Can I / Should Paint this Fireplace Cover?

by Sfg178760
I searched the DIY / Remodeling / Crafty / Updating / Upcycle internet for ideas on how to make it look better, but I could not anything helpful! So...should I paint them. As you can see in the photos...the color of my room is buttery yellow walls wood furniture and soon to have a royal blue couch. I have touches of orange in the room, so was thinking of doing the fireplace a mellow orange color, or yellow to match the walls..or maybe a light aqua blue (with the couch and there is some blue in the kitchen which is open to this room). The house is mid century and decorated so.! Should I paint it and if so..what color?
The black and brass fireplace cover...needs something!
Part of the room to give you an idea of our style.
The long fireplace area (wth the actual fireplace off center to the right).
  17 answers
  • Deb S Deb S on Oct 25, 2013
    Yes, paint over the brass with some Rustoleum heat-resistant spray paint. It's made for bar-b-que grills and anywhere there is extreme heat.
  • Denise C Denise C on Oct 25, 2013
    Yes Paint it Black!!!
    • Sfg178760 Sfg178760 on Oct 26, 2013
      @Denise C Black...really? As you can see in the other photos...there is barely any black in the room (just one frame of a colorful painting from Panama and a bit in another painting from Guatemala). We have more of a yellow, browns, wood tones turquoise, aqua blue, orange. I think that would great the black and white fireplace look...just not sure for this room. ;o)
  • Shari Shari on Oct 25, 2013
    If you are going to paint the brass, black is the only way to go (IMHO). Check out this HomeTalk thread about painting brass fireplace surrounds. In my comment on that thread, I included a photo of our brass surround we painted a couple years ago with the Rustoleum heat resistant spray paint @Deb S mentioned. A mantle would also be a nice addition over your fireplace and probably make it feel more finished to you.
    Painting fire place doors
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    • Terri Terri on Apr 18, 2017

      Is one can enough? I will be trying this to my brass fireplace.

  • 136467 136467 on Oct 25, 2013
    I vote matte black as well. That way it's done if you ever decide to change your room colors. The Rustoleum heat-resistant spray is great! You can change out the handles on the screen too. We got some wooden handles from Home Depot that I painted in the same black. Worked great!
  • Jamala W Jamala W on Oct 25, 2013
    Yes paint it, the shiny gold is out
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    • Gigisdiamonds Gigisdiamonds on Oct 27, 2013
      @My Gnome Little World If you really like the chairs, I would tuck them away out of site for a while. Its great to have a break from some of your stuff for a while and then rediscover what you tucked away! Like when Christmas comes around and your glad to see the ornaments again. I think you need a few larger pieces to balance things out maybe? Did you know you can find hooks that will hold onto brick with out damaging it to hang stuff? Maybe a light canvas,something bold above the fire place? Maybe a bit of black in it to pull in the black? Good luck and have lots of fun!
  • Sfg178760 Sfg178760 on Oct 26, 2013
    Ha...Okay Okay...I will paint it...but is there any other color you all would suggest????
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    • Sfg178760 Sfg178760 on Oct 26, 2013
      @The Garden Frog with C Renee Oooooh! I get it. Hmmm...this house is in FL...not even sure if we will ever use the fireplace. There are candles in it now (they came with the house). Maybe I can paint it any color since we may not use it! o) Thanks!!!
  • GranArt GranArt on Oct 26, 2013
    the rust color (rust on the brown side) in the chair by the tv or in the throw rug would be pretty and still be complimentary to your walls. You could tape the brown shipping paper around the fireplace screen to protect the brick, you might even build up around the sides a bit of a temporary cardboard wall if you are going to spray in the house. Basically make a cardboard box around the screen... where a mask! :)
  • Shari Shari on Oct 26, 2013
    Although you say you don't have any black in the room, you actually already do so painting the brass black would only be an extension of the black that's already there. Since you mention this is not your forever home, I would advise you to either paint it black or leave the brass, as is. Sorry but I think any other color is going to look wrong and likely irritate the next owner who has to try to strip off some color that worked for you but doesn't work for them. I live in Florida and true, we don't use our fireplace often but we do use it. Even if you don't think you will be using the fireplace, the next owner of your house might want to so that would be another reason in my book to either use heat resistant black paint, or leave the surround the original brass. If you elect not to add a mantle, consider a big piece of artwork in the colors you like to decorate with to fill that large, blank wall space. You don't have to put nails or screws in the brick to hang things on it, (although since your brick is all white, holes would be easy enough to patch--much easier than stripping colored paint off the brass fireplace surround). Look for brick hangers at the home improvement store.
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    • Gigisdiamonds Gigisdiamonds on Oct 27, 2013
      @Shari LOL I hadn't read your comment and posted the same idea above! How cool! I hope we get to see the results soon! ;) You did a great job of "showing" her the hangers! I have some but not quite like these. Only thing is, if you have the worn looking brick, you have to choose carefully where you place them or they pop off. :/
  • Michele Hendricks Michele Hendricks on Oct 26, 2013
    i have been painting shinny brass with a new line of chalk paint called Shabby Paints, I use the chalk paint and seal it with their Shimmer glaze, it would look great on your fireplace ...
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  • Sharon T Sharon T on Oct 27, 2013
    Many years ago, I learned from a designer, that every room needs some of black.
  • Sfg178760 Sfg178760 on Oct 27, 2013
    Ha...many years ago! That may work...was this many years ago between 1950 and 1972 (because that is about the age of everything in our house...including our house). But with that said, styles change! Can't really rely on what a designer told you years ago...if so...we would all be still wearing the elephant ear bell bottoms from the 70s and big hair from the 80s! o) There is a plenty of black in my bedroom (see below) that good enough? Just in case anyone is curious things have and are changed...but this is the style of my whole home:
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  • Gigisdiamonds Gigisdiamonds on Oct 27, 2013
    I like to think if you use black, its like outlining when your coloring, its to make something standout and really POP! Or contrast to again my it stand out...but not just for color of it its self. :)
  • Pat Dollar Pat Dollar on Oct 27, 2013
    Ditto on the matte black. I would buy a large painting from a thrift store. Just look for a great looking frame. Remove the painting from the frame, coat it with gesso and use a feather and craft paint in your bright orange, rust orange, and both royal blue and pale blue and maybe bring in some black and grey.
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    • Sfg178760 Sfg178760 on Oct 27, 2013
      @Pat Dollar Thanks...I make art and my husband buys not need to make more right now! But solved the problem...and it was with art and not going to paint the fireplace cover/screen....for now! Will post photo in next couple of days!
  • Robin James Robin James on Oct 27, 2013
    I would get rid of it! you don't need it, and it is UGLY
    • Sfg178760 Sfg178760 on Oct 28, 2013
      . @Robin James Ha..I agree...but we have not checked the chimney out yet and my husband is worried about drafts (or air con/heat getting out). And the couple before us (they bought it new in '64) attached everything to the walls/fireplace like #1 the house is in earthquake territory and #2 like there is an earthquake every day! So...the fireplace is attached very well and we are not into damaging the brick right now. Down the road we will look into taking it off, but this is not our forever home and may leave it for the next people. Although I really want to get rid of it and if we can just have nothing in front of the fireplace with just candles in it for now. Just do not see US having a fire here! o)
  • Kandy kunze Kandy kunze on Oct 28, 2013
    paint it black ......but i would put in a new electric insert, and put a beautiful stain glass screen in front so the color could shine through
    • Sfg178760 Sfg178760 on Oct 28, 2013
      @Kandy kunze If it is a working fireplace...would rather real fire to electric. And stained glass so does not go with out mid century modern home...but I do think the glow behind some would be awesome! Will post what I do for now soon!
  • Sfg178760 Sfg178760 on Oct 28, 2013
    This is what I did for removing or painting of the fire place cover...but as someone mentioned with the painting...especially that does not stand out as much anymore! o)
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  • Kris Broughton Kris Broughton on Oct 28, 2013
    I had one similar to yours and painted it black using barbeque spray paint. It is a matte finish and can take heat with no problems. It looks awesome now.