Raised Fern Stencil Livens up a Boring Desk Area

Patricia Presto/On The Surface
by Patricia Presto/On The Surface
This desk area was previously all white cabinets. To go with the more mountainous, earthy feel of this home, I painted & glazed the cabinets & applied a raised stencil in bronze....now it looks like an interesting piece of furniture instead of "just another" desk area! The stencil used was purchased from Royal Design Studio& the "plaster" I used was off-the-shelf sheet rock mud!
I applied a bronze paint carefully with my artist brush over the fern to give it some sparkle
"After" of desk area
I painted & glazed these cabinets with a caramel color paint, then glazed w/black...
I also changed out hardware to give it a more rustic feel! :-)
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2 of 36 comments
  • Elaine Simmons Elaine Simmons on Sep 09, 2013
    I am back with a photo as promised although it is not a good picture. I just painted my "tree" in white.....it is much taller than it looks and trails above another door. On the next photo, I did a dresser, using rope for the handles.
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  • Royal Design Studio Royal Design Studio on Oct 22, 2015
    Cool project, Patricia! Adding pattern and stenciling on cabinets are a must do DIY project!