Asked on Oct 19, 2013

Porch Railing or Porch Wall? What Do You Think?

by Judy
We've in the process of building a porch onto the front and side of our house (wraparound). We have the porch floor on, and now we're stuck, trying to decide which would look better on our (52') long porch - a short wall? (would it seem too enclosed?) or a railing? (would all those posts look too busy?) or what? Would love to hear your opinion on this.
Blog post link to Painting the Floorboards:
BTW, although some of the porch is only 2' off the ground, part of it would have quite a dropoff - so we have to do something at least on that part. Could we do wall or railing on part and not on the other part?
This is where we are right now. Porch floor is on and painted. The posts will be enclosed by white 1x8s and there will be a white beadboard ceiling.
The wraparound part is on the right of this photo.
Painting the Floorboards (see blog post link above)
Obviously, she would vote for the railing - or nothing at all!
  94 answers
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Oct 19, 2013
    Since this is not a deep porch, I would put a railing all the way around. I would even put up a rail and gait on te left side out the front door so your pup could enjoy being outside but be contained. I say this because I see you have a pup that loves looking out. We have a back porch and a fenced back yard and our pup LOVES it! My 5' deep porch that is 19' long was never used much until we put up railings. It will make a difference.
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    • Dorothy Aubushon Dorothy Aubushon on Sep 14, 2017

      Why don't you look into thick plexiglass as a see through railing. This way your little ones and your pets would be safe

  • Raya Deych Raya Deych on Oct 19, 2013
    What a Beautiful Concept the Wrap Around Porch from the Past making a Come back to the Present. Reminds me of the Old Country before Air Conditioning. This creates many possibilities as the link below and the pictures below show.
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    • Judy Judy on Oct 19, 2013
      @Raya Deych Thanks for the comment Raya, but please remove the advertisement for your company which has nothing to do with the subject of the post.
  • Hi Judy, Here is my two cents - Love, Love, Love look of your farmhouse style and the wrap around porch. My husband and I would die to have one! I'm drooling over it! My point of view is if you put up wall you visually cut the porch off. If you put up just railing you can still see though the railing and it doesn't cut off your view looking at the house. I do love the suggestion made about the gate to keep puppy on porch. There are lots of Purdy different types of railings with designs in them on pinterest and google. Good Luck and post finished look.
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    • Pat Dollar Pat Dollar on Oct 21, 2013
      @Judy I would prefer the railings not only for the view, but enclosing the porch even with a short wall would make it appear smaller.
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Oct 19, 2013
    I just came across this post about knee walls by @Front Porch Ideas and thought you might like it:
  • Front Porch Ideas Front Porch Ideas on Oct 19, 2013
    Wow, what a beautiful porch you are going to have. Porch envy written all over that! As the porch lovers we are, we would opt for as open a railing as you could do so that you can enjoy your view as much as possible. If your porch were not more than 2 or so feet above the ground, I would personally opt for no railings, but sounds like it's higher in some places. We love the look and feel of an open porch. Whatever you decide, be sure to keep adequate space between the floor and railings so that you can sweep off leaves, dirt, snow etc underneath the railings. We have oodles of ideas on our site at ~~~Mary and Dave~~~
    • Judy Judy on Oct 19, 2013
      @Front Porch Ideas All helpful ideas! Tough decision. :-)
  • Seabreezn Seabreezn on Oct 19, 2013
    Hi Judy - Aren't walls good for keeping animals on the porch and strays off >:-") ....I have an old farmhouse =1884 and I glassed in the porch . Being on the tip of the US in the winter this has provided tons of natural heat & beauty to say the least . However , ching$$ching wise & esthetically a railing would be gorgeous on your lovly home . The best to you & your projects !
  • Tanya Peterson Felsheim Tanya Peterson Felsheim on Oct 19, 2013
    I have always thought railings were more inviting to the world...the walls though would add almost another room to your house. If you are looking for this to be a more private "room" I would go with walls, If you want this to make your house look open and inviting I'd go with railings!
  • Mary G Mary G on Oct 20, 2013
    I like Jeanette S's idea best for you but is there a way you could have some sketches done to better see what railings and a wall would look like on your porch? Then maybe you and your hubby could make a better decision.
  • Francine Mosuk-Regnier Francine Mosuk-Regnier on Oct 20, 2013
    It is going to be a truly beautiful wraparound porch no matter what you decide! I am wondering how you are going to use it? Is your plan to use it as a barbecue gathering place for family, are you going to sit outside on lovely antique chairs and drink lemonade on hot days, or is it for a purely ascetic addition to your house? Once you have decided how you are planning on using your new deck, you can then decide what type of enclosure you need to add.Like Tanya mentions, if you re planning on sitting out on it or using it as a gathering area you will want a little more privacy but if it is not going to be used much, then go for the railings. I know from experience that I want a little more privacy as it isn't comfortable sitting behind rails reading a good book. They can be built so that you can still see over them when you are sitting as well so that you are not completely closed to the outside world. Remember to have fun!
  • Sue A Sue A on Oct 20, 2013
    Is it possible to do a wall/railing combo? Sections of wall (not as thick as an entire wall), sections of railing, sections of wall, sections of railing--you get the idea. It seems that would be the best of both worlds! Please post pics of what you went with when it's done. And where on earth is Dallas, WI?? I live near the Madison area and have never heard of Dallas--outside of Texas, that is:-) Best of luck with your project, Judy!
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    • Judy Judy on Oct 20, 2013
      @Sue A P.S. I did a photo blog post of Dallas, WI on October 17 at
  • Judy Judy on Oct 20, 2013
    Railings feel more inviting to me too, but it's 52' across, so that's a lot of 'teeth' across the front of the house. However, privacy is not an issue here. We're on a hill with views to the NE, ESE, and S - and directly in front are a couple maples and a birch and spruce in the yard. No neighbors nearby. Thanks for all your good input! I'll be sure to post photos when we're done, and believe me, we're already enjoying this porch, although this morning it was 40 degrees and we were wrapped in blankets as we sat out there with our morning coffee.
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  • Patricia W Patricia W on Oct 20, 2013
    Railings for sure!
  • AmericanWoman AmericanWoman on Oct 21, 2013
    I think you'll like a railing. Definitely use panels (metallic or consider a bright color) especially when children are on the porch. Blessings!
  • Laura Hermes-Kinnett Laura Hermes-Kinnett on Oct 21, 2013
    I agree that I think you would enjoy railings. It gives you an open view, and can give your new beautiful home even more character. If you are still unsure, get a sample, set it up and look at the open areas and compare it to the railed areas. This may give you a better visual. Best of luck to you!!
    • Judy Judy on Nov 07, 2013
      @Laura Hermes-Kinnett Sorry it's taken so long for me to respond! But thanks for the suggestion. It never occurred to me that I could get a sample!
  • Lori J Lori J on Oct 21, 2013
    I would go with railings--not just because of the view out, but because of the lovely view in. You a pretty bay that would be a bit lost behind knee walls.
  • Carole Carole on Oct 21, 2013
    I saw recently on Better Homes and Gardens here in Australia a wraparound deck/veranda that was fenced using glass panels, such as you might use around a pool area. The panels slot into metal posts and have a sort of capped edge to the tops. It gives a nice resort feel to it and makes the veranda seem more open and spacious. This might be something to consider if you are concerned it would be too closed in with a wall and too busy with railings.
  • GranArt GranArt on Oct 21, 2013
    my vote is railing! how wonderful this place looks already....
  • Judy Judy on Oct 21, 2013
    Thanks for all the input! So I'm leaning toward going with railing. Maybe the 6' wide open area in front where the steps will go down to the yard will be enough to break up all that railing a bit.
  • Mary Mary on Oct 21, 2013
    Judy, While I would normally vote for the railing, I am thinking that an enclosed space might afford you an opportunity to eat outside without worrying about wind or bugs.
    • Judy Judy on Oct 21, 2013
      @Mary Thanks, Mary. With mosquitoes being a huge problem in NW Wisconsin in summer evenings, we plan to screen in the part that wraps around to the north. Ceiling fans on the wide stretch across the open front porch of the house should also keep mosquitoes at bay - I hope. There is currently a window that looks onto the north part of the porch. We are thinking of putting a door there instead, so we can walk from the house directly into the screened-in part.
  • Judy4justice Judy4justice on Oct 22, 2013
    Definitely I would go with railings instead of a wall.It would make you feel closed in.The railings would also allow you to see beautiful flowers or whatever is near the porch.A wall would block your view of those things.Please post after you decide and get it finished.
    • Judy Judy on Oct 23, 2013
      @Judy4justice We're leaning heavily toward a railing for just the reasons you mention. I want it to feel inviting. I will definitely be posting photos of the finished porch. Thanks!
  • Ginger K Ginger K on Oct 30, 2013
    Judy, I may be late to the party, but…we have both. We have a large front porch along the front of our house and we love to sit out there and and watch the world. We live on an island in the deep south and the ceiling fans help a lot with the mosquitoes. On the back of the house we have a screened porch with a half wall. We wish we didn't have the wall as it blocks the view of my flower garden. When you are sitting your view is very limited. The cable or glass system would look out of character with the lovely house you have. Seems you have many suggestions and I know you will make the right decision for you. Ginger
    • Judy4justice Judy4justice on Oct 31, 2013
      @Ginger K I so agree.I too have a porch extending across the front of my house and even with railings my view is obstructed a bit.I have tea roses and Hibiscus that I want to be able to look at while sitting.
  • on Jan 25, 2014

    Porch railings with 2 1/2" spaced balusters A wall may trap moisture on the cool side of the home and snow in the winter. The close baluster spacing will allow for air circulation whilst affording better privacy than the minimum code for baluster spacing.

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  • Cynthia E Cynthia E on Jan 26, 2014
    You could make wood railings but put inserts of plexiglass so you have a basically unobstructed view.. Found an example picture online of what I envisioned
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  • Melanie Melanie on Jan 27, 2014
    I would go for railings because if you want pretty flowers they would get the right amount of sun and it would for sure show off your pretty porch
  • Marianne Marianne on Mar 03, 2014
    Definitely rail, even though I do like that plexiglass that Cynthia E. recommended that is a great look also. My porch is being re-done this spring and I still love the railings.
  • Judy Judy on Mar 03, 2014
    Okay, everyone, you've sold me on the idea of the railing - just because I want to SEE out beyond the porch. Even though I was worried about a 'toothy' look because of 54' feet of railing across the front, I still want to see out and not lose any of the grounds view. Thanks so much for all your input!
  • Kat Davis-Moran Kat Davis-Moran on Mar 06, 2014
    rails, to keep the same style going with the house
  • Sue Bokemeyer Sue Bokemeyer on Jun 30, 2014
    I want rails put on my porch. Can you help me? Email me
  • Judy Adams Judy Adams on Jun 30, 2014
    Do the railing , keep that open air feeling and make it the same color as the trim on the house . love it . Envy you with this beauty .And shade . I live in the desert ,no shade and crazy winds that preclude any shade cover .
    • Judy Judy on Jun 30, 2014
      Thank you Judy. We are considering screening in the one shorter section because of the mosquito population. I think we might be able to have it both ways! :-) Thanks so much.
  • Connie Valenciano Connie Valenciano on Jul 01, 2014
    I would go with railings. I live in TX and understand the mosquitos being bad. Love all you've done so far!
    • Judy Judy on Jul 01, 2014
      Thanks for your input, Connie. I think we're going to screen in the north 'leg' of the wrap around porch, and put railing across the long side, the front. Now all we need is for time and money to appear simultaneously! :-)
  • Cheryl C Cheryl C on Jul 01, 2014
    I'd go with railing but would leave one section between two beams open and have really wide steps there, you could flank the edges with potted flowers. Also you could make these two beams more decorative to set them off from the rest.
  • Dyan T Dyan T on Jul 01, 2014
    I think it would be a shame to wall up that beautiful porch. Always think about how hard will it be to sweep/ clean. A wall would make this more difficult and mask the view of this beautiful home. It is so nice to be able to bring out the blower and clean off the porch in just a few minutes without much effort at all. Wide steps would look wonderful here also. You have such a pretty place!!!!
    • Judy Judy on Jul 01, 2014
      @Dyan T Thank you, Dyan. I think we're going with screening in the north (shorter) leg of the L-shaped wrap-around porch and putting railing on the long part that goes across the front. We will have 6' wide steps in the center. Can't wait! Thanks for your input on this question!
  • Kelly S Kelly S on Jul 01, 2014
    I've seen railing systems where the verticals are made out of metal pipe. It's an optical illusion but it seems to disappear and looks wide open.
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    • Kelly S Kelly S on Jul 01, 2014
      The one I saw looked something like this only made out of copper tubing with horizontals made of wood. I can't find the exact one because it was in a back issue of The Family Handyman or Handyman Club of America Magazine.
  • Kelly S Kelly S on Jul 01, 2014
    The prettiest one was in The Family Handyman but I can't get it to link. Once you go there search for copper pipe porch railing. It incorporated planter boxes too.
  • Jim L Jim L on Jul 07, 2014
    By all means put up a railing. Make the steps as wide as the space between the two columns in front of the door. Having wide steps gives space for lots of big pots with ferns and blooming lots of personality to the area. Screen in a large portion of the porch. You will love it in the spring and fall...great for evening meals in the "cool of the day." When you add hand rails to the steps, continue the look from the porch.
  • Gladys Rhoads Gladys Rhoads on Jul 08, 2014
    this house looks so much like the home behind my grandmother's house, it had rails all around so the little ones could crawl around but what we really like at evening when the bugs came out they had Large screen the closed off the porch when wen brought out the oil lamps from the flying bugs and when we became pre teens we could have the victrola and dance bug free. It was a complete wrap around with screen doors off from the house doors, lots of room for chairs tables and dancing on Fri. and Sat nights. a christmas tree in the winter that was planted back into the yard when the ground thawed. please post finished look when you are done.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jul 08, 2014
    I'd have one area which could be screened as an escape from bugs.
    • Judy Judy on Jul 09, 2014
      That's exactly my thought on that. I think we'll put mission rail posts along the wide front and then screen in the shorter side. Thanks Marion! It would be nice to use the porch in the mosquito filled evenings too!
  • Jane R. Jane R. on Jul 09, 2014
    I like it just the way it is, no railing or walls. I like the open-ness of it. But if you must do something with it go with railing.
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    • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jul 21, 2014
      @Jane R. You sound like a gal after my own heart. I could never live in a condo or development with restrictions - or an apt. If I want to bang around hanging pictures at 2 in the morning, etc., I do it.
  • Kathleen Kathleen on Jul 09, 2014
    • Judy Judy on Jul 09, 2014
      Thanks Kathleen. Check out my reply to Jane. :-) thanks for weighing in on this!
  • Jan Loehr Jan Loehr on Jul 10, 2014
    Your home and porch look terrific! Yes I would do a nice post railing also if you must go according to code. Have you considered nice white lattice in the drop off from the porch to the ground? My neighbors have this look on their house & it is private and looks very stylish at the same time. They have painted the horizontal rail at the top a darker color to match their shutters & it just pops so nicely.
    • Judy Judy on Jul 10, 2014
      Ooo, I do like that idea of painting the top rail a contrasting color. And we do need to put lattice or something below the porch, if for no other reason than to keep animals out. Also it would make a nice backdrop for shrubs. Thanks so much, Jan. :-)
  • Jan Loehr Jan Loehr on Jul 10, 2014
    Just another quick look at your house front, I see you do not have shutters...May I suggest whatever color your front door will be, the railing top would look fabulous matched in the same paint color. Would tie the railing top to the house! Good Luck!
  • Marie R Marie R on Jul 16, 2014
    I don't have any ideas lol...I just think it's cool...I have a very plain ranch...and would love to change the whole front with a porch just like yours! It looks great:)
    • Judy Judy on Jul 16, 2014
      Thanks Marie! I like it this way too, but I guess code demands a wall or rail. Wish we could just put rail on the one 'dropoff' end and expect people to be careful. Guess it doesn't work that way.
  • Marie R Marie R on Jul 19, 2014
    Well, if I didn't want a railing,,,but had to have one...then I'd just think minimalist, I guess:) Im sure its going to look great, whatever you decide!
  • Myra Myra on Jul 20, 2014
    Railings Railings Railings!
  • Cori Warner Cori Warner on Jul 22, 2014
    Railings! The style of house would just look unfinished without them, they are classic
  • Kathy Rick-Altschuler Kathy Rick-Altschuler on Aug 30, 2014
    when i did my railings i did a x and a small support angles at the top. very western. love it and strong enough for the kids to crawl on. because it will happen, no matter how many times you
  • Hope Williams Hope Williams on Sep 06, 2014
    My house is tan and white. However, my railings and posts are black with white spindles. Looks like a million bucks!
  • Mcgypsy9 Mcgypsy9 on Sep 06, 2014
    Judy, I think you should investigate railings that are custom. Yeah, you might pay a bit more for them but you can pick what you want and it doesn't even have to look like a railing. I too want a wrap porch around my home but I would never even consider a builder grade railing. There are just too many options! Even glass railings would be awesome!~
  • Sonia T Sonia T on Sep 07, 2014
    How about doing the wall out of lattice? That way you're not closed in but have an element of privacy.
  • Jackie Prim Jackie Prim on Sep 07, 2014
    Railing would be sweet.
  • Opal Opal on Sep 08, 2014
    Lovely home, I would go with a railing over a wall. Please post whatever you decide.
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    • Judy Judy on Oct 18, 2014
      @Opal Hi Opal. We have finally decided to go with mission post railing. If we ever get it finished, I will post photos! Thanks!!!
  • Martha Martha on Sep 11, 2014
    You say how long your porch is, but not how deep (wide). My house has a little porch about 4.5 feet deep. It has a low brick wall enclosing it. I have always thought the porch would be more inviting if it wasn't enclosed. So I think whether you enclose it with a wall should depend in part on how wide your porch is.
    • Judy Judy on Oct 18, 2014
      @Martha HI Martha, the porch is 8 feet deep. We have a table and four chairs out there on one part, a glider and chairs on the other part. We have finally decided to go with mission post railing on the long part and screening in the shorter part of the 'L' - finally! If we ever get it done, I will post photos. Thanks so much!
  • Katie Katie on Sep 11, 2014
    Definitely railings. That's more in keeping with you house style. What a fabulous porch! Can' wait to see it all finished.
  • Jeanee Rockweiler Jeanee Rockweiler on Sep 22, 2014
    Railings......a short wall would look too closed in and not as inviting.
  • Barbara Barbara on Sep 23, 2014
    If you do a wall the dogs could not look out on the yard and might keep the entry busy. I think the railings would look good. I really like your house. Good Luck!
  • INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODES have required railing for surface over 30" above adjacent grade. Most building departments have adopted IBC or IRC and this has been code a long time.
  • The Chirping Frog The Chirping Frog on Sep 30, 2014
    I am always looking for "different" ways of doing things so I'd probably try to find a mix.... wall but not..... some type of inserts? possibly metal? attached in such a way that each space still has side rails... with insets of..... something interesting.
  • Vinyl railing would look nice
  • Susan Haynes Susan Haynes on Oct 07, 2014
    Definitely railings
  • Sto633575 Sto633575 on Oct 08, 2014
    Screen in part of it, maybe the left side and add a porch swing. You could glass in one side, similar to a Florida room.Leave the rest open with beautiful old fashion rails.
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    • Teresa Teresa on Oct 20, 2014
      @Judy So happy you decided to use the railing. I CAN SEE IT FINISHED IN MY HEAD . We just finished putting a porch with railings across the front of our home. I love it ! I have always wanted a home with a porch going down and across three sides. I think you are about to have my dream. Good luck and let us see the finished product. :)
  • Sue parrella Sue parrella on Oct 09, 2014
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    • Bonnie Bonnie on Mar 14, 2015
      @Judy We put misson post railing on ours and I love that it doesn't look spindley.
  • Sandy Lee Sandy Lee on Oct 18, 2014
    • Judy Judy on Oct 18, 2014
      @Sandy Lee Thanks, Sandy! I just decided yesterday (Yes, I know it's been forever, but it's my one and only porch) that I'm going with mission post railing. I saw a picture of a porch that looks just like ours (L-shaped) and has the mission posts. Looks perfect!
  • Beth Moore Beth Moore on Oct 22, 2014
    We just took our railings offnand love it. Will upload find before and upload after
  • Lorelei Lorelei on Dec 11, 2014
    Railings definitely!! The house will look much better from the street. A wall would be distracting from the beauty of your home. Curb appeal.
  • Bette Bette on Dec 30, 2014
    Definitely railing, but be creative with maybe a design between posts..
  • Kelly Kampf Sullivan Kelly Kampf Sullivan on Dec 31, 2014
    Railing for sure. It looks so great on a wrap around.
  • Msmonty8 Msmonty8 on Jan 11, 2015
    I like rails. You don't have to put the rails close together. If porch is 8' or less a short wall would really make it tight. And when you sweep you have to sweep a long way to an opening. Our porch is about as far from ground as yours & we left it open. Makes porch look deeper gives lots of space for your feet So someone can pass by while you're rocking & gives you a uninterrupted view. But we don't have small children. Good luck, show pictures of what you do.
  • Rhonda Davis Rhonda Davis on Jan 15, 2015
    I'm not only happy for the decision you were able to make for yourself (yes, it is YOUR porch and a big project, at that), but also very happy as it will be so pleasant for your big ol' pooch to be able to continue her gazing at the world from her perfect vantage point!
  • Beth Queen Beth Queen on Jan 15, 2015
    Railings definitely.
  • Terry Terry on Jan 19, 2015
    It seems to be unanimous that railings are preferred. One more reason railings are better? The breeze you need in the summer when it's very warm. We use our porch all the time in the summer and I don't think we would if the breeze was blocked by a wall. Besides, your pup wouldn't have the view!
  • Samantha Pulliam Samantha Pulliam on Feb 22, 2015
    Personally, I like the openness of it without railings or a wall..
  • Barbara Moore Coursey Barbara Moore Coursey on Mar 13, 2015
    I like the openness of the rails. Where I live in NC, a new porch has to have a top and bottom rail.
  • Terri Harris Terri Harris on Mar 13, 2015
    I think it looks fine just like it is, tHat is our farm porch was, neither.
  • Rjack Rjack on Mar 13, 2015
    Railing. I like the idea of seeing through.
  • Elizabeth Elizabeth on Mar 13, 2015
    I think with the house being so large, that a porch wall would be too enclosed. Use the rails...they will look extremely better.
  • Gra378688 Gra378688 on Apr 07, 2015
    Railings...make SD it safer, too!
  • Gra378688 Gra378688 on Apr 07, 2015
    Make 'it' safe
  • OhSally OhSally on Apr 12, 2015
    Seems totally unanimous railings vs wall. I had a big porch like that on my last house with railings and it was very friendly...neighbors could see us when we sat out there and stopped to chat or waved as they walked by, and we could see more looking out. We worked hard on our landscaping and one of the things we enjoyed looking out at was that landscaping...with a wall, you would only be able to see above the wall and would miss out on plantings at ground level around your patio. The wall would cost more to build, too. I like it without any railing, too...but some cities require a railing for safety. BTW...your porch is beautiful! Great job!
  • Cindy Hatten Cindy Hatten on Nov 16, 2015
    I've only seen one porch with 'walls' instead of railings and thought it looked tacky somehow. After that, I would always, always, ALWAYS opt for railings. Perhaps you've already finished, as I see the last post was last April and it's now November--how about an updated picture? :)
  • DianaB DianaB on Nov 16, 2015
    I agree with the railings vs the wall approach. Anything 3' off the ground is usually a zoning requirement that it have railings anyway. There may also be requirements regarding spacing between the rails like for kids getting their head stuck. Check your local zoning code and that way you will not receive a fine for doing it improperly and so on.
  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Apr 08, 2017

    Check your building code. That might give you the answer. They may have very strick code as to how tall and how far apartthe spindles have to be.

  • Ptrish Ptrish on Aug 23, 2017

    Definately railings that way you can enjoy the beauty of the house, enclose the area and still make it Airy

  • KatAych KatAych on Aug 23, 2017

    I would do railings -- it would fit with the style of your home and not hide it's charm. Also, as you add rocking chairs, big, color plants, and other decor around, it would not be hidden by a wall. Good luck!

  • Sharon Sharon on Aug 23, 2017

    Do you get a lot of company, family and little kids? then I would ere on the side of safety and put a railing on the porch. It would also decrease your liability in case someone fell off the porch.

  • Leslie Hume Leslie Hume on Oct 02, 2017


  • Lisa Mastrogiovanni Lisa Mastrogiovanni on Oct 06, 2017

    Oh please don't do a wall and lose all of that sunlight! I get no sunlight in my living room, and you're blessed with it. You will so regret it if you put up a wall and take even a little bit away!

    • B. Enne B. Enne on Oct 06, 2017

      This is an old post from 2013, this was her last response :

       Judy Dallas, WIon Oct 19, 2014

      @Sandy Lee Thanks, Sandy! I just decided yesterday (Yes, I know it's been forever, but it's my one and only porch) that I'm going with mission post railing. I saw a picture of a porch that looks just like ours (L-shaped) and has the mission posts. Looks perfect!

  • Lisa Mastrogiovanni Lisa Mastrogiovanni on Oct 06, 2017

    Boy am I late! Thank you! LOL

  • Linda Linda on Oct 22, 2017

    Porch railing, no question!

  • Dehumphries Dehumphries on Apr 15, 2018


  • Bshane Bshane on Oct 06, 2019

    Railing, definitely

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Sep 18, 2022

    RAILINGS. A Wall would look far to heavy!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Dec 15, 2022

    Another thought - You could also hacw a toughened Glass Screens that make up a Balcony Screen.

  • Railing, without a doubt!

  • Mogie Mogie on Nov 01, 2023

    They make railings that are clear glass with metal support posts every 8 feet or so. That helps keep the view clear.