Asked on Jul 19, 2013

OK, three windows???

The neighbors have generously given me, three large windows. At first when they asked me if I wanted them I thought they said TWO. No problem,..I'd make a wonderful window arbor with one on each side like my friend, Jeanne. ... But THREE??? Now what do I do? Three opens up many more possibilities, don't you think?
What would you do?~~ Sue
These are three feet by four feet!
Friend, Jeanne Sammons door arbor. What I HAD planned to do, but with windows...
  22 answers
  • 161389 161389 on Jul 19, 2013
    I'm trying to gather enough to make a green house. My girl friend and I just started painting on a couple last Monday to hang on the fence, although yours look to large for that. Maybe lean one. What about a table for outside? Put an old mirror behind and lean up against fence. Inside add picture's to one. So many ideas. I love the arch idea. Can't have to many arches in the backyard. I have 3 and love them. Here's mine started still have to add a vine to the top and a flower to the bottom. My girlfriend started painted a flag on her's.
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  • Larose LoganOakes Larose LoganOakes on Jul 19, 2013
    Wow! Now that is pretty Fantastic! How glorious it looks in it's white splendor! Terrific job! I would like to have one in my yard! Enjoy!:)
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Jul 19, 2013
    I'd make that a heartbeat!
  • Robin Miller Cresci Robin Miller Cresci on Jul 19, 2013
    Wow!! You are a lucky girl!! Those are some awesome windows with endless possibilities!!
  • Teri Teri on Jul 19, 2013
    I too got free windows and here is what I did with them.
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  • Liz Holland Liz Holland on Jul 19, 2013
    I'd make an open ended green house or arbor, what a great find!
  • Flea Market Gardening Flea Market Gardening on Jul 20, 2013
    Thanks, Tammy, Miriam Teri and Liz,...Teri, your windows are brilliant! ~ Sue
  • MaryKay@Studio23Thirty MaryKay@Studio23Thirty on Jul 20, 2013
    OMG-these are gorgeous!! I would die for them. That big one I would use as a privacy screen under my deck. I'd screw hangs on top and stabilize the sides with s-hooks. Maybe even tint some of the window or us stained glass pieces in the inserts instead of some of the glass. Or even add marbles here and there to catch the light. Or something like that. Enjoy them whatever you do!!!
  • Larose LoganOakes Larose LoganOakes on Jul 20, 2013
    Ok I am a dingy! I didn't realize that you hadn't made the white arbor. Please forgive me! I must have been suffering from heat stroke as we are having a horrible heatwave here in Northern VA and we don't have AC at my house! Whew!!!I have an idea for your 3 windows. First what size are they? They look to be about 48"x 58".If an arbor is what you want then I would suggest that you go ahead and build the 3 sided structure out of wood.( the posts). I am not a carpenter. With the surfacing lumber on top and suspend the 3 windows with chains from the corners for support. In otherwords you would be making a 3 sided box.You could then decorate it accordingly.This would give you a place to sit and enjoy your yard and still feel inside sortof. I found this great site and I will give you their address in a minute where it tells you how to build an arbor.Best of luck whatever you decide to do and please post pics when you are in the process and all finished! :)
  • Drought Smart Plants Drought Smart Plants on Jul 20, 2013
    Oh, lucky! I have two similar but smaller, and I still haven't decided what to use them for. Eventually, french doors maybe?
  • Linda Linda on Jul 21, 2013
    Would make a great Mirror... You could use inside.
  • Rosemary N Rosemary N on Jul 21, 2013
    Use them for cold frames for your garden! You could make a fairly large lean-to cold frame from them. Or put some of your children's art work (or maybe some pretty fabric) behind the glass and hang them on the wall - a mini art gallery. Or hang them in your garden to accentuate a pretty view.
  • Laura Laura on Jul 21, 2013
    A table would be neet, or attach together to make a privacy tri fold window screen, drape some lacy material over them!
  • Loretta Loretta on Jul 21, 2013
    Green house for delicate plants. Lean them into each other and tie off.
  • Flea Market Gardening Flea Market Gardening on Jul 21, 2013
    Thank you all SO much for all the detailed ideas,..I will sure show off the project once I choose what to do. ~~ Sue
  • Carol Harris Carol Harris on Jul 21, 2013
    My neighbor gave me a door from her mothers farm house, and my husband took the glass out of each pane and replaced them with mirrors, I had them cut to fit, painted the door to match my patio furniture and put in the on sun porch, I love it, and it didn't cost much to do.
  • Anne D Anne D on Jul 21, 2013
    I have 3 similar windows (given as well) and I 'm going to paint Flamingos on one for Outside and the other 2 Have no Idea..?? Hopefully you'll come up with a Grand idea..Can't wait to see what you come up with :) Good Luck.
  • Karon Nelson Roberts Karon Nelson Roberts on Jul 22, 2013
    Put hinges on the sides and make a screen-- could paint/ stencil/glaze some of the glass. Get some post(like for stairs...) and screw into bottom to raise height. I would love to do that to some windows... Good luck with what ever you decide to do with them :)
  • Ken Strampe Ken Strampe on Oct 23, 2013
    lots of nice ideas the other readers have, i have no idea what your house or garden is like but i was thinking if you had a patio you could make privacy walls around your patio maybe paint some of the panes of glass with birds, butterflies and flowers. or what ever you would like. good luck on your project.
  • Vicki Vicki on Oct 23, 2013
    love ur awesome ideas.
  • Kelly S Kelly S on Oct 23, 2013
    These are perfect for a cold frame to get your garden started early.
  • Patricia W Patricia W on Oct 24, 2013
    Ill take them! hehehe! Nice!