Saltwash! Fab Furniture Flippin Contest June!

6 Materials
I had the pleasure once again of competing in the Fab Furniture Flippin' Contest's June contest! This month the sponsor was Saltwash! Saltwash is a paint additive that gives your paint finish a weathered, pitted, textured look, almost as though it was sitting out on the coast for centuries! The theme for the contest was "Coastal Inspirations".
Here is the can of Saltwash. It's powdery, and you keep adding it to your paint until it is the consistency of cake icing. The more the better.
This is the table I chose for the project. It had a little roping around the edges which added to the coastal feel.
I just used some leftover paint I had in a jadedite green color.
I mixed well with the Saltwash.
I applied it with a regular paintbrush in a glopping, pouncing motion. You want to see hills and valleys, and lots of texture.
Here it is after the green paint had been applied. I let this dry and then added a blue color next, also mixed with the Saltwash.
This was a tropical blue latex paint in eggshell finish.
Here is the last coat. I just used white latex paint, no Saltwash added. Brushed over the whole piece.
This is the final product! I added some dark wax and distressed with my palm sander.
I love how this came out!!
Check out my blog post for more information on how to achieve this amazing paint finish to your next furniture painting project!! If you'd like to be a part of the Fab Furniture Flippin' Contest, email:
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Wild Sparrow Designs
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 41 questions
  • Connie Florek Connie Florek on Feb 29, 2020

    Could this be used on an indoor brick wall that has been painted so many times the bricks are now smooth? What I want to do is use this in my base coat for the whole wall then where the bricks are sponge the different colors on.

    comment photo
  • Carol Carol on Mar 02, 2021

    Could you use this on walls?

  • Drela Baker Drela Baker on Aug 27, 2021

    What color did you use for jadeite green?

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3 of 205 comments
  • Phoenix Phoenix on Mar 02, 2021

    Will the salt "deteriorate" the wood eventually? Can this technique be used best on a plastic/acrylic piece of furniture?

    I LOVE IT!! I'm just a wee bit skeptical i suppose.

    THANK YOU!!!

    • Wild Sparrow Designs Wild Sparrow Designs on Aug 28, 2021

      I haven’t had any issue with this ruining the wood in any way. As far as plastic you’d have to check with the manufacturer’s instructions about that.

  • Jody Harris Jody Harris on Mar 03, 2021

