Asked on May 29, 2012

More Glass stuff and CD's too.Someone stop this lady!

Bernice H
by Bernice H
Well, here are some recent pieces. I am becoming unbalanced in this. Havent done anything creative, if you can call it that, in a long time, now it is all over the dining room!. Tho I did have 2 friends who said they would like a piece! hahaha And it is not as easy as it looks, trying to figure how to stack stuff s o it looks ok and will STAY stacked! BUT IT IS FUN! And relatively quick, instant gratification!
Now as for the cd's, most are boring,However I got a little silly, and you will notice the happy face ....and the sad face cd.They are front and back. So as It is spinning, you see happy face, sad face, happy face ,sad face, happy face.....get it? :) And they do spin! Anywaaayyyy...
I like this combo, surprised myself!
I love the unusual top dish! Wasnt that easy attaching it tho! This is spoken for! ha!
Yupppp, they do spin, and send off flashes of sparkle in my entry way/kitchen area. How fun these are hanging in a kids room from the light fixture or window. I had some teen girls making them one day ..and that is what they were going to do.
Yes, that is a ceramic lemon (from china if you will), a little whimsy here in Yakima where any self respecting lemon would not allow itself to grow!
  11 answers
  • Bernice H Bernice H on May 29, 2012
    Plumbing? Plumbing? I am categorized in PLUMBING?????
  • Lulu Dubin Lulu Dubin on May 29, 2012
    Bernice you're so creative!
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on May 29, 2012
    I don't see anything boring here! You are SO creative Bernice - and such a Hometalking pro - look at you! The post is now categorized correctly. Too bad we don't have a "creative" category :)
    • Bernice H Bernice H on May 10, 2016
      Thank You Miriam I I haven't seen this post in a very long time,not finding all of my posts. I had forgotten about these.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jun 06, 2012 you have any pictures of your garden art? I am getting ready to put vases or totems out there, just got a nice sweet bunch of blue vases and plates! Excitement! @Sheila..thanks for being so kind, they really do look lopsided, but you clarified it for everyone! Ha! You're a good friend! :)
  • Tudyrunningwater Tudyrunningwater on Oct 21, 2013
    I really want some one to teach me how to post pics from my phone so I can share my to, great @No search results.Beatrice... :-)
    • Bernice H Bernice H on Oct 21, 2013
      @Tudyrunningwater HI, it is easy..however just yell for Miriam!!! @Miriam I She taught me. Many can help you here.
  • Deborah Morey Deborah Morey on Oct 29, 2015
    I trust you are using food safe adhesives? Very important people know to look for that when purchasing supplies. Loctite makes one safe for aquariums that is clear..
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Oct 29, 2015
    Thanks for the info.good to think about. Nothing I made actually touches food but someone may.
  • Jacquelyn Palmer Boyet Jacquelyn Palmer Boyet on Nov 11, 2015
    These are great! I am glad you are having fun. Keep on making your cute things. :)
  • Bernice H Bernice H on May 10, 2016
    Just FYI....the pieces are not lopsided ,it just looks that way from camera angle. It has been a while..I really enjoyed doing these,but you dont find cheap glassware down here. Nor garage sales unless you drive out of this area. Hmmm
    • Eileen B. Eileen B. on Aug 28, 2016
      Try thrift stores you can find some very nice glass there and only spend about $10 for the finished item
  • Eileen B. Eileen B. on Aug 28, 2016
    I am just making my first birdbath from thrift store glass it is fun and the finished item will be gorgeous
    • See 3 previous
    • Eileen B. Eileen B. on Sep 26, 2016
      Hi Bernice I have finished three so far and have two more to finish I am going to try and attach the pictures I have.
      comment photo
      comment photo
  • T. Martinelli T. Martinelli on Oct 14, 2016
    I put old CDs an DVDs inside the branches on my Christmas trees to reflect the lights outward ,been doing it for years ,another thing you can do with them is screw them to a wooden stake an put by driveways an other areas to see at night,I did this on my land by the lakes an the guest homes on my land an down by my boat docks an the boat house,they reflect at night .
    • Bernice H Bernice H on Oct 14, 2016
      What a great idea! Yes they would certainly reflect the lights in a driveway etc! or house numbers! Or tack on an wall to reflect light like a mirror would in a child's room ... we hung some from a teens a disco!Thanks for checking in!