Formica-like panelling

I have old panels in my bathroom that look like Formica. They have thin metal bands between each panel. Can someone please tell me what they are and what I can do to them to update. I don't really want to remove them and put up sheet rock.
  13 answers
  • Kimberly Tapp Kimberly Tapp on Jul 15, 2016
    Could the panels actually be porcelain coated metal?
  • David David on Jul 15, 2016
    Hi Pamela The metal bands are joining strips (shaped like an capital I) which the ends of the formica panels slide into. This allows you to but up 2 panels ensuring that the edges are not proud or exposed. Formica panels are normally coated hardboard, so the wood would blow it exposed to moisture. to cut a long story short - you would need to rip it all out - sorry. However they do now produce shower board with tongue & groove which will look a lot better (we have this in my shower) regs D
  • William William on Jul 15, 2016
    David is correct. Those are hardboard tile bath panels, from the 70's. made to look like ceramic tile. The metal strips are channels to hide/hold where two seams come together. They are glued to the drywall underneath. You can paint the panels and metal with a tub and tile kit available at Home Depot and Lowes.
  • MadameRĂŁ MadameRĂŁ on Jul 15, 2016
    •this is an old way of holding panels in place.. If you would like to change,& add a bit of colour additionally (& i would go for something bright you like to deliberately show..) use the old original steel wool, & with small circle like movements, graze over the top of the metal trims(line with masking tape if you don't wish to make any boo boo's).. Then pick up some nail varnish remover to clean, (chux will do) & let sink in & dry overnight.. Now the magic touch; a small sample pot of (your colour) bathroom tile paint and with a correct size paint/craft brush then simply paint.... You decide whether you wish to use 2 or 3 coats however make sure that proper drying happens in between coats. When you have finished you will be proud of your end look,& it makes anything else old look like its supposed to be there for an effect;you may have others asking who re furbished your area... More important it doesn't cost the earth,& better still you can say you did it! Happy Crafting Madame Ra
  • Mom7825710 Mom7825710 on Jul 15, 2016
    Our last home was built in the '40's and both bathrooms and kitchen had this in it. Paint with Kiltz . Let dry and paint whatever color you desire.
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  • Teresa Teresa on Jul 15, 2016
    It's melamine board. You can paint them if you use a good sealer/primer it will make sure the paint you want to add will stick you can even paint the metal if you want or just the white . It takes a lot more time to dry the primer but then you have 2 choices regular latex paint or oil based paint the latex is faster to dry but the oil base last longer. There are lots of melamine videos on You tube that can help with more info. Below is a link to Home depot for the kind of primer you need. Hope this helps Teresa
  • Tracy Ray Tracy Ray on Jul 15, 2016
    I used contact paper to add color. It was waterproof and really changed the look
  • Kate Corliss Kate Corliss on Jul 16, 2016
    Painting like suggested above is a good idea. If you go to rip them out-be sure they aren't made with asbestos!
  • CK CK on Jul 17, 2016
    Super clean (TSP cleans and give the surface a little 'bite' to help the primer/paint adhere), prime with a high quality primer made for shiny surfaces, paint with latex paint of your choice. You should be good to go :-)
  • Ravenewing Ravenewing on Jul 18, 2016
    It is called panelite. President of the company lived in the house my inlaws bought in the 70s. It was used everywhere, At least yours was beige
  • Sharon K Coker Sharon K Coker on Jul 19, 2016
    I wall papered with brown grocery sack ,tear into pieces,dip in wallpaper paste ,squeeze out ,paste on wall,when it dries you can paint or put on a glaze.I polyurthene around sink and tub.It looks like leather.
  • Sharon K Coker Sharon K Coker on Jul 20, 2016
    all sacks,you can goggle it to find directions