DIY Rustic Birch Sconces And Lamps

I'm all for inexpensive lighting where we can fit it! Our basement, in our home, and our cabin are both quite rustic so we made a lot of our own lighting out of birch. My husband likes to cut the suckers that grow at the base of a large birch tree to use especially for the floor lamps. It doesn't hurt the tree and it gives a nice twisty look to the lamps.
We have these along side beds, sofas and at the end of hallways.
The basic lamp part diagram.
Rustic Crafts & Chic Decor - Renee
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  1 question
  • Nancy Nancy on Aug 20, 2024

    Where are the directions for the birch lamp? I only saw the “basic light part diagram,” which is obvious.

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  • Vetsy Vetsy on Jun 02, 2014
    Lovely! I'm assuming nothing extra has to be done to birch to preserve them once you are finished making them, are they left as is once you are done?
  • YmooRe YmooRe on Apr 17, 2015