
Susan M
by Susan M
i need a way to store pots and pans when not in use especially cast iron pots and pans
  9 answers
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Jul 25, 2013
    I have a heavy duty pot rack that is installed directly over our kitchen sink. most of our day to day pots and pans are hung there. (The big work horse of our 18 pound cast iron dutch oven lives in a lower base cabinet.) This works great, especially for the cast iron as they get hand washed then immediately hung up over the sink...if they drip a little it is no big deal.
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  • Linda Phillippi Linda Phillippi on Jul 25, 2013
    Just be sure to hang it over something that won't get damaged if a pot accidentally falls. Like a porceline sink or a glass top stove.
  • Eddy Eddy on Jul 25, 2013
    I mounted a pegboard to the inside of the pantry door and used the pegs that are 4 or 5 inches long. You can hang two pans per peg or one pan on the shorter pegs. They have held up for like 15 years...have never had a skillet fall and I have a couple of pretty large cast iron skillets, something like 15" across! In a different house the peg board was on a wall and I even hung my Dutch oven with the lid turned upside down in the pan, if that makes any sense!
  • Gayle Valverde Gayle Valverde on Jul 25, 2013
    I have a super,small kitchen and so I store mine on cookie sheets in my oven...LOL When I bake, I just pull the 4 sheets out of the oven & go for it. Not very imaginative I suppose, but I got sick of trying to remember when I did have them in my garage and for me,it's practical.:)
  • Chicken Milk Chicken Milk on Jul 26, 2013
    We have been using old wooden ladders, cutting them down to fit the size of the area, and hanging them from the ceiling. If you buy some "s" hooks you can hang them from the spindles and hang your pots and pans from the hooks. It is definitely a shabby chic look. Make sure you use your stud finder to hang the ladder. The old ladders are heavy and when you add pots and pans, you want to make sure it has a lot of security! If you find a really long one, you can use the other half as a towel hanger. These look so cute and the are really inexpensive!
  • Sia@South 47th Sia@South 47th on Jul 26, 2013
    Along that ladder line, I used a pair of old "Oars" when I lived at the beach.
  • Judy Parkey Judy Parkey on Mar 17, 2015
    I took my old tv entertainment center and put a back in where the TV would go, added a shelf and took off the lower doors, then painted it off-white to make more storage.
  • Judy Sideb Judy Sideb on Mar 18, 2015
    I live in a small studio and only have one small bottom cabinet and of course the one under the sink, where of course I kept cleaning supplies. I acquired a nice wire shelving unit about 3'x6' where I have my canisters of dry goods and canned food. I used the bottoman 2 shelped and the floor to keep my mixing bowls and pots and pans. I used the small cabinet to store extra canned food because I was using too much space for the pots and pans. One day I thought outside the cabinet and realized there's no law that dictates that cleaning supplies have to go under the sink! I cleaned out both cabinets and put the cleaning supplies in the little cabinet and my pots and pans under the sink! It makes so much sense and my shelves look so uncluttered.
  • Doris Partridge Doris Partridge on Jul 08, 2015
    This picture shows our solution.
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