What would you do from here?

Finally made the Shutter Island that I saw on Perfectly Imperfect, a blog I follow. Love how it's going so far, although I'm not sure about the pallet wood moulding? So what would you do from here? I can see it as so many things, a homework station, kitchen island(add casters), Entry table, Potting bench..maybe next spring (add other half of shutters to top)
  17 answers
  • Kendra Loftus Kendra Loftus on Sep 28, 2013
    This would be so awesome as a kitchen island IMO paint it a contrasting color add some hooks and a towel bar.
  • Yep, kitchen island was the original idea. It just makes me smile.
  • Cindy Morgan Cindy Morgan on Sep 28, 2013
    Shabby sheek the paint job and use antique glass pulls on the drawers. I like the towel rack idea attached on the side. I've also seen a cool process on Pinterest for a 'penny' floor. You could glue pennies to the top and seal them in for a slick, one-of-a-kind top.
  • Vintage Headboards Vintage Headboards on Sep 28, 2013
    Can you please post pics of the kitchen where it will be going? That will make it easier to give suggestions. Thank you! Keep up the creative work!!!
  • Here's where we are now with this little island, old newspaper type paper in drawers. Very light turquoise around shutters. Not sure I like the dark stain... Didn't really see any pulls I liked yesterday at HL. Did get a bottle opener to attach somewhere. I don't have a picture of the kitchen it will go in, it will be for sale in the shop.
    comment photo
  • 117135 117135 on Sep 30, 2013
    I love what you have done so far with putting this together. paint the entire thing in two contrasting colors. You could stencil the top. Defiantly get new draw pulls. This could be any of the things you stated, island, entry table, potting bench! If you make it a potting bench, you could use shutters on top to make a shelf.
  • CA Byam CA Byam on Sep 30, 2013
    I just love it!!!! I would keep a wood top and caulk paint the bottom. I would use it maybe as a sofa table, kitchen island or even as a entry table. Like you said so many things to do with it!!!!!
  • Jason Destiny Jason Destiny on Sep 30, 2013
    How about a mosaic top?
  • Jcw Jcw on Sep 30, 2013
    I had also seen this project and wondered about the strength and stability. Did you reinforce the bottom of the drawers to sides of shutters? Did not know about how much weight it would support for table top options. Interested in seeing the final outcome. Good work.
  • Kelly S Kelly S on Sep 30, 2013
    I love the penny counter top idea. I would definitely add a towel ba,r maybe made from plumbing pieces, to one side and an old school coca cola style bottle opener in the other.
  • Beverly Hullender Beverly Hullender on Sep 30, 2013
    I love this idea! Great use of old mis-matched materials! This would be an awesome kitchen island with all of the storage available. I think that I would have to make more than one! Great inspiration!
  • Christine Christine on Oct 03, 2013
    Do your drawers move, or are they fixed? How easy is it to get things in and out of them? (I was wondering if it would be worth it to remove the back of the drawers for easier access on the one *I* am now going to build!) I have no idea what to suggest you do with it, but I sure like it! Great thinking on the bottle opener. I like the towel rack idea, too. I don't think I'd cover the wood top, if it's as nice as it looks in the picture. Where the wood is "good" (vs. bad, or better said, crappy or damaged) I'd stain and seal. The other pieces, I'd definitely paint and distress. I like something near where the shutters are now for a color. It's very neutral and clean. GREAT job!
  • Christine, drawers are stationary with a clearance of about 12 inches for the bottom one and 10/9 for the top one. I did leave the top wood and sealed it with polycrylic. Its more or less finished...I'll post a pic of it later today. It's at the shop, haven't been there in a couple of days.
    • See 1 previous
    • @Christine finished pic posted :)
  • Go for it Christine! I really love this little island. It's for sale for now, but to be honest if it ends up in my kitchen it won't hurt my feelings.
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  • Christine Christine on Oct 06, 2013
    Awk! Where!?!
  • LOL..a small store in Freeport, Texas. That would be a long trip for you. It really was fairly easy and fun. Make sure you get as sturdy, heavy wood shutters as you can find. While I stole the top wood from a TV console you could very easily make one or buy one from Home depot. Have fun.
  • Christine Christine on Oct 07, 2013
    Naomi, thanks. Your pic didn't show up last night, so I'm glad to see it. Love the paper towel! I'm a thrift store stalker, so I know I'll come up with something. I'm also a drawer collector. I've built my own kitchen cabinets (over 100lf!) and my own 16' bb countertop. I'm not shy about repurposing or finding the gem hiding in a piece of crap. Except my x, that is. That 240 lbs of crap was icky all the way thru. Sorry. Inner voice got away from me. ANYWAY. When I get myself around to this project, I'll show you. Right now I'm stripping 16 antique doors. Yeah! God bless Citristrip! I think you outta keep this one. It's a true picture in ingenuity!