Asked on Sep 22, 2016

Cat scratch pulls on a couch

by Mar12176077
I have an ivory, jacqaurd fabric couch. I recently rescued two young cats and one has claws. I came home one day to find she scratched the front of the arms. They had been in mint condition! Any tips on how to repair it? I'm not a craft or diy person at all so any tips would help. Thank you!
  77 answers
  • Joyce Joyce on Sep 23, 2016
    I've had this happen, and it is heartbreaking, I know. The only thing I have found is to gently use a we ladies shave take off the fuzz, then spray the areas frequently with pet repel (available at pet store) or orange oil (check to make sure it won't stain your fabric.). A sure fire cure that works but requires time is keeping a small spray bottle of water to discourage the little offenders until they get the idea .
  • Rose Rose on Sep 23, 2016
    Great idea Joyce!
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    • MM MM on Sep 24, 2016
      Where is Rose mentioning or Joyce mentioning anything about declawing??
  • Susan Meggitt Susan Meggitt on Sep 23, 2016
    The razor idea is good for the fuzz bit to get the pulled loops you can get a very fine crochet hook stick it into the fabric near a loop. Go up to the loop grab the loop and pull it down into the fabric.
  • Mary Mary on Sep 23, 2016
    I have had 3 cats, from kittens to 21 years old--the oldest one, and you can take clear (wide tape) and put it on the sides, arms and where ever they are scratching. The tape (heavy duty) is unnoticeable. Throw a coverlet, pillows, or any decorative fabric over the area--if possible. Cats, in general, do not like smooth material. It is not expensive to give them a claw trim about every 6 weeks. Declawing can cause personality problems, such as biting, anti-social behavior, and others. You can also have your Vet to cap their claws.
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    • Mary Mary on Sep 24, 2016
      My cat that live to 21 was also a Siamese. My dad built her a casket, and I made a casket cover wreath. She was buried in my mom's flower garden, under her favorite tree.
  • Ann Ann on Sep 23, 2016
    I don't have cats, but I have two little dogs. After years of leaving my couch unharmed, they decided to use it as a doggie scratching post. I bought a painter's canvas drop cloth that I am using as a cover. So far, it has worked. Drop cloths come in various weights so choose a heavy weight.
  • MJ OLeary MJ OLeary on Sep 23, 2016
    I agree with everyone!! Do not declaw. Cats can be trained by using deterrents. I've used all those methods and, like kids, some may not work as effectively as others. Keep trying different solutions (ask your vet, vet tech, Google Jackson Galaxy (My Cat From Hell) for additional non-punitive methods. I've used a dog whistle and a soda can filled with just a few coins or dried beans. The idea is to DETER. Also, if you see them doing unwanted behavior, DISTRACT them (which is really what you're aiming to do), using PLAY. Try not to use treats...they associate the scratching with receiving something really yummy: result is sometimes more scratching. If you can't stop the behavior, or another solution is put up a scratching post/pad there, then eventually move it to where you really want it. Worst is, it stays there by your couch. I've rescued countless cats over the years (no, I'm not a crazy cat lady), and each cat is very different so patience and consistency will pay off. Also, make sure there is nothing medically wrong with kitty (or they have anxiety that must be addressed.) Good luck and thank you for rescuing!
  • Denise Pike-Teague Denise Pike-Teague on Sep 23, 2016
    Get a scratching post or two for your kittys & spray your couch with 'no scratch'. A rough hewn piece of 2x 10 lumber approx 1 1/2' - 2' long will work to. There are lots of options ! Please don't declaw ! Carefully trim the snags with scissors.
  • Polly Fuller Polly Fuller on Sep 23, 2016
    cat deterent mix: clear dish liquid, eucalyptus oil, lemon oil, 3/4, full spray bottle of water. wasn't given the amts. use your best guess. i would say a tsp. of each. got this recipe online. good luck. I used aluminum foil pinned to scratching places on sofa too.
  • Pat Pat on Sep 23, 2016
    Shaving the fabric carefully should help. I have a shaver for pills on fabric and use it for this type of thing. A regular razor works too, just be careful.
  • Beverly  Colbert Beverly Colbert on Sep 23, 2016
    Declawing a cat is mutilation, a cat's claw is actually part of the first vertabrae in a cat's toe. They amputate the entire joint leaving a cat defenseless and permanately disfigured. A quite barbaric practice. If this is your only option I would suggest re-homing Kitty.
  • Dmaxmama Dmaxmama on Sep 23, 2016
    trim the frayed threads, then use "Fray check" available at most any fabric store. I used edge guards on all of the corners of my couches to prevent this from happening again.
  • Chrislee Chrislee on Sep 23, 2016
    Pull the frayed threads with a small crochet hook off to one side THEN carefully trim with tiny scissors and use fray check. Its time consuming but well worth it. Make sure your new scratching post is wrapped with natural jute. Cats love it and won't scratch anything else.
  • 169756 169756 on Sep 23, 2016
    You might want to try "Soft Paws" for the cat. I was forced to go that route or get rid of one of my rescues. She clawed everything including the walls. Good luck
  • Susan Bellwood Susan Bellwood on Sep 23, 2016
    I like the idea of the clear tape for protection, perhaps after shaving the area. I have a scratch post up against the sofa where I caught the little bugger one day. If you spray the post with a little cat nip that may help him get the idea as well. Keep kitty's claws trimmed, I find about every 2 weeks. And if you do catch him in the act, a squirt with water may make him see the error of his ways.
  • Laurie Laurie on Sep 23, 2016
    Double sided tape did the trick for us - our cats no longer claw the furnture cause they hate the sticky feel of the tape. Most of all, THANK YOU for rescuing the little babies - it's an awesome thing to do!!!!!
  • Elaine Elaine on Sep 23, 2016
    It's rather hard (at least on my screen!) to see the damage but IF the threads are just sort of "fluffy" looking, then the actual threads forming the jacquard design aren't actually cut/snipped in two but more of a "frayed" result. If that's the case, do what others have said and that is neatly give the fluffy areas a haircut. However, IF you see threads actually in half, get a blunt end of a needle/whatever and gently push them back into the arms of the couch. I have used Fray Check (on a shawl) and while it may be a good product, I've found it dries very hard and somewhat darker in color and is too obvious for my liking. You may find it fine for the couch. Whatever you do, hurry up and buy a jute, rough-textured scratching pad for your cat. If there's an area you can mount it in a vertical position (a wall), they seem to love that better than when it's just flat on the floor. Good luck with the water-spraying ... my daughter's cats ended up looking forward to being squirted and would sit and wait for it!! lol!!
  • Gina Valdez Gina Valdez on Sep 23, 2016
    I always use a wood toothpick to poke the snags back into the material. If you cut them off, sometimes it will cause a run or a hole.
  • Jay Jay on Sep 23, 2016
    Welcome to the charms of kitties. First, create a diversion to get him scratching elsewhere. Mine loves those corrugated cardboard thing and the pole wrapped with rafia. There is also a double sided tape ,barely visible, that cats dont like to touch. DO NOT declaw your cat, it is BARBARIC. there are also sprays to deter the scratching instinct. For the fabric, do NOT cut the loops that are pulled out. Try pressuring and stretching the fabric to even out the loops somewhat. When you have the time, sit down and start poking the loops back into the fabric. Do small bits and overtime it will look better. not perfect again, but liveable. Sorry about the scratching.
  • Martina Slawiak Finley Martina Slawiak Finley on Sep 23, 2016
    They have tips to glue over their nails. I've never used them but I hear they work.
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    • Kathy Ruth Kathy Ruth on Sep 23, 2016
      Yes, they will fall off as the claws grow constantly. They mainly give you time to retrain your kitty.
  • Marie Marie on Sep 23, 2016
    First regularly trim nails; get a pheramone spray (calming spray) for the area and spray a scratching post which is then put in front of the damaged area and moved slightly as the cat gets used to it; then try a fine crochet hook to reach into and out of the fabric to catch the loose threads. Good luck, don't give up. Make sure the cats have other places to scratch so they lose interest in the furniture. Also after you fix the offending area, try to lightly clean it in order to remove some of the cat oils from their paws. That marks the area as theirs. Please do not mutilate the cat by removing the claws.
  • Susan Susan on Sep 23, 2016
    Hi, I've had 7 cats over the course of my life, and I've found declawing the front paws doesn't bother them, as long as you plan to keep them always indoors. Also, it will level the playing field with your other cat. I love animals, and if you keep them indoors, it extends the cat's lifespan. You can also spay or neuter them,which I have always done, which also extends animals lifespans, and prevents them from spraying and marking the house, and howling when they come in heat. (Once,I considered not declawing a rescued young kitty. The kitty accidentally scratched my adult kitty (who was declawed) in the eye, and I had to take the older kitty in to the vet for treatment, and my vet advised me to declaw and of course neuter the new kitty, which I did.) Out of the 7 cats I have owned and enjoyed, only maybe one of them would not have scracched and ruined the furniture. All it took was a very soft no, no, and this kitty stopped doing that to the furniture; but this kitty was the one that injured my other cat's eye.2 All of my cats and kittens, that have been declawed over the years have not seemed to notice. The cats continue to play and bounce around on their paws like nothing happened. Of course, the vet keeps them over night, and sends you home with pain medicine drops, if they need it. Only one of my kitties seemed to need the pain drops, but it was only for the first day, and then she was very active and playful, and didn't need the pain medicine. *I too have champagne colored sofas, and when I introduce a new kitten or cat to the home, I have cream colored towels the same color as the sofas, and cover the arms and areas the kitty might want to scratch. Also, laying the same color towels on your sofa on the spot you would like to have your cat lay, controls cat hair. I also purchase 2 towels the same color as my bedspread, and the cats will lay on the towel. (And, then I have an extra towel, when one goes in the wash.) When I would have new cats, at night time I would say nite, nite, and show them their place to sleep. Which was on a bath towel folded in half and placed on the top of the sofa back. Cats feel safe up high, and learn very quickly that they have a place that is theirs. Good luck!
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    • MM MM on Sep 24, 2016
      By the way, you should judge a reputable vet like that. As Liz and Wyldecent mentioned, it can't be across the board. Every cat is unique. All my cats ended up loving the outdoors and naturally learned to hunt rodents I'd never seen before! So Liz's course of action was the most humane, especially for the sake of a defenceless dog!
  • Linda Vellucci Linda Vellucci on Sep 23, 2016
    Turn the pillow cases over, cut hole as large as possible, replace (sew in) with other material of your choice. Take circle of couch seat material and wrap it around the couch corner. Glue or use ironing film that binds like stitch witchery. It actually woll look like the patches belong there.
  • Penney Achee Penney Achee on Sep 23, 2016
    I had a gorgeous sofa that my cat clawed the front panel. I went to the fabric store and found a fabric almost identical in color. I made a pattern out of paper, then cut the fabric to the shape of the front panel. I glued it in place and you could not tell that it was altered. ( I did it on both sides of sofa for symmetry)
  • Mary Mary on Sep 23, 2016
    You never want to declaw a cat. It’s the equivalent to cutting off your finger tips at the first joint. Since cats are all different, they react to being handicapped just like people. Some adjust, some don’t. If you get one that doesn’t adjust (which happens a lot), you will be dealing with a lot more problems than clawed furniture. I was an adoption counselor at a rescue for 10 years and worked exclusively with cats. Please just trim the nails like a previous poster advised and get the correct kind of scratching post…one that is tall (a cat reaches up to stretch when they scratch), heavy (so it’s sturdy & doesn’t wobble when they lean against it) and preferably made of sisal rope which most cats like. Smartcat puts out many cat approved products.
  • Lisa Falkenthal Lisa Falkenthal on Sep 23, 2016
    However you choose to repair your couch (I gave up on upholstered furniture years ago), please,PLEASE, do not give in to the temptation to have him declawed. It is a barbarous practice, akin to cutting off your fingertips. I long ago accepted that I would rather live with a little mess that torture the animals I supposedly love.
  • Sandra Sandra on Sep 23, 2016
    From what I see, you could take an old razor and shave off the loose shredded material. Then you can purchase a clear tape at PetSmart or Petco to cover those areas. It doesn't look great but the cat will stay away from those areas. You can try a little pepper deterrent spray (think that's the ingredient) for the areas around the damaged area. My cats have done this. Try not to declaw.
  • Cheryle Ryan Cheryle Ryan on Sep 23, 2016
    This is such a frustrating situation. I love my cat and wanted to avoid declawing because it seems cruel. The vet charges $10 per visit to cut her claws so we solved the problem by cutting her front claws each month. My husband holds her up by the scruff of the neck which puts her into a "passive zone" like a kitten becomes when the momma cat carries her kitten . Just be sure the cat is calm before picking her up and to support her weight by also lightly lifting her back feet or stomach. I bought the cat clippers the vet recommended for less than $10. It only takes a moment for each front foot and so far has worked great without frustrating you or harming the cat.
    • DORLIS DORLIS on Sep 23, 2016
      declawing removes the first joint of a cat's paw. no good for them.
    Welcome to Living with Cats. I don't know how to fix your couch. Sorry! Go to the pet store , but a scratching post and put in at that couch corner. Hopefully, the kitten will use the post. Also buy a spray at the pet store that helps discourage cats from scratch ing wherever you spray. It's got garlic and cloves in it. I can't smell it when I spray it. It seems to work at my house. Reapply often.
  • Charlene Wagner Juoni Charlene Wagner Juoni on Sep 23, 2016
    If you get a scratching post or stand, you can buy catnip spray (at Petsmart) and spray on the post every few days and they will leave the couch alone. My cats adore the spray and roll around and rub up against the post even.
  • Sandra Sandra on Sep 23, 2016
    I bought carpet tape- it has a fun design and is sticky on both sides, so it'll stick to the couch and the cats don't like the feel. I think it was lowes or HD I found it .
    comment photo
  • Sylvia Picone Sylvia Picone on Sep 23, 2016
    Does not appear anyone offered much of a solution to repair your couch. i suggest you call in an upholsterer to see if they can make a repair for a reasonable price.
    • MM MM on Sep 24, 2016
      Lol. No but a lot of lectures in ethics!
  • EMarie EMarie on Sep 23, 2016
    Sorry no fix idea, my chairs look like that, too, I feel your pain. I minimized by cutting the threads off. But, get some of those cardboard scratching board quick and put them on the floor on the side of the chairs that face entrances to the room, and persistently when you see the cats scratching pull them off and put them on the scratching post, and like the other post says, put some catnip on it will help speed up the process. ( I also have a couch they never touch, but I have a couch cover on it which I take off when company comes. ) My cats have almost stopped scratching my chairs now. Cats want to please you, also, but need help stopping this habit which is irresistible to them. Please don't de-claw them, it is amputation of the end of their finger, so cruel!
  • Jane Jane on Sep 23, 2016
    If the snags are large enough, you can pull them to the inside (hides them) with a snag-nab-it (sold in most fabric stores). Use a light hand with a scissor to trim fuzz. Easy does it...not too close!
  • Sandra O'Shea Sandra O'Shea on Sep 23, 2016
    If you have arm covers in the same material you could attach it to that area. You could always make other arm covers for your sofa. Or use many different cloth material for the arm chairs.
  • Cecilia Cecilia on Sep 23, 2016
    I clip my cats nails. Just clip the tip (hook) off.
  • Vicky Swycinsky Vicky Swycinsky on Sep 23, 2016
    Tuck in the snags as well as you can, then burn the ends off carefully with a lighter, then spray it with vinegar let dry, then what I do is use tape, double sided and stick to the areas where the kitten is clawing. Get a cat scratcher or post for your cat to use instead of your furniture.
  • Wanda cooper Wanda cooper on Sep 23, 2016
    Just dont declaw the cat.
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    • Wanda cooper Wanda cooper on Sep 24, 2016
      It is never right to maim an matter the circumstances.
  • Beth Beth on Sep 24, 2016
    On the larger pulls, I use a simple thin needle and thread. Although I've never heard of the "snag-nab-it " I bet it works similarly to this. Thread the needle with a small amount of matching thread but don't knot the ends of the thread. Put the needle through the pull on the upholstery and tie a single thread tightly around the upholstery pull then stick the needle back into one of the holes the pull came from. Push/pull the needle back out nearby, pull firmly on the thread tied to the pull and it will pop right back into place. You can then snip off the end of the thread or if you've used just a small amount of thread let it run through the needle and get "lost" under the fabric. If you've got a good fabric, I then use a regular razor to shave off any remaining fuzz. My sofas and chairs look new again! I then covered the corners of all my fabric furniture with clear packing tape placed neatly with evenly sized pieces around all the corners of my fabric furniture. The cats do not scratch the taped area and no cat spray deterrent necessary. I have tried double stick tape but it picks up too much stuff, including cat hair on the sticky side. My cats don't like to scratch the plain clear packing tape and it is while not totally unnoticeable, from a distance it can hardly be seen if done neatly. It prevents the cats from scratching the area and works better the double sided tape that tends to pick up everything that brushes against it. PS- The needle and thread technique works wonderfully on clothing as well.
  • Elizabeth Siegle Elizabeth Siegle on Sep 24, 2016
    There is double-sided tape specifically for using to discourage clawing. Tape the 4 corners of the sofa to protect from further damage. Get a scratching post, and place it nearby. Teach her to use it by taking her to it, extend her claws (when holding her front paws, press your thumbs into the top of the paw, with a second finger on the bottom) and "scratch" her claws onto the post. Do this often, until you see her using it alone. Move the post away rom the sofa a little at a time, if you don't want it near the couch permanently. When you move it, be sure you show her where it is, every time. If you see her beginning to use the couch, use either the water bottle suggested above, or a loud sound, to cause her to stop, and take her back to the post. Fix the couch using the other posters have suggested. If she doesn't like the post, try different scratching pads. I have 1 car that loves wood (she has an old crate I gave her), another loves a curved cardboard scratcher, and the 3rd uses the corner of the brick fireplace. Work with her, and you will save your furniture. But don't fix the damage until you have her using the proper spot, or you will have to fix it again. Meantime, cover it with a loose throw blanket. It will hide it, and she won't scratch the blanket if you hang it so it falls when she pulls at it.
  • Debby Debby on Sep 24, 2016
    Have you tried one of those little lint ball shavers for your clothes that just shaves the little lint balls on sweaters.. Doesn't hurt the sweater,, maybe will take the loose threads
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    • Melissa V Melissa V on Sep 24, 2016
      That's my suggestion - I have not only used mine on sweaters, but on afghans and my jacquard comforter. I rescued a cat that had been front paw only declawed and he was wonderful. Lost him a while back and now have a rescue dog ( another post lol). Good luck!
  • R R on Sep 24, 2016
    Be careful with double sided tape. I've used it and it left a slight residue on my expensive sofa fabric when removed. Also be careful with the spray deterrents. After 1 application on the same sofa, although there was no initial fading, a few weeks later I noticed fading and dullness. Not a happy camper.
  • Jls10261126 Jls10261126 on Sep 24, 2016
    Take a razor and shave down the pulls. It will look a little better. Cover ends with double sided tape for a while to discourage scratching and get a good scratching post. Some cats prefer cardboard to sisal so need to experiment. Please don't declaw the cat but accept that this is one of the things about having a cat that happens.
  • Debgirl52 Debgirl52 on Sep 24, 2016
    Try a superfine crochet hook to pull threads to backside.
  • Rwf7956799 Rwf7956799 on Sep 24, 2016
    Get a scratch pad - one made of corrugated cardboard works well, cover it with cat nip and put it near the chair. Cars have to scratch and if you haven't provided something, they will find something that works for them.
  • Lynn Cooper Lynn Cooper on Sep 24, 2016
    we started having that problem with our cats (11 years ago when they were kittens) and the female still likes to do this under our box spring. Our solutions were the following: we trained them with a compressed can of air (basically on everything) that helped tremendously. No mess . . . no yelling . . . . and after awhile they would head for the hills even if we made the sound or went to grab the can of air. Now as far as the couch and the bed, well a temporary quick fix . . . .duct tape. Long time fix, we bought a new bed, platform style (no more box spring). Something else to think about, they do not like bubble wrap or tin foil or any kind of material that makes noise. We use bubble wrap under our tree skirt, to help keep them away from the tree.
  • Maggie Ann Maggie Ann on Sep 24, 2016
    To save your furniture from further damage, you can pick up cardboard scratchers at most big box stores for a small price. My cats never have scratched my furniture since I started buying these, years ago. Regarding the pulls. I would probably carefully snip them, then immediately seal the cut ends using a dab of Fray Check, available in sewing and craft stores. Also, I've found taping foil to places they like to scratch stops them. It probably feels to their claws the way it feels to our teeth when accidentally biting on foil.
  • None None on Sep 24, 2016
    Re the cats. Have nail covers put on her claws. They are caps that are glued on to prevent scratching. Much more humane than declawing.
  • Leslie Leslie on Sep 24, 2016
    Please do not think of declawing because it becomes extremely painful to cats after and cats hide their discomfort for survival reasons. You can learn how to cut your cats claws, have your vet teach you it is easy and once you start early they will get used to it. Buy the cats a good sturdy cat tree with multi levels and posts. Make sure you rub it with cat nip for enticement. You can find plenty of ideas by Googling. Good luck.
  • Lan7852066 Lan7852066 on Sep 24, 2016
    Try double stick tape (cats hate the feel of the tape) as well as balloons (when the cats pop the balloons, it acts as a deterrent to future moves on your couch) taped to couch .
  • Angela Angela on Sep 24, 2016
    Vicks vapour rub... They hate it and will never scratch it again..
  • J capuano J capuano on Sep 24, 2016
    It's hard to see from the picture. Are the pulls isolated threads that need to be pulled to the other side? Or did they completely shred the fabric and turn it into a fuzzy sweater? My cats started clawing my sofa. I caught it very early. I had a little tool called a snag repair tool, found in sewing notions online. You can't even see the repairs. then I made a spray of citrus fabric softer,white vinegar and water (can't remember the proportions. I think it was a homemade deodorizer for furniture/ carpets I found on line. ) I lightly misted and the cat never went to that spot again. I also have a very flat weave machined carpet. The cats kept scratching an area until it got all fuzzy looking. I carefully scraped the area of fuzz off with a safety razor and it came out looking perfect. I do have another area I just noticed, needs to be defuzzed. I have it on my extensive list of things to do! Hope this was helpful!
  • Ave9736722 Ave9736722 on Sep 24, 2016
    Spray Felway around all your furniture to help calm the kitties and place a tall scratching post nearby rubbed with catnip. With that done, the fabric may or may not be slightly repairable. Using a cuticle scissors you can trim the shorn threads. Look into a clear matte modge podge to try to mend tears. Usually these types of injuries to fabric are simply that. For the future I recommend the double sticky tape for temporary use. Kitties hate plastic so that is a temporary option. But make sure there are scratching posts available as the alternative. Never hit or declaw. Keep nails trimmed.
  • Dona Elena Hatcher Dona Elena Hatcher on Sep 24, 2016
    I have 2 tamed ferals so I line the corners & edges of fabric chairs with super wide tape. Its too slick for clawing & ends their interest.
  • Lau8066425 Lau8066425 on Sep 24, 2016
    The double sided tape is available at Petsmart or online from Amazon.Also you can use a very fine crochet hook or toothpick to push the torn strings back in and preserve the look . I'm going to try the balloons on my little clawing monster. Great idea.
  • Virginia Prestridge Virginia Prestridge on Sep 24, 2016
  • Karen Williams Karen Williams on Sep 24, 2016
    I carefully shave the fuzzy areas (electric shaver), apply Keep Away spray & then cover the corners/ favorite spots with heavy-duty clear plastic (sold by the yard, cut to fit & attach w/ upholstery pins). My 2 cats pull off the sticky tapes & chew/ play with it. I also drape throws & lean pillows against sofa sides & ordered extra fabric to match sofa when purchased sofa & made arm covers (could also use to make repairs). I've tried trimming their claws, but they scratched more! Water in a spray bottle also helps. Ensure they have scratch pads or tall posts to satisfy their need, but definitely don't amputate their toes (declaw)! Haven't heard of using balloons.... (how?).
  • Saf11448781 Saf11448781 on Sep 24, 2016
    This has probably already been suggested, but you may be able to use a fine crochet hook to reach under the threads and pull them back in if they are still intact. If they are torn, it may work anyway, depending on their length. You could cut off the short ones. To prevent future damage, get cat scratching poles (sisal covered) and put one at each corner of the couch or chair where the cat likes to scratch. Put them close enough so the cat would have difficulty reaching the corner of the couch. Sprinkling a little catnip on the pole may entice the cat to use it. Scold her if she starts for the couch before you get the posts but never hit her. Praise her if she uses the scratching posts. Please do not have her declawed. That is a cruel fix that has terrible repercussions for the cat, because it removes their ability to walk normally. You may be interested in reading this: Good luck with your couch and with your two new little furbabies.
  • Deborah Anthony Deborah Anthony on Sep 24, 2016
    to maybe "fix" it, if not too bad, snip off strings then use fabric glue that dries clear to dab, just a little at a time with finger or qtips, on the frays, to "seal" them,
  • Georgina Craig Georgina Craig on Sep 24, 2016
    Keep their nails trimmed as short as you can weekly or use the product "soft nails"-little glue on plastic nail covers. They need to be re-applied about every 3wks.
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    • Georgina Craig Georgina Craig on Sep 25, 2016
      You are quite correct, I should have said to stay infront of the "quick" or central vein of nail. This is easier to do in cats than most dogs because the vein is a visible dark line. Thanks Sandy
  • Kris Neumann Kris Neumann on Sep 24, 2016
    My cat recently did the same thing. At first I covered the areas she scratched with clear plastic. I used stick pins to hold it down. It worked for a while, but then I noticed the pins were not holding and so I removed the plastic and covered with an afghan. So far, so good!
  • Brenda Hand-Amunrud Brenda Hand-Amunrud on Sep 24, 2016
    All I can say is Double-sided tape worked for me. Also I shaved of the loops of the damaged fabric with a shaver.
    • Brenda Hand-Amunrud Brenda Hand-Amunrud on Sep 25, 2016
      cats will stay away from double-sided tape they don't like anything sticking to their paws, stick the tape where you don't want them to scratch..
  • Val9972905 Val9972905 on Sep 24, 2016
    Maybe a felting needle could push the loose ends into the filling behind the fabric. I have a light green jacquard loveseat that needs some help and I might try the needle idea, but they are sharp and pronged so I will be careful. The shaver idea seems reasonable and less likely to prick your fingers. Not sure how to use the double-sided tape in the equation. Good luck.
  • Gina Valdez Gina Valdez on Sep 24, 2016
    Use a wood toothpick.. Poke the threads back in. Don't cut the threads unless you want a hole or a run. 'nuff said.
  • BrokeCrazyLady BrokeCrazyLady on Sep 25, 2016
    A small crochet hook can work, but that's a considerable amount of damage... you will be working on it long enough to stop being angry at the kitty.
  • Susan Susan on Sep 25, 2016
    Hi! A Decorative idea would be to find a matelasse coverlet in cream or an accent color from your decor, and use the matelasse coverlet as a throw over that area you are concerned about. The idea being intentional, a deliberate decorative accent. You could even purchase a matelasse accent pillow to make the effect look intentional. Matelasse coverlets are a "sophisticated" machine design-quilted cotton fabrics. Check out The Company, and check out: the Brussels Matelasse Coverlet and the Chaplin Matelasse coverlet, just to get the idea. Then go shop at a discount store. I found mine at Marshalls, a lot cheaper!!! Matelasse coverlets are thicker than canvas tarps. I did this in cream over my cream sofa. But, what I did was purchas a king size for a 90" sofa, and tucked it in, and then I purchased the large matching shams and put the back sofa cushions inside the shams. It looked sophisticated. (I did this because someone had sat on my cream sofa with new black jeans and it left a grayish tinge that could not be professionally removed.) You could use this idea along with the suggestions from Hometalkers of tucking in the frayed areas and redirecting your kitties attention with a scraching post, and also a squirt bottle. I have kitties, so I understand, and Good Luck!
  • Trish Trish on Sep 25, 2016
    after getting couch fixed ... get a spray bottle and fill with water .. spay cat with it every time you see it near your couch .. this worked wonders for me .. cats hate getting squirted
  • Jean Moore Jean Moore on Sep 25, 2016
    Above all don't get your cat declawed! It's cruel and painful for the little critters :-(
  • Aris Bogosian Aris Bogosian on Sep 25, 2016
    That will be a favorite spot unless you divert them to an appropriate scratching post, not near the couch. You can also cover the arm with tin foil to assure they will not use it in the future. Poke fabric back through the backside as best you can.
  • Helene Beadman Helene Beadman on Sep 25, 2016
    I have the same couch and I babysat my friend's cat. When I got up...nightmare. What I did, I used white glue or craft glue, tacky glue and two toothpicks. Apply the gue on the Tigers, poke them back in with a toothpick and with other toothpick pull the gluey one out if needed. White glue dries clear, it takes a bit of time but worth it. I've shampooed it much longer after and all stayed put. It really works. Good luck!
  • Ellen Ellen on Sep 26, 2016
    I did not mean to be rude, just funny. Seriously, get a post and cover it with some cloth or burlap soaked in catnip-infused water to get cat's attention away from your furniture. Like someone suggested that if cat should go back and use the sofa, spray it with the water/vinegar mix or a commercial cat repellent. Hope this helps. Others have already given good fixes for your sofa.
    • See 2 previous
    • Deborah Anthony Deborah Anthony on Oct 02, 2016
      I'm sure it was meant to be funny, but seriously, what can be done is just using the tacky glue or fabric glue. You can poke like the person above had suggested, and also dab it back in place, after it dries clear it won't show. We have old furniture I had mended this way from animals, and also used old cuts of upholstery fabric glued in place to do "patchwork" on it and it does look good believe it or not. I did symmetrical patches of same fabrics to match color scheme. Then, made a scratch pad out of wood, a little think layer of foam, and burlap, sent them up near the furniture sides and it worked. I have 4 rescues, 2 of them cats, and they use those. I guess placement of those scratch pads are everything... lol
  • Jennifer Jennifer on Sep 26, 2016
    I took clear wide packing tape and taped the edges of the chairs I had and he left them alone. Somehow the tape did not do as well as the chair did. I also bought a scratching board.
  • Ellen Ellen on Sep 30, 2016
    I'm sorry I was very rude, forgive me. I had the same problem 40 years ago. The spray I tried only made my cat go from scratching my couch to defecating and urinating on the carpet under the furniture and in my shower stall on the curtain (it hung down on the floor). I was very patient trying to get kitty to use scratching post and litter box. After pulling up all my carpet, I sadly decided to give cat to a friend, and then I got a dog. No more problems.
  • Karen Williams Karen Williams on Oct 01, 2016
    Some pets will misbehave to say something is wrong. It could be medical or psychological, but it's our job to figure it out. They rarely do things just for spite. Learning to understand them will sometimes tell us whether we're not meant to be cat or dog parent.
  • Gypsy Gypsy on Oct 03, 2016
    I agree with Karen Williams... as a cat-rescuer myself. As for the couch, I used fabric glue (made just for fabrics) and carefully placed the threads back together. It take patience. Allow to dry, then repeat a layer of fabric glue. It barely shows, if you distract the eye with colorful cushions, away from the repair. Temporarily place a magazine rack or something else solid in front of your repair to keep kitty away, and after a few weeks she will forget all about the spot, provided she has a new place to claw, such as a cat scratcher.
  • Edithwilliams Edithwilliams on Oct 05, 2016
    My mother taught me to fix pulls using a very small steel crochet hook. I should think this would do the trick on your couch, as well.
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Dec 03, 2022

    You could use a large Bodkin or an Upholstery Needle.

  • Mogie Mogie on Dec 05, 2022

    This is what I call giving my sofa a hair cut. Carefully (wear glasses if you need to) cut off the parts of the material that are sticking up.