Asked on Jul 09, 2013

Rained out?

by Ivylore
The past two weeks here in Michigan, we have had constant rain and thunderstorms- more than I can remember in the past. It's caused flooding all over. I am worried about my plants. Here are some pictures of some of my poor plants who look water logged. Do you think I will have to replace those once we dry out (rain is supposed to stop in the next few days) or is there a possiblity they will recover? Thanks.
Foxglove- still has a little green at the bottom. I hope it will survive!
This is what's left of my Bachelor's Button--- it may be beyond hope
The red creeping sedum is trying to hang on.
The hostas seem to be fine (they are in a spot where the water drains away from them a little more!
The day lillies and the snapdragons don't seem to be minding the wet weather at all.
  8 answers
  • 183212 183212 on Jul 09, 2013
    I would leave them planted and see if they come up again next year. Maybe you could replant them in a better area next year.
  • Ivylore Ivylore on Jul 09, 2013
    Thanks, Pam. I hope they all make it. I can't believe how much rain we are getting. The sky is getting dark again as I speak :(
  • Gail Salminen Gail Salminen on Jul 09, 2013
    @Irma the foxglove is a biennial, so may be done if it doesn't produce flowers and seeds this year. If it has grown from a seed last year I would leave it and see if it comes up next year. Hope you have no kids around with that plant as it is quite poisonous if ingested. The bachelors button, does look done in - I have had this plant off and on, it is quite fussy, but would still leave to see if comes up next year, but trim the dead leaves off. Your hostas and lillies look quite happy. The sedum you have seems to be able to survive anything LOL I have this and it thrives through droughts and rains so I have complet confidence it will continue. I have taken this particular sedum and placed it in pots and it stay in them for the winter and still come back again the following year in the pot.
  • Ivylore Ivylore on Jul 10, 2013
    Wow! Thanks, Gail- you seem to know your plants :) I bought the foxglove as a plant, so we'll see how it does- grandchildren visit occasionally and I know they won't eat it. I trimmed the bachelor's button, so we'll see if it returns (of course, it's a bachelor, so it might be afraid of committment :) I do hope the sedums are as hardy as they sound, because I really do like them!
  • Catherine Smith Catherine Smith on Sep 03, 2013
    Agree, you have nothing to lose if they don't come back and a heck of a lot less work if they do. I sympathize, we too here in VA seem to be having a monsoon season, sigh. If it would send the neighbor's into orbit, I think we'd get some goats to help keep down the weeds and grass. Hmm, wait, I have a couple I'm not real fond of anyway.. evil grin
  • Carole Carole on Oct 13, 2013
    What a shame. I hope they survive and flourish. We have a similar problem at the foot of our garden - well sort of in the middle of the garden. We get the overflow from creeks run across the garden where the land is flat and it sometimes looks like a rice paddy when we have torrential and consistent rains. I had a small shrub I had just planted in the soil, gouged out of its spot by swirling water and the mulch I had applied round my azalea and rhododendron plants got washed off the soil and strewn across the grass. I think it is a lesson learned of where to plant and where to avoid in future if the plants don't survive. In gardening at least we can learn from our mistakes even if they are costly in terms of lost plants and so on.
  • Margie*Lee Margie*Lee on May 01, 2014
    I live in Michigan too but we aren't having too much rain, our plants and shrubs are still suffering from the harsh winter we had. Our forsythia bush never looked as bad as it does this spring. My bulbs seem to be doing fine but I don't know about other flower plants yet. I think you should just be patient and see what comes back and what doesn't. I plan to do the same. Sometimes plants are hardier than you think.
    • Ivylore Ivylore on May 01, 2014
      @Margie*Lee Hi Margie- We did have a harsh winter! :( Those photos are from last spring/summer when we had so much rain. Here is a photo this morning- looks like most of my plants are starting to come up. Can't wait for the weather to REALLY improve. :)
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  • Margie*Lee Margie*Lee on May 01, 2014
    I'm glad to see your plants are coming back. We just had some waterproofing done around our foundations so my flower beds pretty much got trashed. A lot of my bulbs were saved but I'm hoping my two butterfly bushes will come back. Looks like I may be starting over but that will be fun to do. We are ALL looking forward to summer!