How do you get rid of poison ivy?

Charlynn B
by Charlynn B
  9 answers
  • Walter Reeves Walter Reeves on May 19, 2012
    I get excellent results with any product that contains glyphosate (Roundup, KillZall, etc)
  • Charlynn B Charlynn B on May 19, 2012
    Thank you for the information!
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on May 20, 2012
    If it is mixed in with other plants, you can "paint" the product directly on the leaves using a foam brush. Use if full strength.
  • Carrie Chisholm Carrie Chisholm on Jun 05, 2015
    getting rid of serious poison ivy
  • Deb K Deb K on Apr 07, 2024

    Hi Charlynn, hope this helps you. Try cutting the vine about 6" above where it comes out of the ground. Put some full strength white vinegar on both of the cut ends by dipping them into a cup full of white vinegar. Do this all along the length of the vines. Repeat if necessary.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jun 09, 2024

    Cut off near the root and then pour boiling water on it, that will kill the root. when the plant has died, get suited up from head to toe and manually take it out. Dispose of it in the trash. Wash your clothes immediately and scrub down in the shower.

  • Betsy Betsy on Jun 09, 2024

    Hi Charlynne: What I did was to cut all I could get to and then I got a syringe, like diabetics use, filled it with a product called Ground Clear and injected the vines in several places. Be sure to wear disposable gloves! I also used one of those little foam paint brushes from the Dollar Tree to paint the underneath of the leaves, and the tops, with the Ground Clear. This way, the poison goes to the roots of that particular plant and not to the other plants you may want to keep. Dispose of the dead leaves and vines in a paper bag that you have secured with a twist tie and put in the yard waste container. Don't burn them as the smoke is very toxic.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 7 days ago

    With Due dilligence! Pull it out! Kill it off with a Spray! Go to Garden Centre and ask for Advice on Problem. Call in Proffesional Gardeners to sort it for you!