Asked on Aug 08, 2016

Organizing a cabinet of pans

What can I do to these cabinets for pan storage? This is where I want to keep my pans. What can I do to organize these kitchen cabinets?

  13 answers
  • Dee Lowe Dee Lowe on Aug 09, 2016
    You don't say if there is a budget for this project but I would suggest hanging whatever pans you can in this cabinet & then adding a shelf for more stacking items...first I would paint just to give it a fresh look.
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  • Phyllis Phyllis on Aug 09, 2016
    I agree paint cabinet shelves and walls to brightened up. Also add another shelf to the big open one.
  • Danielle Danielle on Aug 09, 2016
    Paint the inside of the cabinet to make it look more finished. Buy a lazy susan bearing . Home Depot has them super cheap - less than $5: Cut a piece of 3/4" plywood into a circle the diameter of which will fit into the left hand cabinet. Screw large cup hooks into the plywood circle, spaced so you can hang pots on then, making sure to go far enough in from the edge of the plywood round that pots don't bang on the side of the cabinet when mounted. Test to see if the hook on the cup hook is big enough for the pot handle. If not you can usually carefully bend it out by hand or using a pair of pliers cushioned with a rag. Once your hooks are screwed it, mount the lazy susan to the underside of the cabinet, be sure to use screws short enough that you won't screw right through the top of your countertop. Hang pots and you have a lazy susan pot rack inside your cabinet which lets you take advantage of places you might not be able to reach otherwise. underneath you will probably have a little room to keep baking sheets or other shallow baking pans. In the right hand side of the cabinet where there are already 2 shelves buy a lid rack like this one: And you can have all your pot lids in one place and still have the bottom of the cabinet for other things like cutting boards, cooling racks, that sort of thing. All together you can probably do it for around $30.
  • Ann Lewis Ann Lewis on Aug 09, 2016
    I feel your pan and after years of such cabinets for my pots and pans I discarded the idea and bought a wrought iron bakers rack and stacked the pans so I can actually see them. Getting them out and putting them away is a breeze. Who needs bending to try to find something and getting frustrated by the exertion and frustration? I use the cabinets for things I do not use very often, cookie sheets, cake pans, cleaning supplies and a neat under the sink cabinet where I can actually find the dishwasher tabs and extra light bulbs. Consider the wrought iron shelf. I too would paint the inside of your cabinets to freshen it up.
    • Dee Lowe Dee Lowe on Aug 10, 2016
      Me too Ann...I have brighty colored pots & pans so I love to have them out and gives me more cabinet room since my kitchen is small I too have to be creative.
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  • Jlkrsak Jlkrsak on Aug 09, 2016
    I would install a lazy susan in the corner cabinet and have pull out slider for the two shelves on the right
  • Jlkrsak Jlkrsak on Aug 09, 2016
    In my kitchen, I have two levels of lazy susans and put a lot of my small appliances there.
  • Gail Salminen Gail Salminen on Aug 09, 2016
    Angie, I recently had my kitchen remodeled. We went with pull out drawers for the pots and pans - amazing difference. Also had corner drawers put in the corner cabinet area. They do sell these things at home stores - corner cabinet drawers would be more difficult if not doing a remodel, but the regular cupboard should be no problem.
  • Rynn Rynn on Aug 09, 2016
    I have a really tall cabinet for my pans--- but there was so much wasted space and i could only stack them so high. So i bought a folding tray ( like you might eat on in front of the TV) and use it for an additional "shelf" in my pot cabinet. Only cost a couple bucks at the thrift store, and it works great!
  • Janine Bartram Janine Bartram on Aug 10, 2016
    I use plastic boxes with wheels on the bottom in all my cupboards. Pots in one, pans in another, plastics, bakeware, etc. Easy to get in and out, keeps them all neat and easy to find. And as I'm in a rental, less packing when i move as its already in containers. I do the same in the linen closet 1 box for each person for their sheets etc, keeps them altogether and easy to grab when needed.
  • Janine Bartram Janine Bartram on Aug 10, 2016
    A photo to show you how neat they look and no more searching in cupboards when i need something
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  • Arlene Rivera Arlene Rivera on Aug 11, 2016
    I use file sorters to place pans and lids upright. Keeps them sorted, scratch free, and easy to find. Used higher shelf to place pots with lids. Works really well with baking pans, too.
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    • Bar7776578 Bar7776578 on Aug 11, 2016
      also roasting rack turned upside down works to store lids for pots and pans
  • Linda Mason Linda Mason on Aug 11, 2016
    Best thing ever did was to HANG them...
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  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Oct 01, 2022

    I have several organizing posts that might help you