Easy Homemade Carpet Cleaner Only 3 Ingredients (and Why It Works!)

I'm back with another easy chemist solution!
Let me start off by saying I have personally used this easy homemade carpet cleaner for years and more times than I care to admit. My husband has a tendency to spill anything that’s red (spaghetti, pizza). We have very light carpet, so you can imagine how that turns out!
Now that we have a dog, I use this easy homemade carpet cleaner probably every few weeks.
The best part about this cleaner is it’s cheap and effective. It also is safe for kids and pets!
First, I will share with you the recipe. Then, I will explain to you a little bit about why it works so well!

White Vinegar (Distilled, must be!)

Baking Soda

Hydrogen Peroxide**

Scrub Pad

** Peroxide is a pretty safe oxidizer, we have used this on brown and green carpets too with success. I would test peroxide out on a small surface first, just to be safe. Check the blog for more details on this, but peroxide should only be used on touch food stains. The vinegar/baking soda method is sufficient for normal and older stains. Again always test a small area when using peroxide method!!!
Step One: Clean up any debris first. Pieces of food, excess liquid, or dog bones (lol). Just pick up the area a little bit so all you have is the carpet and the stain or just carpet that needs to be cleaned. You can see in the picture above that Ruger made quit the mess with his bone. He also rain outside in the dirt and came in. The carpet is just dingy looking with some dirt stains.

Step Two: Sprinkle baking soda pretty heavily on stain or just sprinkle all over the carpet if there isn’t a particular stain. You can see in the picture below there is some dirt stains.
Step Three: Make sure your vinegar is in a spray bottle, and spray the entire area that has baking soda on it.

Step Four: Allow that to sit for 30 minutes to an hour. You want it to soak in and dry a bit.

Step Five: If your stain is something that’s really deep like spaghetti, ink, etc this is when you want to pour on some hydrogen peroxide. If you are only using this to refresh your carpet, you don’t need to use the peroxide

STEP SIX AND SEVEN: click here on the blog for the rest of details
So, why does this particular method work so well?

It's ALLL in the chemistry. Read here why baking soda, vinegar , and peroxide create a stain fighting miracle!
Alexis @ Chemistry Cachet
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Jennifer Johnson Jennifer Johnson on Oct 08, 2016
    Will this get cat urine odor out of couch cushions?
  • Lyn Lyn on Oct 15, 2016
    Hi great idea! Would you have any idea how to get hallowe'en face paint out of a carpet. My carpet is only 5 months old and is silver grey. The bleeding face paint that got walked in is black. Would appreciate any tips as I felt like crying when I seen it on my cream rug and carpet. The rug I can replace but the carpet was pretty expensive. Thanking you in advance.
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  • Angela Rae Hake Angela Rae Hake on Oct 27, 2023

    Do you have a Bed Bug remover or preventative all natural Remedy??

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  • Marilyn Marilyn on Nov 19, 2016
    Hi Alexis ... I have tried your method of sprinkling baking soda and spritzed the vinegar on the stains. Then I allowed it to 'settle', I then used the peroxide (spritzed). Where there were heavier 'clumps' of soda, the rug appears to have been 'bleached' by where I had used the baking soda. My rug is light in colour ... A berber type . Now what can I do? Marilyn
    • (Hi Marilyn, I replied yesterday, but I don't think it put it as a reply to this comment, sorry about that...) I've never had this happen on my carpet, but it did happen to my rug. It's a similar material. I will say that sometimes your carpet can get dirty and discolored over time. The baking soda won't bleach(it doesn't have the capability) but it will lift all the dirt completely. My rug was so much whiter than it was before in the spots I used it on. I ended up pouring baking soda and vinegar over entire rug. It made it so clean and back to its original color. You can leave it that way and normal wear/dirt will probably settle again bringing it back to normal. If you'd like, send me a picture to alexis@chemistrycachet.com or contact me through my blog so I can help you further!
  • I've never had this happen on my carpet, but it did happen to my rug. It's a similar material. I will say that sometimes your carpet can get dirty and discolored over time. The baking soda won't bleach(it doesn't have the capability) but it will lift all the dirt completely. My rug was so much whiter than it was before in the spots I used it on. I ended up pouring baking soda and vinegar over entire rug. It made it so clean and back to its original color. You can leave it that way and normal wear/dirt will probably settle again bringing it back to normal. If you'd like, send me a picture to alexis@chemistrycachet.com or contact me through my blog so I can help you further! 😊