A Little Garden Walkway Out of Pallet Boards

2 Materials
1 Day

Desiring a way to walk from my driveway to the lawn, I decided a chunk of flowerbed had to go... to make room for an easy garden walkway made in just a couple of hours!

Need a little garden path of your own that's fast and easy... and free to make?

Here's how I did it:

Here is the before shot. I desired to reach the lawn from the driveway. So let's get to work!

Removing a few shrubs was the first step. Then new soil was placed, so it would be nice and workable around the boards.

The flowerbed looks better already, doesn't it?

Each individual plank was positioned into the soil for stability.

A few plants and rocks later, it was done.

Welcome to my little pallet wood garden walkway! Doesn't this resemble a beach boardwalk? Very simple to make!

Look how at home the walkway looks with some plants claiming the edges!

There is no sealer on this walkway. It's shown while wet. But you could certainly seal it with something outdoor durable.

This is the walkway at 3 years old!

Learn more about the original build in THIS POST!

Think you'll give this idea a try?

And visit many more easy garden junk ideas HERE!

Suggested materials:
  • Scrap wood   (the curb)
  • Hand garden tools   (garden center)
Donna at Funky Junk Interiors
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Diane Diane on Jun 24, 2019

    Love it! I plan to do something like this at our place in the mountains -- it is a wet area, so I will probably lay down gravel first. Someone who lived there before us lined it with concrete "blocks" but I will remove them. The path leads from our back porch to the arbor. Don't you think a plank walkway will be great here? (Here is the space "before"):

    comment photo
  • PeprmintPatti PeprmintPatti on Jun 23, 2020

    Didn’t you have to sand the boards to keep splinters away?

  • Dee Simmons Dee Simmons on Jan 26, 2022

    Did you secure the boards in any way or are they just laying loose on the ground?

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