Door color

by Donna
I would like to update my front door but I don't have a clue what color would look good with the red brick. Can anyone help me please?
  153 answers
  • Donna Donna on Jul 14, 2013
    If you have any ideas to spruce up the porch to make it more welcoming I'd love them!
  • Lori J Lori J on Jul 14, 2013
    Have you seen those sidewalks were folks lay bricks perpendicular class up the sidewalk edging to class up the cement? That would be so pretty with your brick. Off had, I would say more dramatic planters would be in order.
  • Donna Donna on Jul 14, 2013
    Thanks Lori those are good suggestions.
  • Barbara Thomas Barbara Thomas on Jul 14, 2013
    I like the white door. You just need bigger/taller planters; maybe square and paint them white and set them on the porch. Little yard work leading up to your entry like Lori J suggested will change the look. Stencil paint the porch to look like stone for a "wow".
  • Tanya Peterson Felsheim Tanya Peterson Felsheim on Jul 14, 2013
    Its funny like @Lori J first thing that popped in my head is blue! but any color would be get some realelegance you could paint it black but with how dark it already is in that corner I'd use a color "like you white" to keep it from looking like tomb in there! Like a really bright blue, or bright red, or bright yellow, etc!
  • 117135 117135 on Jul 14, 2013
    I like the blue also. I would add taller planters on each side of the door. Where are your house numbers? Maybe add house numbers to the column on the right. I would create a flower bed on the right hand side with plants that have a lot of color.
  • Shari Shari on Jul 14, 2013
    Black or red seem to be the most common (and predictable) door colors on red brick houses. For curb appeal, I would recommend a less ho-hum color. John & Sherry over at the blog, Young House Love, painted the door of their former red brick home a bright yellow. They just painted the door of their new red brick home a pretty blue. (See photos attached.) I'm also attaching a photo I have saved of a plum door on a red brick house. I think that color is gorgeous...and totally unexpected! Navy blue and apple green are colors that look good with red brick. I, too, have a red brick house and I'm getting ready to paint my front door aqua, similar to the 4th photo I'm attaching. The bottom line is, you really have lots of options. What's your favorite color?
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  • Kimberly Barney Kimberly Barney on Jul 14, 2013
    I would not go with red or black. I agree it would be too dark. I like blue or yellow. I agree that the planters need to be larger and more dramatic. To keep cost down, you may wish to consider making the planters with square stepping stones which you could paint and decorate to match your personality and pull the door color out to the garden. I see where you have a garden surround on one side but not the other. I suggest that both sides have a surround. However, your current surround ends with the edge of the house which is a "no-no". The gardens need be expanded to reach the walkway. I would further suggest that the garden surround be placed in a wave pattern to include both sides of the walkway. Your front porch is small so there is not much room but I think it would look nice to have two tall slim planters that could contain totems made of colorful ornaments, greenery and lights at the holidays. Finally I see a rod iron hanging piece. I think I would definitely put some hanging baskets or bird feeders/houses and possibly spray paint the decorative piece to match the door.
  • A larger door mat would help and also some larger pots with taller plants to fill the space.
  • Debbie Debbie on Jul 15, 2013
    dark charcoal or black would definitely be the most dramatic! Use the brighter tones on larger flower pots as in the yellows. I would ask you Whatt colors do you see when you open your front door? A nice greenish gray slate tile would be nice on the porch as well. Debbie Byers- Reflections Design Studio
  • Diane Sterling Diane Sterling on Jul 15, 2013
    Bright yellow or Pale Aqua door would look awesome. If yellow door, plant purple flowers for accent. If aqua, plant red or orange for accent.
  • Z Z on Jul 15, 2013
    Being that your door is recessed I would suggest a light color. My thought was a pretty yellow gold too. Like a sunflower.
  • TJ TJ on Jul 15, 2013
    I love the plum door that Shari showed but with all of your other trim bright white, I would leave it white maybe accent with plum. I agree with others that you need more dramatic planters up on the step, like concrete urns. I also think an awesome water feature would look fabulous in front of your picture window.
  • Accentuations! Accentuations! on Jul 15, 2013
    I think yellow would brighten you up quite a bit! I would use larger planters (urns would be nice) and plant some yellow flowers to tie it together. Also, some flowers under the window between the hosta would be sweet. I also think a brighter, larger door mat would help a lot as well. It apears that the door has antique brass hardware? Why not add your house number to the pillar in numbers the same tone? it will break up the brick and add a bit of pizazz. Hope this isn't too much info!
  • Patty Rumaker Patty Rumaker on Jul 15, 2013
    Oh, I think a light but vibrant color would work wonderfully, such as turquoise. Someone above mentioned larger plants and placing house numbers on the right side brick column - and I agree with her - that would give you a lot of balance and draw attention to your entry door.
  • Beverleb Beverleb on Jul 15, 2013
    if they're brave, lime green would work perfectly. The whole corner to the right of the door should be planted with colourful flowers. Just what I would do :)
  • Paula Bedard Paula Bedard on Jul 15, 2013
    I've seen yellow mentioned a few times and I think a calm shade of yellow would look nice also. Green and gray go very nicely with red brick too. I'm not a fan of blue unless it's on a house with siding. Your entry Is dark and I think a light warm color would be more welcoming. That goes for the shades of green and gray too, nothing too dark.
  • Valerie R Valerie R on Jul 15, 2013
    I have a friend that has a beautiful blue front door. She has red bricks on her house too. I think hers was more a royal blue. Good luck!
  • Donna Mac Donna Mac on Jul 15, 2013
    The colonial blue that you find in craft paints. That shade would be beautiful
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  • Doris Doris on Jul 15, 2013
    I think a dark rose would look good for it'd contrast with the red brick---about the color of your flowers, then move flower pots on each side of door in white planter---NICE!!!!
  • Debbie Gardner Debbie Gardner on Jul 15, 2013
    I like the white door. Maybe use a few hanging baskets or maybe a hanging porch light .
  • Paula Bedard Paula Bedard on Jul 15, 2013
    Oops, just realized you're in Texas. By all means, a Dallas Cowboys blue. =) (and this from a Redskin's fan)
  • Jacque Graziano Jacque Graziano on Jul 15, 2013
    What color is the theme most used inside your home and you can go with that or a color in that family or as we did we went with a Red Red Wine from Behrs color swatch and took that to Sherwin Williams and they matched it! looks awesome with our brick house and white trim windows and blue siding along with all the colors of the garden! There are no rules-go with what makes you happy!! Good Luck! Happy painting!
  • Lucretia K Lucretia K on Jul 15, 2013
    I'm actually wanting to paint my front door too, bought a new one and won't install until I figure out what color. I'm leaning toward something called Tribal Smokestone. I picked up a paint swatch at Wal-Mart. It's a grey dark almost with a blue cast to it.
  • Brendalee Perryman Brendalee Perryman on Jul 15, 2013
    yellow ...with yellow roe topiaries for extra drama
  • Brendalee Perryman Brendalee Perryman on Jul 15, 2013
    u need brighter planters!
  • Doris Doris on Jul 15, 2013
    the planter could be tall white urns or even the shorter kind---go to lowe's--they'll help you pick the color & it's cheap
  • Lisa Davis Turner Lisa Davis Turner on Jul 15, 2013
    I painted my door peacock blue by it.. paint is cheap try it if you don't like repaint!!
  • Gayle wilson Gayle wilson on Jul 15, 2013
    Eggplant door with a flowerbed with colorful annuals on the left.On the right I would take out the lawn and put in stones and decorative bark and interesting small shrubs and perrenials.
  • Elaine G Elaine G on Jul 15, 2013
    I see nothing wrong with the door you have. Your door is under cover in a shaded area, you need a light color. I would replace your current planters with 2 larger & taller square white planters and fill them with bright colored flowers. Some flowering plants under your window would also set off your entry. Best of luck to you on whatever you decide to do.
  • Pat Dareneau Pat Dareneau on Jul 15, 2013
    lots of pots, different sized with annuals and trailing plants like Creeping Jenny, ivy, spider fern,....
  • JoAnn Edenburn JoAnn Edenburn on Jul 15, 2013
    The door is too close to the window to do any painting that doesn't involve painting the window area as well. I do not think that paint is the answer in your case. I think yours is to come from accessories. Again without seeing the whole front of the house its hard to tell..I realize that you zoomed in so people could get detail...but without a farther away shot, NO ONE can give you accurate advice!
  • Dianne Hudson Dianne Hudson on Jul 15, 2013
    If it's not broken...don't fix it...I like the door you have.
  • Brenda breen Brenda breen on Jul 15, 2013
    I think a rich looking red not just red .it has to look rich
  • Peggy Burd Peggy Burd on Jul 15, 2013
    You don't need to change the color of the door. You need to make your front walk more inviting and you need varied sizes of planters.
  • Catherine G Catherine G on Jul 15, 2013
  • Monica Bortolotti Swift Monica Bortolotti Swift on Jul 15, 2013
    The door should definitely be painted black for the most drama and class, I would also add a bigger hanging porch light something at least 21 inches in diameter, also by doing more landscaping around the door that will really improve your curb appeal!
  • Kathy McDaniel Kathy McDaniel on Jul 15, 2013
    Leave as is. It goes with the windows
  • Rowena B Rowena B on Jul 15, 2013
    Please view the site Larose posted for you, amazing! Gave me some ideas, I would choose green for the door, outline the sidelites and bay windows with the same green, add some purple flowers in urns, more plants in front of bay window. Extend beds up to walkway.
  • Therese C Therese C on Jul 15, 2013
    Black or dark blue for sure! Maybe brass lanterns on either side? The dark blue would really show off the brass hardware and lanterns!
  • Becky Jeffress Becky Jeffress on Jul 15, 2013
    with the style of the door, I would probably keep it white and I am not a fan of white doors usually. If I went with a color I would probably choose a light sage green or some other color that is light. I would lighten up everything with graduated sized planters and brightly colored plants or colored planters and greenery, a mix with tall, cascading, plants. Maybe a new light that hangs down with brighter lights. Around the windows in the 'bow' put some color there too, not a ton of height you want to keep the view open. Along the sidewalk, make it interesting and pull you up to the door.
  • Sharon McKusick Sharon McKusick on Jul 15, 2013
    I'm Thinking the chartruese green would pick up the greens from the plants .
  • Gail Baker Gail Baker on Jul 15, 2013
    I think the white door is fine. But you need bigger planters with more colorful flowers, either in the same locations or on the porch. Also some flowers under the bow window between those 2 bushes & maybe along that side too. I love your house, but agree would like to see more of it.
  • Gail Baker Gail Baker on Jul 15, 2013
    By the way, love the puppy too!!
  • Shelly Shelly on Jul 15, 2013
    I thought of navy blue as soon as I saw the photo
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  • Kathy Kathy on Jul 15, 2013
    I agree with leaving the door white. I think the area by the window need some larger plants with lots of color. Also a nice pondless water feature would add some curb appeal and the sound of running water is very relaxing.
  • Jackie I Jackie I on Jul 15, 2013
    a very rich royal blue
  • Janice Janice on Jul 15, 2013
    def a red door! and your choice of white/red flowers to accent. i love red n green doors. janice, chicago, il
  • Jennifer True Jennifer True on Jul 15, 2013
    Huffington Post article. "What Your Front Door Color Has to Say About Your Personality". I don't really care about that, but they had some good colors on front doors. I'm partial to the olive-ish green on the third door. Also, different levels of planters in bright containers with vibrant colored flowers and Some tall Planters would add a little height and bring the color upward. Is that a kitty in the window.
  • Mary Middleton Mary Middleton on Jul 15, 2013
    Green. It will pop because of the grass. I do agree you need tall planters on each side of the sidewalk.
  • Jim Lewis Jim Lewis on Jul 15, 2013
    I really like the white,a red color would look good,or you could paint the main part of the door red and the pattern around the window and lower part of the door white :)
  • Francine Patterson Francine Patterson on Jul 15, 2013
    I think black would be nice, too!
  • Mary Middleton Mary Middleton on Jul 15, 2013
    Something like this green.
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  • Janice Staggs Janice Staggs on Jul 15, 2013
  • Melissa W Melissa W on Jul 15, 2013
    I would keep it as is!! It's beautiful! In fact this is the door I am going to buy for my house. And I will be keeping it white. The only thing I suggest is perhaps updating the hardware and maybe adding a kick plate. A full glass storm door can even add a touch of something different. But your landscaping could use a little dazzle.. Add some small grass and shasta daisy's along with making your scape bigger with boarder. But really if you didn't do a thing .. it's beautiful.
  • Robin Norris Robin Norris on Jul 15, 2013
    Hard to imagine, but a blue which is between a cobalt and grey, kinda colonial blue is really pretty with red brick like that. A friend has shutters that color on their house and it is the prettiest one on the street without looking gaudy.
  • Leona Schultz Leona Schultz on Jul 15, 2013
    You have a blue roof I would go with a blue stain rather than paint, that way you could leave your window trim white. they have no bearing on your door. In addition I would change the light fixture to something a little bigger and a bit more dramatic.
  • Elizabeth Dugaro West Elizabeth Dugaro West on Jul 15, 2013
    pale purple with purple, white and burgundy flowers in the front..
  • Barbara Barbara on Jul 15, 2013
    for some reason I'm seeing a nice light blue for that door.
  • Barbel Lemcke Barbel Lemcke on Jul 15, 2013
    black, or brick red....but personally i like the white
  • Maddy's Cat Maddy's Cat on Jul 15, 2013
    I think what you need to do is to stay with a white door because of your bay window anything else wouldn't look right... I would add flowers along the walk way leading up to the door, remove those plants you have in front of the bay window and some roses or some azaleas, buy some flowering shrubs and without taking them out of the pot set them around and see how you like the look then plant them in the ground some marble rock would look pretty in the flower bed too..
  • Sondra A Sondra A on Jul 15, 2013
    First, if it were me I would leave the white. You have a beautiful door. Second, consider what your favorite colors are, what appeals to you the most. If I were to paint it, it would be a bright blue, but yellow would also look good. What I would do is work on the entry. Some tall vases on either side of the door with long, spikey flowers/plants would add color and a bit of privacy to the side windows. A welcome mat that is a 1/2 round shape gives a little more variation of shapes. I am also a plant person and so, where you have those little pots on both sides of the walkway I would probably put in rose bushes or camellias or lavender - something with a bit of color and light fragrance. Then off to the right I would plant more flowers/bushes. Each year I would probably put in something else until eventually there would be no more lawn over there. But that is what I tend to do - keep finding more plants that look appealing and then figure out where to put them. I would also figure out someplace to put a nice hanging basket in your porch area.
  • Debra Debra on Jul 15, 2013
    The white looks fine.....I agree with others that you definitely need larger planters for the front porch entry with a bolder color with height of flowers or mixed red/white, or darker pink. Something like a hibiscus maybe that you can bring in during the winter and put in a sunny window until Spring. They have a beautiful large bloom with good watering.
  • BJ Chaumont BJ Chaumont on Jul 15, 2013
    I like it the way it looks.. your windows are white... I would just leave it... but I do agree with others you need to add a planters, plants and dress up the front of your home.. so it shows a welcome feeling.
  • Elizabeth G Elizabeth G on Jul 15, 2013
    because the door area is recessed and very dark you should leave the door could always choose an accent color to trim windows and drip edge along the roof line to add contrast but add a bigger more dramatic flower bed under those plain bay windows.
  • Melanie West Melanie West on Jul 15, 2013
    I think a turquoise would pop.
  • Donna Donna on Jul 15, 2013
    Wow! I never in a million years expected this kind of response! Thank you all so much. There is so many wonderful ideas for the door and the front. Can't wait to run them past my Hubby and get started with the transformation. Will post the after when I'm done
  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Jul 15, 2013
    I like a nice dark green, like a forest green..but then do around the bay window and up stairs dormers also. A dark green would show off the brick but not be Christmasy.
  • Stacie Stacie on Jul 15, 2013
    It depends on what you're looking for...if you want to blend then either leave white or go a darker red. if contrast.. any color except orange. Yellows, blues, gray, even dark hunter green may work. It just depends on what you would want. Personally I'd leave it white but just change out the entire door. Again it depends on your budget and style.
  • Susan Susan on Jul 15, 2013
    About any shade of blue or teal would look good. It needs pizzazz!
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  • Donna C Donna C on Jul 15, 2013
    With the white framing around the windows a different color door would make the house look out of balance. If you paint the door, then should really do the window frames. You've some beautiful stained glass on the sides and the door. Maybe refreshing that with some color would look good and may satisfy your urge to change the color entirely.
  • Kg.199812 Kg.199812 on Jul 15, 2013
    Black....with two beautiful black standing urns filled with chartreuse vines, coleus plants in all shades and burgundy and deep pink flowers to replace the pots in the front there. That would really pick up and compliment a black door!
  • Suzanne Giaimo Suzanne Giaimo on Jul 15, 2013
    I don't think you should make it any darker at all; I think I would leave it white or, possibly, a very light green of some sort. Changing it to any darker color will make the entryway look like a cave. I love it the way it is! Maybe you could change something else or add some pottery or something.
  • Ann Lindenmuth Ann Lindenmuth on Jul 15, 2013
    Grey-blue, it will compliment the red brick, but stand out too. **My house is taupe with burgundy trim and my door is periwinkle -- it matches my front porch railing. :-)
  • Teri S Teri S on Jul 15, 2013
    navy blue, goes with the roof
  • Rosemary Green Rosemary Green on Jul 15, 2013
    The white is beautiful!!!
  • Jeanneane Williams Jeanneane Williams on Jul 15, 2013
    Banana Cream door. And urns of plants- some being annuals for color.
  • Donna L. Etchberger Donna L. Etchberger on Jul 15, 2013
    Hi Donna. I would leave the door white. I think it's beautiful just the way it is. I would get a pair of tall flower pots to replace the small ones, maybe in turquoise or a sapphire blue, and plant something bright and dramatic with a tall grass in the center, and maybe some chartreuse sweet potato vine trailing out over the edges with hot pink and white flowers. I would place them on the cement on either side where you step up from the walk, and plant something where the small flower plants are sitting right now. I think a flowering shrub of your choice would be nice across the front under the picture window, some knock-out roses would add eye appeal, and something all along the brick wall on the right side of this picture would also be lovely. You could add a brass kick plate to the door, but it is lovely as is. I agree with Suzanne, a dark color would make this entryway look like a dark cave. Your white door looks inviting, just add color with flowers.
  • Shirley D Shirley D on Jul 15, 2013
    I think it's nice as is, but if I were going to change it, I think I'd go with a deep forest green. It looks really good with bricks.
  • Joy Veltre Joy Veltre on Jul 15, 2013
    I think a medium shade of gray, maybe with a hint of a blue tone to it.
  • Marina Klima Marina Klima on Jul 15, 2013
    dark gray-navy
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  • Brenda Holland Brenda Holland on Jul 15, 2013
    I love the white door! If you want a change, paint it hunter green.
  • Suzette Hagen Suzette Hagen on Jul 15, 2013
    Barn House RED!!!!
  • Nan Nan on Jul 15, 2013
    burnt umber!
  • Nan Nan on Jul 15, 2013
    I might add the two pots of plants look tacky like that! They need some height by the side windows on the door!
  • Meri C Meri C on Jul 16, 2013
    Eggplant (purple), Dark Chocolate Brown, Slate Grey, Pearlesant White, Forest Green, Blue Grey.
  • Ruth Owen Ruth Owen on Jul 16, 2013
    To go with a new look keep it white and redo front with more bigger and better plants also more plants under window.come fall decorate with fall plants orange and green and again come xmas do lots of dark green with popping red accents
  • Sue Carpenter Sue Carpenter on Jul 16, 2013
    We once had a dark brown house and I brightened it up and made the front door pop nicely by painting it a buttery yellow. The people who bought the house from us kept that color. Any decorations you hang from the door will stand out nicely against the yellow. I've also heard told that painting your door yellow when you're selling your house gets it noticed. It's a happy color! :)
  • Renea Keitch Renea Keitch on Jul 16, 2013
    I say cedar shutters and a barn red door-cedar out the trim.
  • Barbara Barbara on Jul 16, 2013
    Colonial Blue would look great with the red and white of the bricks.
  • Carol S Carol S on Jul 16, 2013
    Update - Why it looks brand new & just great! Maybe, a new light fixture & colorful out door rug or runner - will be the change you are looking for.
  • Sue Kauffman & Company Sue Kauffman & Company on Jul 16, 2013
    Hi Donna, I agree with those that say the white looks great. Your porch area is recessed and doesn't show to have much light. Keeping your door white helps lighten the area and it has a decorative door already, so I would refresh it with a fresh coat of semi-gloss paint and leave it as is. For some changes to the front of your house, why not consider a new light fixture in black or bronze - one that hangs down from the ceiling a foot or so. Then do some more landscaping around the front flower beds, building them out and adding colorful annuals in yellows and red. Placing some tall topiaries or a tall planter on the porch would be nice, but I think you will get your biggest bang for the buck by developing bigger flower beds and planting shrubs and bright flowers will give you the greatest change.
  • Patricia Laursen Patricia Laursen on Jul 16, 2013
    Charcoal or Dark Blue. Maybe even silver grey. Blend with the ova center. Make your stand out piece something other than the door. What color is your roof? Have to keep all in mnd.
  • A beautiful blue (beachy color but not pastel) would be awesome! I would have said "black" but you already have shade in that area - and only existing light is above (not to the sides) so it would look too cavernous. Blue just seems to work and works with the white of the front bay window! Show "after" pics please! :-)
  • A really cool look (I have done this to my own home) is paint the ceiling above the door in the same blue or a little lighter. If you want to add more design elements, you could install a piece of beadboard in that ceiling area before painting....I'm in Georgia and did this to my front porch to add a little of my New England roots. It is a small touch that not everyone notices, but it makes for a "happy" entry! :-) Leave the trim pieces white - so it is literally only the flat part of the ceiling above.
  • Kathleen Russo Kathleen Russo on Jul 16, 2013
    mine is black but yours would look great in a red!
  • Saundra K Saundra K on Jul 16, 2013
    Love the white! I suggest paired planters flanking the columns, containing a splash of red, blue, lavender, white and colorful flowers to accentuate and punch up the brick!
  • Becky Becky on Jul 16, 2013
    Match the roof color.
  • Starpup Starpup on Jul 16, 2013
    Black or red.
  • I had a red brick home once and painted it purple/eggplant using a bit of the purple tone in my brick. It looked great. I would consider changing the door completely to give the house a fresh face. The faux leaded glass look is a bit dated but if that's out of your budget right now, a rich color would freshen the façade....
  • Margaret K Margaret K on Jul 16, 2013
    I do think the door is lovely as is. Keep in mind that you can use up to 4 colors on the outside of a house before you start getting 'over done'. Your roof, brick and white paint on the door, etc. are three of the 4. I would certainly concentrate on landscaping to bring in a lot of bright, joyful colors. I would also add purhaps some decoration to the door - a wreath purhaps - and/or extend that to decorating the porch area. This would bring a lot of life to the entry of the house and could be changed from time to time.
  • Regina A Regina A on Jul 16, 2013
    I think whatever you choose to do would be great. Everyone has their own take on it. What would you like to see ?
  • Tegma Tegma on Jul 16, 2013
    I think the white door looks great.... just put the plants on small stands or in square flower boxes by the side windows & add a wreath on the door, and you'll have the color you want. Otherwise, I would recommend a black door to look rich with the red brick. You might also add a few flowers under the bay window.... annuals, if it's too late to plant anything this year. Otherwise, it looks like a beautiful home!
  • Judy Judy on Jul 16, 2013
    Personally, I like the white. I would use accessories to punch up the color (plants, decor, wreaths, doormat). If you want to "try" colors, try this link: Upload your photo, and color it up!
  • Leah Tucker Leah Tucker on Jul 16, 2013
    With your black roof - I would go with black. We just painted ours black this past year and it looks AMAZING. Very clean and really makes the stain-glass inlay in the door POP! It also made our beautiful light fixtures stand out more - they are all wrought iron.
  • Jen Z Jen Z on Jul 16, 2013
    Thought you might want to see this front door. I love the color and I think it would look so cute on your house. Then punch up the color in your flowers and it will give a whole new look to the front of your house. Good luck deciding, you have a lot of great idea here. :)
  • Diane Diane on Jul 16, 2013
    Definitely not red or anything with red in it...the brick is red, so I think a color in the blue family (opposite red on the color wheel) might work...take some poster board and cut it into squares...paint each one a different shade and tape on each panel...having a recessed area will make the color look darker than if door was in direct one of the others mentioned, elevating some pretty plants on either side of door and enlarging area under bay window with color will help too...I agree that a hanging light fixture will add more interest. I also like the white door if color is added with flowers.
  • Valerie G Valerie G on Jul 16, 2013
    I agree with Jen Z - love the turquoise/blue. Its says "happy people live here!"
  • Elaine Elaine on Jul 16, 2013
    If the roof is dark grey, why not bring in the color on the door.....blackbean soup by Benjamin Moore with some brass or silver door accessories....perhaps a colorful wreath. Would also beef up those planters at the front entrance.....large size bronze pots with lots of color in them. Also beef up the shrubs under the window....go for texture and varying sizes.
  • Maddy's Cat Maddy's Cat on Jul 16, 2013
    I think pretty much you can keep a white door maybe just a different style door there are so many prettier doors for your home than that one but because of the trim and the bay window and dormer is white it is the best color for your door, when you look at the full picture you will see any other color wouldn't look right and where you have the two pots plant 2 Pencil Hollies, plant some Phlox along the walk way, the palms in front of the window pull those and place them in a spot by themselves in a round garden in front of the house with some white rocks and put some flowering shrubs there in front of the window and along the brick next to the window on the right like Gardenia's they are pretty and their scent is awesome or whatever you prefer. Remove your Shepard hook and place that in the back yard if you like those don't look right in the front of such a pretty house as yours.. If you live in Florence come and see me at Lowe's Garden center in front of the Carolina's Hospital my name is Maddy, i usually close outside..
  • Bonnie K Bonnie K on Jul 16, 2013
    I like the idea of a black door, but you have to remember that whatever color you paint it, the bay window is going to stand out as the white that it is. You may want to keep the bay and the door the same color, which creates the domino effect since it looks like you have a dormer above the bay which is white as well. It all depends on what you want to be the focal point of the front of the house; the door or the bay or both. A deep earthy gray-green might work well with the brick as well. Make some big swatches on cardboard and tack them up and look at them for a week or so. It'll come to you!
  • Sue Heckler Sue Heckler on Jul 16, 2013
    Paint the door panels white to match the door and I think you'll like's too chopped up the way it is. Try it won't take much to it will match the white on the bay windows.
  • Lory Lory on Jul 16, 2013
    I think emerald green would be a great color choice.
  • Beth Wester Beth Wester on Jul 16, 2013
    Emerald Green would be wonderful with this lovely brick!! :)
  • AmericanWoman AmericanWoman on Jul 16, 2013
    I agree with Beth Wester...Emerald Green. It's the biggest color of the season.
  • Diane Diane on Jul 16, 2013
    Dark Teal!
  • Patricia Cleveland Patricia Cleveland on Jul 16, 2013
    to give a really helpful answer we need to see a couple more pix I think-do you have a garage or other outbuildings? What color are they? A more encompassing pix of the whole house would help as well. You have such a cute little alcove there in front of your front door. Have you considered expanding it with another lower area of concrete and paint the concrete instead?
  • Patricia Cleveland Patricia Cleveland on Jul 16, 2013
    The more I look at your house Donna, the more I like it - you could have an extended concrete "porch" from your landscaping on the side of the door to the other wall of the house-would really focus attention that this IS the entryway to the house.
  • Kimberly Brigham-Bayles Kimberly Brigham-Bayles on Jul 16, 2013
    I think a burnt orange or a golden yellow would look great! I had a barn red house, white trim, blk roof and golden yellow door, looked great!
  • Wendy Wendy on Jul 16, 2013
    I have a red brick house that has white trim and a black roof and just got through putting on a new door. After much debate and negotiation, I was able to get everyone to see it my way and we went with Sherwin Williams dark navy blue called Naval - 6244. I must say that it really makes everything look so terrific, especially when I add all the planters of flowers; however Christmas looks pretty terrific too!
  • Leah Agonofski Leah Agonofski on Jul 16, 2013
    dark colors like navy and black and even a dark green looks great with red brick
  • Meburke Meburke on Jul 16, 2013
    black! :). Def. w black urns, greenery plays to the roof 's green/gray tones.. Another plant under that by window to be a center focal point..a willow/Salic, variegated,? Chartreuse / green, sweet potato vines in the blk urns w colorful annuals, in the urns too! No red! too suburban ? Keep it classy! The black pops! Gets your attention.
  • Cindy Cindy on Jul 16, 2013
    The colors have been mentioned that I was thinking....a shade of aqua or plum...what you like would be best u primarily have to look at the house. I would leave the white to frame the door ..... paint the two bottom panels and panel around the glass...wouldn't change the door it has charm. Also paint the panels on bottom of windows ( rectangles) the same color to pull it all together. You could use more landscaping and urn planters by the door which can be changed out to go with the seasons. Nicer planters by the walkway with a boxwood or evergreen ....hope we get to see what u do. Good luck
  • Tamela Bowie Interiors Tamela Bowie Interiors on Jul 16, 2013
    Black door is the best choice.
  • Kathy S Kathy S on Jul 17, 2013
    I think a colonial blue door with matching bay window. It would also look great with holliday decor.
  • Barbara R Barbara R on Jul 17, 2013
    No black, please! Go metallic bronze, copper, gold. As these ladies say "Pop" that door and metallic is awesome!
  • Kim Jones Kim Jones on Jul 17, 2013
    My home is exactly the same color as yours. I am also getting ready to paint my door, and have decided to go with a nice cheerful green tone (not forest green)- something like a 'green apple.' I do also like the suggestion of a metallic color.
  • Maddy's Cat Maddy's Cat on Jul 19, 2013
    Nope i still think what you need to do is to stay with a white door and what is missing there is a storm door that is the other reason it doesn't look right, either look for a nicer white door that compliments your beautiful home or add a nice storm door... I know you are confused by all the comments but it is still your choice, being you have white dormers, and bay window close by the front door it won't look right any other color than white.. I wish you the best of luck on your decision, read my other post as to putting flowers around...God Bless...
  • Judy D Judy D on Jul 19, 2013
    go with the rule. Of 3's.... A door of any color other than red will work beautifully. The Pantome color of the year is a Kelly green. Lowes carries paint in the Pantone color. Also, a door is easy to paint so it is easy to change when you get bored or a new color takes the main stage. Enjoy color and accessorize with easy annuals in a container garden
  • Therese C Therese C on Jul 19, 2013
    I am going out on a limb here. I am thinking it is not the door color that is lacking, but rather the balance of privacy and still a welcoming feeling. This drawing was done rather quickly..okay..very quickly, but gives you an idea of what I am trying to say. Let me know if you'd like a more detailed drawing and I would be happy to help.
    comment photo
  • Therese C Therese C on Jul 19, 2013
    Oops..use your magnification on my above
  • Tuc196505 Tuc196505 on Jul 19, 2013
    Wow, these comments are from one extreme to the other. Lotsa of traditional answers I see, some, not so much. The trend now if you follow blogs, is more of a brighter happier color and it doesn't have to be so matchy matchy like in the past. It's just a matter of your taste if you are traditional or more contemporary. I recently painted mine a bright blue, almost a peacock blue, something I wouldn't have done in the past and I love it! All the best with your decision!
  • Irish53 Irish53 on Jul 19, 2013
    gun metal blue. it is not really blue or gray but would match the dark roof. change the color of the door not the framing. The new trend seems to be that the front door is a completely different color than the rest of the house. I see a lot of yellow, light blues, purple even orange
  • Irish53 Irish53 on Jul 19, 2013
    a storm door that is full glass with light blue or teal
  • Millicent Millicent on Jul 28, 2013
    I would paint it black. We have a red brick home with white like yours, and our door is black. I just love it. It will go well with your shingle color on the roof. Whatever color you end up choosing, don't forget to think about the roof color too. Good luck!
  • Patricia Cleveland Patricia Cleveland on Jul 30, 2013
    @Donna: I must say after looking at Therese C's drawing that she has a great idea! Let us all know what you have decided!
  • Cindy Cindy on Jul 31, 2013
    If u do Theresa's idea, by the way is great. I would put lattice in the opening to the right near the large window side as well, there is one there, from what I can make out. Plant a climbing plant such as a Mandevilla vine and them have it continue to the lattice over the front. I would use vinyl lattice. On the other hand, having another set of pillars... along side of existing pillars... my be too much, it does appear to make the space smaller. Just a thought.
  • Donna Donna on Jul 31, 2013
    @Therese C I would love a more detailed drawing! My husband and I think this is a great idea!
  • Therese C Therese C on Jul 31, 2013
    @Donna, I will be more than happy to give you a more detailed drawing for this idea. I am glad you like it!
  • Patricia Cleveland Patricia Cleveland on Jul 31, 2013
    @Donna: Glad you two agree!
  • JanB JanB on Aug 28, 2013
    Blacker Than Black High Gloss to play off the stark white trim! Leaving the trim around door white and add all glass storm door in white.
  • Linda Crandall Linda Crandall on Dec 29, 2013
    Hi Donna, I would suggest a traditional black, or grey with all white trim. It would be very flattering with your red brick. good luck :-) Linda
  • Kinney Michael Kinney Michael on Dec 30, 2013
    black, gray, green
  • Colleen Colleen on Jan 06, 2014
    I couldn't pull up a larger view of Therese C's drawings but she has a great idea. As far as color maybe the color of what ever climbing vine you choose.
  • Elizabeth Elizabeth on Feb 06, 2015
    I would paint the door a shade of grey. I usually choose something that is in the house already to use for the door...such as the grout color, the brick color, the roof tie it all together. I just think a shade of grey is a neutral color and would look good.
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Mar 10, 2022

    I would leave it White, but you could colour the door mouldings Red like Brick walls.