DIY ~ Be Your Own Florist (a Cautionary Tale)

Barb Rosen
by Barb Rosen
24 Hours
Upon hearing that flowers for her daughter’s three hour engagement party would run $5,000, my friend, Renee, decided she would do it herself. Or rather, she would enlist my help and the two of us would do the flowers. Simple groupings of vases, with little taped designs and gold spray paint to jazz them up, plunk some flowers in, how hard could that be? Well, we found out! Here is our cautionary tale so you don’t make some of the same mistakes we did! Although it all turned out well in the end, it was more than a notion …
Come check out all the details of how we pulled it off for less than $4.oo per vase!
We started with clear vases in all sizes and tape.
For the gift table we used rectangular and square vases.
The ivy sprigs were the magic touch in customizing our bouquets.
Swirls and stripes of gold accented our vases.
Barb Rosen
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4 of 50 comments
  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Jun 28, 2014
    When my middle daughter got married (we have three daughters), they had a lovely outdoor wedding (with a large tent, fortunately since the weather forecasters were wrong and a hurricane off the coast caused a steady rain the day of the wedding), but, the budget was tight. She ordered cut flowers from a local florist for the tables, as well as the corsages and bouquets. A case of small glass vases had been purchased, as well as a large bag of small river rock. Tables were borrowed from a local church, as were the chairs. A friend of the family who is a fabulous baker, baked the cakes. Anyway, you are right, it can be done!
    comment photo
  • Barbara Barbara on Sep 29, 2016
    This is gorgeous thank you for the tip