Best Way to Clean a Flexible Watch Band.

Sandra Allen
by Sandra Allen
2 Materials
When you need to clean a flexible watch band this is the best and easiest way to do it.
For those who love their twist-o-flex watch bands, and for those who might have expandable bracelets, this is a life saver.

About once every couple of months, I find my band needs to be stretched and cleaned. I use a soft bristle tooth brush and Dawn water. But, holding it open is a pain so this upside down frosting container is perfect.

Just turn it inside out, pop it over the bottom and wash the grooves inside. Then, turn it right side out and do the same. If your watch is waterproof, you can do the face too and the back.

In less than 2 or 3 minutes, you will have a clean watch. Super Simple! Hope this helps.
Suggested materials:
  • Empty frosting container   (Safeway)
  • My watch and some Dawn water and toothbrush   (Had at home)
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2 of 6 comments
  • William William on Jun 29, 2016
    I love this! I sell a lot of watches on Ebay! Always had a hard time cleaning them. Great idea. Great share.
  • Sandra Allen Sandra Allen on Jun 30, 2016
    Thanks ladies. Sometimes an idea just hits me. Here's another thing you can do with frosting cans. If you need a temporary pin cushion, just wedge a ball of yarn into one and it's there for you when you need it and easily disassembled when you don't!
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