We have 3 windows & are unsure how to decorate them for our nursery. One valance w/ sheers? Separated? Panels?

Tracy S
by Tracy S
HELP!!! Please suggest some (visual) options for us. We'd like to showcase the windows, rather than cover them up. But with the different sizes, we are having a dilemma.
Thanks so much in advance!
Windows in Nursery
  65 answers
  • Marge H Marge H on May 18, 2012
    3 different sized bamboo shades
  • Jean C Jean C on May 18, 2012
    I would have one valance that goes across all 3 windows so that it looks like one big window. I would then use blackout shades on each window. It really helps at nap time and when it's still daylight at bedtime.
  • Teresa M Teresa M on May 18, 2012
    Shades and then floor to ceiling drapes of your liking
  • Mandy C Mandy C on May 18, 2012
    or one large bamboo shade
  • Edict Inc Edict Inc on May 18, 2012
    I'm an interior designer/architect. My advice is whatever you use, for a more contemporary look, I would take one long pole and hang curtains from the ceiling to the floor as one option, or you could get one long solar shade or roman shade/etc. and hang it at the top next to the ceiling to give the illusion that it is all one window. The other option would be shutters. Hope this helps!
  • Pam R Pam R on May 18, 2012
    Put a rod across the length of the windows, then put panels on the sides and a topper in the middle. This way it will cover the fact that there are two different levels.
  • Tracy S Tracy S on May 18, 2012
    Thanks everyone, however we like the different sizes of the windows and would like to accent rather than hide. Also, this will be for my baby's nursery, so we'd like to buy fabric and utilize this as a decor feature.... so a large shade (bamboo wouldn't work). Keep the suggestions coming! :)
  • Shirl W Shirl W on May 18, 2012
    I would paint murals and let the window trim be the frame.
  • Crystal S Crystal S on May 18, 2012
    Roman Shades
  • Joan L Joan L on May 18, 2012
    I agree...Roman shades
  • Ann R Ann R on May 18, 2012
    I love the way that looks and would not take away from it. I would put a rod across middle window and hooks on upper outside corners of short windows, With long piece of material I would make a droop on middle window and another droop to the hooks. Venetians blinds to control the lighting.
  • Patty W Patty W on May 18, 2012
    I would do plantation shutters
  • Debora Debora on May 18, 2012
    Window flim using the pattern of your choice. Creates a beautiful atmosphere, filters the light yet adds depth and dimension, goes on with a couple drops of dish detergent and water. You can change the pattern to suit your childs taste and leave the beautiful woodwork exposed.
  • Katy B Katy B on May 18, 2012
    I would create 3 roman type shades with a soft pastel fabric and then applique a Zoo animal on each. That way they would look cohesive but separate.
  • Sherry R Sherry R on May 18, 2012
    awesome windows! make sure they are visible at all times..
  • Debora Debora on May 18, 2012
    Window film this is one of sites I used for my own home. http://www.wallpaperforwindows.com/pc/All-Stained-Glass-Window-Films-c36.htm
  • Kaza Design L Kaza Design L on May 18, 2012
    as an interior decorator, I agree with DLD interiors. Ceiling to floor window treatments is your best option. A nice pattern will accentuate the nice windows you have rather than hide them.
  • Cori H Cori H on May 18, 2012
    I like the ideas suggested earlier of the mural or the draped/swagged effect from the higher window to the lower windows. Not knowing room layout, etc, but knowing that this is in a nursery, what about turning the window and/or area around it into a sitting area for your rocker? You could frame the window on either side with bookshelves for toys, etc...maybe a small bench seat that doubles as a storage bin for toys. If done right, it could become a great feature for your baby as he/she grows up!!
  • Stephen B Stephen B on May 18, 2012
    The windows are very geometric. I'd take a step back and see how you can make them a focal point in the room. Maybe do a stenciled accent wall that echoes the geometric pattern formed by the top of windows.
  • Crystal S Crystal S on May 18, 2012
    Roman sHADES come in different patterns, styles, and textures. Started off with roman shades for the baby room windows, then change styles for a youth room. I have the same windows as you but they are all the same size. Plus they fit inside the window seal which DOES NOT TAKE AWAY THE LOOK OF THE WINDOWS. First set I special ordered because I had fairies on them, second was a plain color that I found at JC Penny's.
  • Sandy G Sandy G on May 18, 2012
    ceiling to floor country priscilla's with a center meet...you can adjust the swag to accent the windows to your liking...if privacy is a concern add mini blinds or shades underneath~
  • Sandy G Sandy G on May 18, 2012
    another option is a draped tiered topper...have topper on center window, then drape down to each side window & have some of the fabric drape on outer edge of each side window...you won't want full length drapes with a crawling, reaching baby....as the baby grows, remember they pull on everything. Have shades or blinds underneath...have fun!!
  • Teresa S Teresa S on May 18, 2012
    post some pic. of what ever you decide to do ...thanks
  • Leslie D Leslie D on May 18, 2012
    I would treat them as one window myself, but if you're looking to accentuate them, perhaps use the same window moulding and "fill in" the spaces above the two smaller windows, boxing them out to the same height as the center window. Then use stencils or stickers, to put a teddy bear, wooden letter, etc., to match your nursery within those boxed out spaces. You could then use whatever fabric you would like on the windows themselves, but the boxing out would balance it.
  • Ulrike M Ulrike M on May 18, 2012
    How about wall tattoos above and to the side of the smaller windows? Then use some sort of blinds that fit the color or theme of the tattoos..
  • DEB S DEB S on May 18, 2012
    I'd use a sharf valance hung with pull back hooks. Put the pull hooks on each side of the middle window and one on the end of each outside window. They can match your theme. Then just take the valance and trape it on the hooks. Fabric can match your theme too if you like. Keep the blinds if in good shape, that way you'll have privacy or open them for light. Pleated shades would like nice too.
  • Susan T Susan T on May 18, 2012
    I love those windows just as they are! I can't see what kind of blinds but they look good. I like the wide 2 inch blinds myself. If this was my baby's room I'd just have some little monkeys in different positions on the tops of the trim and at least one hanging by a tail in front of window or two. I also like Ann's idea of the draping but not to the floor so the baby won't pull on it Let's see when you're done! Congrats on the baby!
  • Donna C Donna C on May 18, 2012
    I think I would put more highlight on the smaller windows, with window treatments that can be a black out and the larger window would put a matching valance with a mini blind in a color that would be part of the small window treatment. Say if you used a print, would use the same as the valance and take a color from that as the color of the blind. More of a contrast than to match colors.
  • Kat B Kat B on May 18, 2012
    I hope I can describe this right- put Shaker pegs on both ends of the tall window and on the farthest end of the smaller windows. Drape your fabric over the pegs. This will allow light in and accent the uniqueness of the window combination.
  • Cathy L Cathy L on May 18, 2012
    A lot of good ideas here. Are you going to do this yourself, or just 'buy' something? If you can sew - there are so many beautiful materials with "wonderful" patterns for either girls or boys. You can make an easy baby quilt with matching bumpers pads quite easily & then your window treatment. I'd decide on colors, themes (animals, flowers, etc) first then decide on the window treatment.
  • Barbara C Barbara C on May 18, 2012
    They are saying they want to showcase the window differences not make it generic!! I might put colorful shades and then put some sort of picture above each of the shorter windows. Or put cafe type curtains and maybe on the top of the tall window hang some stained glass
  • Edict Inc Edict Inc on May 18, 2012
    Cornice Boxes....I personally am not a fan of these windows but that may be a way to highlight them rather than hide them.
  • Denise Gentry A Denise Gentry A on May 18, 2012
    They may go by a new name now, but in the 80's they were called Austrian Balloon curtains. They would be beautiful on those windows. And please do NOT hide the asymetrical size of the windows. They are classically beautiful!
  • Becky H Becky H on May 18, 2012
    Have you considered designing shades for the 3 windows? What colors do you plan to use in the nursery? Shades with large children's blocks, using the letters of the child's first initials could be painted or sewn onto the shades. 3 shades made using like colors but different patterns could be made, emphasizing the 3 different windows. An accenting color could be used on the window woodwork. There are so many different things you can do here.
  • Carole M Carole M on May 18, 2012
    One long rod,2 sheers and tie backs. close blinds at night.
  • Pam B Pam B on May 18, 2012
    Girl or boy? If it's a girl, I've done "canopy rods" for each window in my daughter's nursery, with extra wide white ruffle-edged valances. They bow outward, like some shower rods that you see. I also hung a"fake" birdcage from the center window. It looked adorable! You can also do the same over the head of the crib as well.
  • Jane M Jane M on May 18, 2012
    I had windows like these, I bought some deocorative drawer knobs on Ebay- attached them to longer bolts with a screw end that I got at lowe's. Scrwed them up and bought material to match my decor. Using decoratswag up the fabric from knob to knbive cording, twine, or ties made from the fabric from knob to knob. Looks very custom.
  • Kathy B Kathy B on May 18, 2012
    The knob idea is a good one- just hang one on either side at the top of the center window and one on each outer side of the lower windows then drape a light and airy valance from them. It looks like you already have blinds for privacy. The effect would be stunning.
  • Beth S Beth S on May 18, 2012
    For a little girl, billowy pastel sheers on each window separately. For a boy, roman shades in primary color prints.
  • Anna Marie A Anna Marie A on May 18, 2012
    Go to the Ceiling with Solid or striped colored taffeta girlie drapes and then tie them back. From the inside and the outside you would not know the window behind the drapes are different shape.
  • Kelly S Kelly S on May 18, 2012
    Close the blinds then paint a mural on them. Let it dry and flip them to the other side and paint a different scene. That's 2 for 1 and the windows will still be highlighted.
  • Kim T Kim T on May 18, 2012
    I would go with middle valance, tie backs on each side.
  • Bridgette R Bridgette R on May 18, 2012
    I do decor as well...I also like the unusual look of these windows....if your hubby is a carpenter I would have him make 3 separate valances...then you can upholster them using material according to the rest of your baby decor....I wish those windows were in my home.
  • Lisa D Lisa D on May 18, 2012
    I like these windows i would hang the rod about 3 inchs above the lower windows and let the natural lite come in from the above window that would remain uncovered ....also some easy stained glass paint could make it less bright and could match the colors used in the rest of the room.
  • Kim L Kim L on May 19, 2012
    I was just about to say the same thing!!! One change I'd make - instead of stained glass paint, purchase some of that type of plastic or vinyl that is somewhat frosted looking and adheres itself to windows. Cut to fit each window pane above the curtain & just press it on! You'll still get brightness in the room, but not the harsh sun. It can be removed & put back on any time you'd like.........no mess!
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on May 19, 2012
    For the time being since it is going to be a baby's room...imagine this. An L shaped shelf lying on its side with the bottom of the L (short leg) against the taller window. Then sit a stuffed toy on each shelf...lean the toy with its back to the short leg of L and one leg dangling over edge. This could be changed out as child grows...everything from dolls to baseball gloves and balls...to stacks of their childhood books. Then no other elaborate window coverings necessary! Or you could make small white boxes and hang them.
  • Tracy S Tracy S on May 19, 2012
    Thanks so much everyone for the wonderful suggestions. Quite alot to think about!! This will be for a baby boy, for those who asked. Thinking either Roman Shades, or doing the some type of swag above, just want to be sure its not cheesy looking since it will be DIY. Or even possibly plantation shutters if they are in our budget Would consider the panels, but don't want to have to re-evaluate once he becomes a toddler and it becomes dangerous. Will post pictures of whatever we end up with!! Thanks again for your help!! Tracy
  • P.j. C P.j. C on May 19, 2012
    Baby's room---so NO to full-length curtains. Yes to tiers or shutters.
  • Lois T Lois T on May 19, 2012
    My new home has plantation shutters on all windows and I love them....
  • Sandy G Sandy G on May 20, 2012
    IF you keep mini blinds be sure the cords NEVER dangle due to strangling risks for the baby...shutters would be timeless & adapt as the baby advances into school age, etc...if you know the colors you want in the baby's room you could choose 2 colors, & have solid valances (1 color for center) & a different color on both sides...this would pull the room together & an inexpensive change through the years, also inexpensive for right now. I like the idea of a shelf above ea side window to put baby toys etc for display. Another idea is one solid color topper straight across beginning @ side window top, leaving the upper center open & a stained glass hanging in this spot...also, easy to change....no ruffly stuff for this boy...keep it simple but colorful...also, consider the light direction of this room....east, west, north or south...don't want it too dark if it is facing north...you want bright airy colors. Can't wait to see what you decide!!!!
  • Beth S Beth S on May 20, 2012
    Tracy, be sure and post pics once you have made your decision. would love to see what you decide on.
  • Jean M Jean M on May 20, 2012
    I like the uneven sizes of your windows....do you want to keep the existing blinds? If not,then I would use a shade that would darken the room somewhat when it's nap time; or you could replace the blinds with a shade l that would darken the room slightly; or a shade that could be opened on the top (pulled down) while the bottom stays on the bottom. This would allow light to enter the room and still keep privacy; I like the idea of having separate valances at the top for each window. .Wow, that gives me another idea for when I make my den into a sunroom, using windows like your nursery windows, thanks alot ;) and CONGRATS !!!
  • Patty S Patty S on May 20, 2012
    Do scalloped roman shades. They are easy to make yourself.....pick up a pattern at the fabric store.
  • Bridgette R Bridgette R on May 21, 2012
    Hi Tracy...I got your e-mail...let me see if I can explain more thorough.... Make a valance out of wood and cover with upholstery matting using a staple gun...then choose ur material with ur nursery pattern and staple again. Make or have someone make 3 separate valances for each window. I would leave the mini blinds to allow the lighting to come in as u wish. But in addition to the valances I would choose a complimentary color for panels and sheers. These panels go under the valance. Good luck with whatever you choose to do with your beautiful windows. If you need further description, please feel free to ask.
  • Lynn T Lynn T on May 24, 2012
    Buy roller shades
  • Juana A Juana A on Jun 07, 2012
    Roman shades would look great. Make the outsides the same either print or solid and the one in the middle different it can be the solid if the outside is print or vice-versa Beautiful window.
  • Tracy S Tracy S on Oct 19, 2012
    Hello all, thanks for the suggestions. After much deliberation we decided to hang the fabric on a pole. I have attached a picture of the final product for our nursery. Thanks! Tracy
    comment photo
    comment photo
  • Sandy G Sandy G on Oct 20, 2012
    I love it!! perfect & let's light in those beautiful windows:) CONGRATULATIONS on your baby!!!
  • Juana A Juana A on Oct 20, 2012
    Looks great but when your baby starts crawling and pulling up you will be rethinking it.
  • Sandy G Sandy G on Oct 21, 2012
    very good point Juana...I missed that:)
  • Jo Ann Jo Ann on Oct 21, 2012
    I immediately invisioned a carriage or car with circular storage under the two short windows to simulate wheels and the main window to simulate a door and with aide of patching design on two side window curtains could simulate windows to either carriage or car, depending on whether you have boy or girl...perhaps a lil art work on wall to assist with the visual
  • Tracy S Tracy S on Oct 22, 2012
    Thanks!! Yes,I am sure many things will change in the room as he gets older. We can adjust the fabric as needed to get it out of the reach of little hands....
    • Connie H Connie H on Aug 31, 2014
      @Tracy S Well obviously this is an old one, but is re-circling back around. Congratulations on your probably 3 year old baby by now, but when ready as an idea, I would take a lace valance and go just at the top of the smaller windows and go straight across. They make them in so many patterns. I used to have bears on my lace valance. This way you wont lose any light in the bedroom and maybe put tiny hooks on the wall for the cords so the little one doesn't have any ideas. Very beautiful. = >
  • 153091 153091 on Jun 07, 2013
    I have always used tension rods in my childrens rooms. Place tention rods on all three of the windows, top to middle only, leave bottom open, no drape, curtain etc. (6 tension rods total) Then I sew a small two channels for rod in the material I have choosen.... sew in all three at top and bottom..(FIRST.measure width of windows and double that in material it makes curtain fuller) Feed tension rods through tops and bottom, adjust the material so it looks even. Pop into sides of window frame, adjust tension rods for tight fit. This way you never have to open, drape or pull back cutains. OPTION: the blinds stay at top OR when time for nap, lower all the way down. When blinds are pulled halfway up the bottom is perfect...... Children enjoy looking out bottom of windows.
  • Jan Jan on Jan 04, 2015
    I had the exact same windows in my son's room & I made roman shades. It turned out great.