Samples of ivy on fence?

by Diane
I would like to know if there are photos of ivy growing on fences. Is that a good thing?
  5 answers
  • Waysouth Waysouth on Sep 10, 2013
    if it ever stops raining I will go out and take a photo for you. Yes it looks pretty but it spreads, not only on the fence, but along the ground, it doesn't care a bit, it will go anywhere! Fine if it is nowhere near your flower or veggie garden. Possibly there may be some less aggressive ivy out there
  • Diane once ivy takes it over it is a nightmare to keep it in check. I just ripped out a truckload of ivy at a neighbor's house that they could not keep in control away from their new shrubs and yard. It crept 6' just in a month! If you want something to grow on a fence check out clematis or other less invasive vines that can be kept in check plus have blooms and/or scents. It takes years to eradicate an ivy patch that has taken over and it is a constant pulling the ivy out until all roots are destroyed. Took me 3 years in my own yard from the previous owners. Ivy does not play well with others and it is immune to herbacides which means it is a plant that you have to physically pull out root by root. I pulled one vine and it was almost 20' long! So be careful in your decision...
  • Christine Hendrix Christine Hendrix on Sep 11, 2013
    I will take a picture of honey suckle ( Ivy} on my chain link fence. It smells wonderful spring thru fall. I guess it's good for privacy, shade. ground cover, tree and anything in it's way cover. Fast growing humming birds like it . I have pulled it out three times. It is killing my English Ivy. It looks like it's having a bad hair day lol. I bought a yard torch going to try and burn it down haha hope my oxygen doesn't blow us up.
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  • Diane Diane on Sep 11, 2013
    Help answer this question...
  • Diane Diane on Sep 11, 2013
    Thanks for the note.