Asked on Sep 05, 2016

Redoing the basement family room on a budget

by John
We have a Cape Cod home in New England. Looking to build a family room in one corner. We have about 15 x12 feet....couch..TV...maybe 1 full wall and a half wall with entrance...we have 9 foot ceilings that are open showing joists..Thank you.
Needs a face lift
  5 answers
  • Debi53 Debi53 on Sep 06, 2016
    It is not clear to me what you are asking for. If you could be more specific I think it would help people answer. Including more pictures from different angles would also be helpful.
  • Julies1949 Julies1949 on Sep 06, 2016
    If you want to decorate on a budget, highlight the structural elements instead of trying to hide them. Paint the pipes, beams etc bright colors. Paint the floor. Pick colors you love. Use an area rug for warmth and softness. Check out the FREE section on Craigslist if you need new furniture items. People give away all sorts of great items, especially at the beginning and end of the month when they are moving.
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  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Sep 06, 2016
    Start from the top. Any painting drips will be covered by what you do to the floor. Pipes hang low enough that a drop ceiling is out. Put some light colors up there, maybe a couple small track lights. I've seen people spot tack material to rafters when they didn't want the permanance of ceiling tile or sheetrock. I've also seen them seal the rafters and put up strings of mini lights. Walls could use a coat of paint to freshen up and decide what color you might want those pipes. If you can't hide it then make it look nice. Floor-Paint, tile, or carpet. I had an uncle that put in a whole two bed, 1 bath apartment in his basement. Did each room in different color tile and then used leftovers for bath. One of the daughters moved in with family and later his grandson moved his new family in.
  • John John on Sep 10, 2016
    Thank you for all your ideas
  • John John on Sep 10, 2016
    Thanks for all your help