How to decorate while owning cats?

Nancy G
by Nancy G
Does anyone have any ideas that would work for decorating my place while still accommodating my cats (yes plural!) I have hardwood floors throughout my place.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  14 answers
  • Becky P Becky P on Jul 14, 2013
    I don't have any problems with decorating and having a cat. Fortunately for me, I have a cat who doesn't go where she doesn't belong. (i.e. kitchen counter/table). I do use a throw where she lays on the couch though for collecting cat hair. A trick for removing cat hair: use a playtex glove on the furniture and rub the hair into a ball, making it easier to vacuum. Love my kitty!
  • Nancy G Nancy G on Jul 15, 2013
    Hi Becky, Thanks for answering my question and the playtex glove trick on furniture for cat hair. I volunteer w/my local humane society and ended up with 9 cats! Some were my kids before they moved out, and the others came in pairs of 2 and live with me now. I know, "crazy cat lady" but they rule my place and are indoor cats only. It doesn't help that I downsized from my house to a large apartment either lol. Guess I'll still stick w/the shabby chic look which I love anyway and keep changing things up when I get bored :) thanks!!
  • Becky P Becky P on Jul 15, 2013
    I totally understand! lol. My "name" on my son's cell phone is "crazy cat lady".
  • Z Z on Jul 15, 2013
    Wow 9 cats!!? I love cats, our daughter is named after my first beloved calico kitty, but I still cannot imagine having nine cats in an apartment. You must have a huge heart Nancy. ♥ I have four cats that all turned five this year. Granted at the size three of them are and the fact they all have long hair it could be like having nine cats. :^) I do think of my fur babies when decorating, making sure they have plenty of places they can climb on and sit/lay on to see out the windows since they too are indoors only. Even with Mainecoone/dog-like cats, which two of mine are, you can't keep them from the need to be at a vantage point to keep an eye on things. Ofcourse they know the dining table and counters are off limits, but I've done things to make them happy. Like placing open back shelves in front of the upstairs windows in my drawing room and wide backed chairs near other windows. My hubby even made the window sills deep in all our windows deep to accommodate their need to sit and look out the windows.
  • Becky P Becky P on Jul 15, 2013
    At Christmas, we have to move the recliner away from the window so the tree can fit there. I feel bad because that is one of Pumpkin's favorite spots. So last winter I took her small tower and sat it in front of the window. I left it there and now I think she has a better view to the world.
  • Patty Rumaker Patty Rumaker on Jul 15, 2013
    We had a cat, Miss Kitty, for 18 years, she was loved! I never really had any issues with her and my decor, although I vacuumed all the furniture as well as the rugs and hardwoods on a weekly basis. She always had her claws and we did provide her with a scratching post. She was a long haired cat. I also had a lint brush that I would use fairly regularly. She never caused us any issues whatsoever. We now have a 12 pound multi-poo and she doesn't cause us any issues either. What are you concerned about or what issues are you having?
  • Nancy G Nancy G on Jul 15, 2013
    Hi Becky J, Becky & Patty, All 9 of my cats are bigger than most small dogs, the last 3 I got when they were only 2 weeks old! The cats range in age from 15 down to 3 yrs old now. Because they are so spoiled (totally my fault) and have no use for the basketful of toys, they chase each other for fun. This has resulted in numerous breaking of my collectibles and antiques with the exception of what's behind closed glass doors of my built in china cabinet or other cabinets. What I'd like to do is figure out some type of open display areas that are easy to make (and away from the cats!) Thanks to all of you!
  • Z Z on Jul 15, 2013
    Are you thinking wall cabinets Nancy?
  • Nancy G Nancy G on Jul 16, 2013
    Some type of easy funky shabby chic cabinets would work Becky. I have one open wall cabinet as well as 2 glass cabinets & a built in china cabinet. It would have to be high up (about a foot) away from the ceilings. My living room & dining room are one giant space separated by shelves and a low beam. Above that beam is about 16" of free space.
  • Patty Rumaker Patty Rumaker on Jul 16, 2013
    Haha Nancy G! Well no wonder you are having an issue. I have never had multiple cats. Our Miss Kitty would run and get her exercise each day - zooming from room to room almost to fast to see, and then she would be done. I never considered multiple cats playing as if they were outside. I think you will need some enclosed glass cabinetry.
  • Z Z on Jul 16, 2013
    Nancy if you are putting them that close to the ceiling, why not just a shelf that goes round the room? The depth would depend on what you're putting on it, but either way you could build a simple shelf using One bys and either crown (for narrow depth) and brackets for deeper shelves.
    comment photo
  • Nancy G Nancy G on Jul 16, 2013
    Thanks everyone for your input! Y'all are just wonderful!
  • Sia@South 47th Sia@South 47th on Jul 16, 2013
    Hi Nancy! You could always go the frugal way and use screen to enclose open cabinets. It looks pretty cool! xo
  • Nancy G Nancy G on Jul 16, 2013
    Hey Sia, that's a great thought plus I have screen hanging around :) Thanks!!