It's Hypertufa Time!

There's a lot of interest in this material - first of all, what on earth is it?
Hypertufa is a mix of peat moss, Portland cement and perlite, which originally was created to give the impression of old stone troughs by rock garden enthusiasts. Now it's been rediscovered by other avid gardeners and used to make some really creative and innovative planters.
Hardy succulents and alpine plants thrive in the conditions that they find in hypertufa pots. I make little pinch pots which can just hold enough soil for a handful of tiny Sempervivum to make a jewel like display.
Other weird and wonderful planters that have gone viral are the Hypertufa Hands - these were a take on some that I saw that the artist had used as a decorative feature on some beautiful bird baths, but I saw the potential for making them cupped, to hold a few of my favorite little plants.
The projects you can make out of this material are infinite. The more you make, the more ideas come to you and get the imagination rolling. Stay tuned for more posts on this fascinating material.
The now infamous picture of the Hypertufa Hands - this caught a lot of peoples eye and launched hypertufa into the spotlight as a unique and unusual material that can be used so creatively.
There has been a lot of interest in this project too;
Hypertufa Pinch Pots are simple to make, but oh, so effective to use as a really pretty miniature display. Choose only small species of Sempervivum and miniature versions of Sedum to plant in these.
There are some detailed tutorials in the Succulent Crafts E-Course on Drought Smart Plants;
Drought Smart Plants
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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