What colors to repaint 6 foot long buffet?

Linda Dann
by Linda Dann
I am desperate for more storage so today I got a beat up but nice buffet- solid wood to repaint- colors of my LR/DR are navy and copper- the DR table chairs are dark brown- I don't want it to be dark brown- but if it is then highlights- pls see photos and would welcome any thoughts! Included LR so you can get the style which I call Classical Canine!
Tell us about this photo friend on great grandmother's sofa right across from where I want to place buffet
Tell us about this photo adjacent wall- copper navy
Tell us about this photo pls ignore lighting- but the buffet will go to the wall to the right of the painting
  27 answers
  • Jeanna Jeanna on Aug 20, 2013
    You could always refinish it with stain the color of the wood on your sofa.
  • Linda Dann Linda Dann on Aug 20, 2013
    Yeah- that's what I'm thinking too- maybe a copper on the top???
  • Dian Shackelford Dian Shackelford on Aug 21, 2013
    If you must paint instead of sand and stain the buffet then pick something to compliment the dining room table. Would love to see a picture of the buffet to help visualize. Do you want the buffet to blend or pop in the room? Since your style is classic canine (love the concept!) perhaps a faux finish incorporating the copper and the dark color of the dining table would work. Good luck and be sure to post the finished product.
    • Linda Dann Linda Dann on Aug 21, 2013
      @Dian Shackelford I just wrote a response and added some photos- thanks!
  • Jennifer Pospichal Jennifer Pospichal on Aug 21, 2013
    My first thought was similar to Dian S's -- the darker dining room table color brushed with copper highlights and with copper hardware.
  • Linda Dann Linda Dann on Aug 21, 2013
    LOVE IT LOVE IT! The hardware idea is spectacular.
  • Linda Dann Linda Dann on Aug 21, 2013
    Tho I am definitely a 'pop' person by nature- in this case- I think I'd like it to blend . I have lots of little 'unique' things about that I'd prefer to showcase- did I mention it's really a dresser- great height tho. Added a new iron lamp 8 bucks thrift today with amazing hard copper colored shade! That will go on top- whatever color it is!
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    • Txvoodoo Txvoodoo on Aug 22, 2013
      @Linda Dann I'd go with a slightly darker shade of red than is on the walls now! It'd look rich.
  • Jeanna Jeanna on Aug 21, 2013
    I would go with the refinishing with stain and the copper top, Would be beautiful
  • Linda Dann Linda Dann on Aug 21, 2013
    I'll show the results- in some weeks- just hope it doesn't look like a Halloween coffin!!!!
  • Dian Shackelford Dian Shackelford on Aug 21, 2013
    If you don't want to sand and refinish with stain, I would paint with something like Benjamin Moore "Midnight Horizon" then dry brush or glaze with a copper or cover the top with a copper something....... Your table lamp is perfect. Let us see the final product. Good luck classic canine!
  • Linda Dann Linda Dann on Aug 21, 2013
    Thanks- hopefully- we'll have something to meet the judges' satisfaction!!
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  • Vickie Lanham Vickie Lanham on Aug 21, 2013
    I would match the wood to the sofa ,maybe put a table runner on top in navy or copper
  • Therese C Therese C on Aug 21, 2013
    I'm not sure how artistically inclined you are, but here is my suggestion. (this is based on the colors in your surrounding areas) I would take the wood to as close in color as possible to the wood of the sofa, then if you are feeling artsy, use a peacock feather and 'thread' a very little bit of copper paint into the darker paint while it is still wet. The copper will pick up just enough light to glow out but not take away from the beauty of the piece. Your home is very beautifully decorated by the way! If you decide to use the feather, practice on cardboard or wood to get the feel of just how lightly you need to move the feather. Good luck in whatever you decide!
  • 173371 173371 on Aug 22, 2013
    I like the idea of wood stain and feathering copper on top. Also I would feather the front.
  • Lynda Lynda on Aug 22, 2013
    you could also add a thin piece of hammered copper to the top with nail heads...
  • Kelly thompson Kelly thompson on Aug 22, 2013
    i might go with an antique white so you can add copper and navy accents to it down the line...
  • Jane Burkhart Jane Burkhart on Aug 22, 2013
    I would paint it to match your dining room table. Maybe put a piece of marble or granite on top to oprotect the Buffet. Copper would also look nice on top.
  • Linda Dann Linda Dann on Aug 22, 2013
    I love the idea of the hammered copper but where do you get that?? I checked the backsplashes at Lowes and they're over 20 bucks a pop- and this top is large- does anyone know of another way to purchase some copper???
  • Therese C Therese C on Aug 22, 2013
    You can actually buy sheets of thin copper and stencil/hammer it yourself. The hammer/press stencil thingies are sold at Michael's and hobby lobby. Very easy to use, they are like a leather stamp, and you hold it on the copper where you want design and hammer it.
  • Linda Dann Linda Dann on Aug 23, 2013
    Used to listen to a song- "I don't know where I'm goin- but goin nowhere in a hurry blues." Copper top- with some green and blues tones- chalked sprayed glazed- One drawer Distressed with blue and originally stained and varnished- and one drawer with a coat of spray stain/varnish --- exploring stage.
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    • See 1 previous
    • Jeanna Jeanna on Aug 23, 2013
      @Linda Dann I really like that look , very unique , Can not wait to see finished product
  • Linda Dann Linda Dann on Aug 23, 2013
    Thanks so much cause can't say my family are all that positive- but I'm having fun and will carry on!
  • Linda Dann Linda Dann on Aug 31, 2013
    ALMOST COMPLETE!! Need to do finish glaze and wax that bottom middle drawer and put the rest of the hardware on! I really love it and love more the storage it brings-it had many incarnations- but I feel this one works- couldn't have done it without ya!
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  • Linda Dann Linda Dann on Aug 31, 2013
    Ordered this Laurel Birch blue metallic fabric to hang behind it!
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  • Therese C Therese C on Aug 31, 2013
    @Linda Dann...girl, you have outdone yourself!! I must say, no shout this: THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL..FABULOUS JOB YOU HAVE DONE!!!! Love, love, love it! (and I don't say that very often at all).:)
    • Linda Dann Linda Dann on Aug 31, 2013
      @Therese C THANK YOU THANK YOU!! My family kept shaking their heads and asking when I was gonna get all that junk outta the garage!!!! Now even they like it!
  • Therese C Therese C on Aug 31, 2013
    You truly deserve all that praise and more! I kid you not, I love the way it turned out. And you got my wheels turning about 90mph... ;)
  • Linda Dann Linda Dann on Aug 31, 2013
    Thanks! Keep me posted!!
  • Dian Shackelford Dian Shackelford on Sep 01, 2013
    Well done! Pat yourself on the back and keep creating. Sometimes we get so focused on one vision we don't see the endless possibilities out there. How true not just for furniture!
  • Cindy Haskell Cindy Haskell on Sep 16, 2014
    Wow Linda...that piece came out positively gorgeous! Isn't it funny how Hometalk folks give us some great ideas? Great job!!