
Darlene T
by Darlene T
Does anyone have any ideas on creating a small "self contained" waterfall/fountain/pond. I would REALLY love to add a water feature to my garden (other than just a bird bath) but my husband is very much against it, says self-contained can't be done. This is the one thing that we are at odds on for garden.... PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP!!!!! I would PREFER a waterfall / Fountain feature, I just love the sound of the 'babbling" Brook!
This is a stream that runs though our development... not close enough to my house though for me to enjoy on daily bases
  9 answers
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Jun 30, 2013
    There are kits you can purchase on line that are actually quite clever and easy to do, along with actually looking nice. I believe we have some aqua pro's in our group that can help you out with any questions you might have.
  • Melissa Melissa on Jul 01, 2013
    By myself! I used a recycled black pond form (Lowe's, if you don't have a friend) to make a nice little pond. I added a very small fountain, some large rocks, and some bright goldfish. It made a lovely sound outside my window, and was very calming. Didn't take much money, and created a real conversation piece.
  • Darlene T Darlene T on Jul 01, 2013
    Donna, thanks for the idea, I would kinda like to build out of recycle/re-purpose stuff. don't ask me why :-). Melissa, do you have pictures... would love to see it!!!
  • Darlene T Darlene T on Jul 01, 2013
    Donna, I still may check the kits out... if they don't cost too much (pinching pennies) Thanks again for the idea!
  • Peg Peg on Jul 07, 2013
    I bought my pre-formed pond, a used one. Put it in last fall, let it sit. Now I'm finishing it off this week, finally! All of the rain this year kept putting off the electrician to run an outlet and power to the pond area. I'll be having a low flowing waterfall, stream area to the pond. I bought all of the needed pumps, filters, pond liner plastic and hoses. Then will finish off with plants. Can't wait!
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  • Darlene T Darlene T on Jul 08, 2013
    Sounds great Peg... good luck! I think I've decided to go with the pondless waterfall... will probably take a while to finish, going to have to buy stuff piece mill. There are plenty of Rivers and creeks around here so a least I can get the rocks cheap (price of gas it takes to get there) then I'll have to figure out how to do the whole pump thing. We have a gazillion GNATs around here so I don't want to do ANYTHING with water that will encourage them... I've read that, unlike mosquitoes, Gnats like running water to lay there eggs... can't win, but maybe I can do something to keep them away from my Waterfall :-)... maybe a few frogs :-)
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Jul 08, 2013
    Sounds like a great plan @Darlene T , please post the outcome!
  • Susan Kolpack Susan Kolpack on Aug 02, 2014
    Our self contained self built garden pond with waterfall.
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  • Darlene T Darlene T on Aug 04, 2014
    Thanks for sharing Susan...it's absolutely beautiful. One day I hope to have something like that.