Blooming Hostas

Carol S
by Carol S
Recently, I noticed a friend cuttlng all the flower stems from her Hosta. When I asked why? She told the look messy and it helps the plant grow larger. I went home & noticed some of most of the flower laden stems were down on the walk way & grass. Here are two things I did to deal with the problem. Let me know what you think.
Pete's Yard has 5 huge Hostas and I brought more with me when I moved. I love the flowers but someplace they are just in the way.
Here I simply tied them to a stake. Bees frequent the flower that were on the walk way & Pete is Alergic to bee stings.
Then I cut some and put them in a vase in my room -- so plentiful & lovely.
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3 of 11 comments
  • Nancy Hand Nancy Hand on Jul 27, 2013
    Carol S my Hosta bloomed! :) It sure is a beauty this year. We have had alot of rain this year which has helped me with watering.
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  • Phyllis Phyllis on Jul 19, 2014
    I only cut the blooms when they die. The hummingbirds love them! I have to get an Aphrodite!
    • Carol S Carol S on Jul 22, 2014
      @Phyllis These where only from one plant - plenty left for hummers - though we haven't seen any in two years - Butterflies are not showing up either - Maybe next year.