Quick Tip to a Better Smelling House

Just a touch of essential oil and an air filter can change everything.
Make sure your furnace is off! You don't want it engaging while your filter is out of place. That could get messy.
Pick your favorite essential oil. I personally love lemongrass, and in my blog post I tell you my favorite brands. (Side note: If you do choose doTerra, don't buy it from a distributor. Buy it though Amazon, which has several official distributors selling it almost at cost for them.)
Don't overdo it! This can be overpowering if you use too much. But how much you use is dependent on how big your house is, etc. How often you replenish is variable as well. It will often depend on how often your fan runs. Some thermostats (like the Nest) give you the option to turn on just the fan for a few minutes each day, which I recommend in the between seasons. During the between seasons, you aren't likely to run your HVAC system every day, so you need something else to circulate the air through the filter daily to spread the scent.
Michelle Lindsey Hutchins
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Hannah V Hannah V on Jun 20, 2016
    Woah what an awesome tip and idea! Thanks for sharing!
  • William William on Jun 20, 2016
    I've been doing this for years with air fresheners, but never thought of using essential oils! Will give it a try.