never seen quarter round used with carpeting, but whatever the case, I agree, I wouldn't think it that noticeable with furniture, etc.
    • See 3 previous
    • 9530106 9530106 on Jun 07, 2016
      @Michele Yes, that is why in my first comment, I mentioned if it was in the basement, I could see why they may have been installed this way. Cement floors can be quite uneven, so they would have been installed from the highest point, most likely. Good luck with what you decide to do. I don't think it is that noticeable. :)
  • Jeannie Cruden Jeannie Cruden on Jun 05, 2016
    buy three/quarter in round paint it white and add it to the bottom it will make it look more expensive too.
  • MD MD on Jun 05, 2016
    You need to install quarter round molding. It is very inexpensive and will give your base a finish look. You can purchase it already primed or raw. I would suggest painting it before installation.
  • Nancy Gramm Nancy Gramm on Jun 05, 2016
    I vote for the quarter round. Good luck!
  • Mcgypsy9 Mcgypsy9 on Jun 06, 2016
    Yes quarter round is definitely the answer to your problem. A lot of baseboards are put in this way to allow for wood floors to be added and the wood will fit directly under the baseboards without gaps. If you put carpets down there will be a gap which needs to be covered with the quarter round. Before you get your QR be sure to measure up your baseboard and out from your baseboard to make sure it will cover it. There are different sizes of QR.
  • Ely2512234 Ely2512234 on Jun 17, 2016
    Add a half wide baseboard to the existing bb and paint same color . Very trendy in europe.