Has anyone installed exterior mirrors to aid in seeing caller at door?

by NancyLee
I'd like to put a mirror up adjacent to my front door to better view anyone there. Pictures, suggestions welcome as well as any other "passive" (not electronic) effective security measures. Thanks.
  3 answers
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Aug 29, 2013
    This assumes you have a window next to the door, and a wall that is perpendicular to the door. A simple door peep would be a bit simpler. They make some that have a wider field of view. A determined home invader / Burglar can and will often find other entry points. A sliding patio door or picture window is no match for a big rock or other smashing type tool. I higher crime areas secondary "security" devices are often installed to prevent entry. ie: bars on the windows etc. Fortunately Grants Pass is not Chicago, or Detroit and your neighborhood is most likely pretty safe. Some other "passive" home systems can play second roles as recreational items as well.
    comment photo
  • NancyLee NancyLee on Aug 29, 2013
    I do have a door peep - am replacing it with a wider angle. I'm considering installing your pictured device just inside my door!! But I would like a mirror - so the unwelcome could see his own reaction to my surprise! LOL!!! Not as safe here as one would think - lots of transient and drug problems. No where to escape completely in these times. Still, it is far better than cities.......
  • Can we ask why you are looking for something "passive"? There are several options for door cameras out there that will let you see the front door and they are not as expensive as they have been in the past. The only reason we ask is if you are worried about who is at the door is allows you to see the door without putting yourself at the door itself. You can look from a monitor in the kitchen or a keypad in the bedroom. It takes you out of the equation and will record whomever is at your door so you have video documentation should you need it later.