What to do with this crib?

I just garbage picked this. I need some ideas. Outdoor garden crib, shabby chic....
Garbage pick of the week, rocking crib.
  20 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Aug 29, 2016
    so awesome... ok sand and strip existing finish then prepare for outdoor use. re-stain with out door finish and seal with an outdoor clear spray.Drill holes and plant with season flowers and use as a focal point.
  • William William on Aug 30, 2016
    I see a lovely planter box! Brightly painted with some painted flowers or decorations. Nail some wood slats on the bottom with spaces for drainage. Fill with potted seasonal plants, so they can be easily changed out.
  • Lora Lora on Aug 30, 2016
    Take off the legs. Refinish as desired. Add a bottom. Pick a place where you need added storage. This can be used as a hamper, recyclable collection box, toy bin, cat bed, towel display holder in the bath, etc. Be sure to use sturdy fasteners if attaching to a wall.
  • Irene Irene on Aug 30, 2016
    Eliminate the rocking part at the bottom of "legs". Add a bottom, cut down one side in a curve. Refinish & add a cushion for a pet bed
  • Cyn Bek Cyn Bek on Aug 30, 2016
    Clean it with 0000 steel wool and a mild mixture of Furniture Replenish, after it is totally dry, if needed polish with 0000 steel wool and a good oil based polish, wipe down with cheese cloth until no oil rubs off, and store memorabilia and photo albums,
  • Marilyn Zaruba Marilyn Zaruba on Aug 30, 2016
    This would be adorable for a little girl's collection of dolls and stuffed animals. Painted with chalk paint and some flowers on the ends and ribbons on the sides.
  • Rebecca Bray Rebecca Bray on Aug 30, 2016
    I would put 2x2's on the bottom of both legs measured to fit so the boards don't stick out, sand it down some to give it more of an antique look,, put a thick black trash bag insie so when you fill it with top soil it won't rot the wood, put a perinneal on both sies in front at the ends to hide the boards and plant annuals in it each year so you can change the look every spring and if you want to put it some place outside where you would have extra room in back of the crib plant some cannas behind it and they will come up every year and bloom
  • Barbara Weber Barbara Weber on Aug 30, 2016
    I put strips (2X2) along the long side of the cradle, put hay in the bottom and added 3 antique glass eggs in a Hay "nest" had glass cut the width and length of the cradle and it's now my coffee table. Extra special since my father made it and both my daughters slept in it as babies.
  • Emmawilliams1 Emmawilliams1 on Aug 30, 2016
    I wish...Send it to me!! absolutely adorable...have a fun time with it!
  • Christin Harding Christin Harding on Aug 30, 2016
    It's beautiful! Don't do anything! Fill with dolls, or stuffed animals, or plants, but it's gorgeous! Don't ruin the finish!
  • Sandi De Luca Gales Sandi De Luca Gales on Aug 30, 2016
    It seems most like it for out door use, but I do like the doll display idea.
  • Carole Alden Carole Alden on Aug 30, 2016
    I used mine for extra blankets for the living room with a doll on top.
  • Bec7941458 Bec7941458 on Aug 30, 2016
    Like Carole Alden, I use mine for bulky blankets in the bottom, then I fold and put my quilts on top. The last quilt, I fit it around the edges, like they use to, then finish it off with a couple of stuffed animals that belonged to my kids and grandkids.......beautiful and treasured!
  • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on Aug 30, 2016
    I'd paint it a bright color, add a pillow and turn it into a pet bed! Wonderful find.
  • Sandy Sandy on Aug 31, 2016
    how about a kitty cat bed
  • Arvilla Arvilla on Sep 01, 2016
    You can make a love seat. Home and family made one.
  • Leah M Leah M on Sep 01, 2016
    You would have to put a bottom on it since it doesn't appear to have one. I would use it for blanket/quilt storage if my cats allowed it (not.) Depending on your style you might want to sand down and stain a lighter color, but if you want to retain the original one, it doesn't seem to be, in the picture, in too bad a shape. If you have small children, or grand children who come over, it might also be a fun toy for them. My mother had a small cabinet that her father got for her. She had it in her kitchen for spice storage, but when my niece was coming, she moved them out and put out the play food. She also kept her iron one of the lower parts and a few items in the drawers. My sister has it now in her kitchen doing the same thing. I'm going to guess it'll go to our niece when we pass on.
  • Brenda Hand-Amunrud Brenda Hand-Amunrud on Sep 01, 2016
    Oh I would go "shabby chic" with chalk pain and some decoupage maybe try some Spackle and a stencil for a pretty relief. Also decorating it with quilts stated by Beckynichols51. It would be sooo cute!
  • Sandi De Luca Gales Sandi De Luca Gales on Sep 09, 2016
    This is what I decided to do with it. It can also go outside in the flower garden.
    comment photo
  • Sandi De Luca Gales Sandi De Luca Gales on Sep 10, 2016
    Thank you Brends