Shine quartx composite sink

by Gwh5487259
How do I shine my black quartz composite sink?
  2 answers
  • Lena Nehls Lena Nehls on Jun 16, 2016
    vegetable oil
  • Phil a Phil a on Jun 16, 2016
    This composite is actually an acrylic surface with stone "dust" added to give a stone like character. It is basically impervious to staining and is very wear resistant. However, the "grain" is a holding place for minerals that give the white stain look. We have the same issue with water spots. There are plenty of commercial products available but we use "magic eraser" type sponges which clean the spots without abrasives, then use the veggie oil, as Lena recommends. It's a constant battle. If you have rough spots in the surface you can use "scotch brite" type pads to polish the rough spots out. Lots of elbow grease needed, but you can get a good sheen on the surface, by using finer and finer "grit" pads. The less grain, the less minerals will stick and show when dried.