Convert a Pickle Jar Into a Treat Jar for Your Pets!

by Dell
My Family LOVES our pets! We have had a few dogs together in our time, but our current one is a Golden Retriever named Lacey. I have always been a fan of doing DIY projects, and when I was about to throw away a few pickle jars recently, I had an idea...
I decided that I was going to make a new, personalized treat jar for my favorite companion, Lacey! Here is Lacey below...
So, in order to make these treat jars, you first have to remove the labels. I just used a few standard Claussen Pickle Jars that I was going to recycle.
To remove the label, I personally like to apply this great product called Goof-Off to help make it easier. You spray it on the labels a few times and then use a rag or dull knife to scrape them off after a few minutes.
Once the labels are removed, I like to add an additional touch to the lid by first gluing a small knob on top. Then, I spray paint the lid and knob black (but you could choose any color that you like).
If you choose to add more personal touches, I suggest some cute labels or easy cut-outs like these ones above. Sometimes, I paint the labels with chalkboard paint, so then I can change the font/titles around whenever I feel like it.
Once the lid dries, and you add your own personal touch or label to the jar, you are done! Yay! For this one, I chose to wrap the top with some cute paw-print ribbon. I did another neat version of this (below) where I used a personalized label, and then glued the jar on top of a black candle holder.
For instructions on this candle-holder and treat jar combo, visit my Blog called Dell's Daily Dish! Hope you enjoy!!! Thank you.
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  3 questions
  • Terrie Terrie on Jul 21, 2016
    I would like to make some of these. So do I understand that you did nothing to the inside of the jar lid and it still screws on as when it had pickles in it? Thanks! And your treat jars turned out so cute!
  • San7245186 San7245186 on Jul 21, 2016
    What glue was used to glue on wood knob to metal lid?
  • Nora Belle Nora Belle on Jul 21, 2016
    Did you do anything specific to remove the smell of the pickles? Given my daughter's love for them, I always have jars going to recycle but would be glad to re-use them myself, if I could limit the scent.
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  • Lori Sumner Lori Sumner on Jul 02, 2021

    This is great! I’m going to make some but paint them purple with labels. Purple looks so good on my Sophie so it’s become her signature color LOL. They will make her treat nook look so much better instead of the bags all Willy nilly. I’m also going to make treat jars for us. Thank you for sharing!

  • Bab110794387 Bab110794387 on Jun 30, 2024

    You are so clever! Wonderful “farewell” gift for animal sitters to leave when their stint is over. They will never forget you! A few business cards inside wouldn’t hurt!
