Decor mix match dilemma!

by Samantha
Ok so I need help with what colour to paint the chimney wall in my dads sitting room. I had originally planned for a subtle grey, with white doors, dark floor, black or brown leather sofa with a white chimney wall to create space cause it is a narrow room.. But somehow when leaving it in the hands of my father and brother, they have somehow managed to get most things wrong. The grey doesn't look like the grey I had originally picked. I was right... It has a horrible undertone of green in it.. And the sofa.. They went off and bought a burgundy colour sofa.. And there is no way in hell would my dad consider to repaint the sitting room (said it was complicated and expensive) so he wants me to solve the chimney wall as honestly it just doesn't seem to sit right with anything anymore.. I gotta figure out a colour for the chimney and colour for curtains.. While trying to keep it spacious.. I'm just so confused.. Help!!! Pretty please!!!
This is late in the evening. Tv it being mounted on the chimney wall..
Earlier in the day
Trying to show you different angles
Different view
The sofa suite in burgundy colour
Trying to show you the undertone of the grey..
Oh and the wall lights my brother picked.. I think they look like urinals.. Apparently you can paint them. Ignore the little poser :) and the bro in crime in the background..
Messing around with crown colour app
More messing around with colour.. As you can see I'm clueless what to do
Should I match the sofa?
  12 answers
  • Sarah Barron Sarah Barron on Jun 22, 2016
    hi, i like the colour its a lovely shade but what about making a feature of the chimney breast? i think a deeper tone or a texture would make it standout, hope thats of some help :)
    • See 3 previous
    • Sarah Barron Sarah Barron on Jul 01, 2016
      now is that interesting in a good or bad way lol, bless you hope its coming together for you x
  • Jim L Jim L on Jun 22, 2016
    Sara's suggestion to use "slate gray" is exactly what I would suggest. Then use drapes that have all of the colors that are in the room. You can add more colors in the drapes and pick up one of the dominant colors for other accents.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 22, 2016
    In my opinion I would not paint the chimney a darker color. The room you stated is narrow. Using a dark color on that wall will draw the room in . I would keep that wall the same as the rest and highlight the room with colors in pictures,pillows,carpeting and drapes.
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    • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 22, 2016
      Still no dilemma. You need to realize that when you choose grays they look different in every light. Thats exactly why I suggested to continue the same color as on the walls .
  • Carole Bisby Carole Bisby on Jun 22, 2016
    Gosh this is difficult. I would try using a color close to the furniture, take a cushion to the paint store and see if they can match it up and that would accent with the furniture. Drapes maybe with a design with gray and burgundy in it or make cornice boards with the burgundy color to blend all the pieces together. Please update us on this I am very anxious to know how this turned out!! Good Luck, your such a nice daughter!
  • Jan Jan on Jun 22, 2016
    I like it the way it is. Or paint the fireplace wall in a deep dark color, one that matches a large item in the room.
  • Samantha Samantha on Jun 22, 2016
    You guys have been brilliant with the answers and they are all fabulous! I'll pop a photo of the room measurements. As the photos don't do justice on the shape and size of the room. It's a long narrow sitting room (this house originally was built like 70 odd years ago)
  • Samantha Samantha on Jun 22, 2016
    Measurements of sitting room
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  • Tris Smith Tris Smith on Jun 23, 2016
    I suggest shiplap around the fireplace bump out. Then I would put light colored bamboo blinds over the windows and topped with white sheers pulled back. This would lighten the heavy furniture. Add Some plants and it should pull it all together.
  • Samantha Samantha on Jun 23, 2016
    Hey you guys, so they got the tv up.. Holy Jesus it's a massive tv! Men really don't know how to keep things in sync.. :/ adding more problems to such a small room...
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  • Samantha Samantha on Jun 23, 2016
    It's huge!...I'm starting to think dark chimney breast will be too much now...
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    • See 1 previous
    • Samantha Samantha on Jun 24, 2016
      My nerves are shattered! My dad has his mind set on a dark wall. So may need to go with your idea.. Tried it out on the crown paint app.. Seems to blend well :)
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  • Anita Elaine Anita Elaine on Jun 25, 2016
    Do an optical illusion on it. Put up a floating shelf under the TV that will act as mantle. Dark beneath, leave lighter color above. Get narrow picture frames from the dollar store that are 8x30" (paint them white) attach to each side of heater opening to add vertical lines (faux wainscoting).
  • Debb Kopp Debb Kopp on Jun 26, 2016
    I like Anita Elaine's idea of some sort of shelf under the TV, as the TV looks odd hung on the wall like it is now. I also like the idea of the lighter/darker colors.