Help in modernizing our kitchen

by Bobby
Hi all. We recently bought a home and we are first time home buyers. I really like the space in our kitchen but love to hear from you all to modernize or decorate our kitchen. We have oak cabinets in perfect condition with quartz countertop. I always like little darker cabinets. Should I repaint the cabinets? Also never did any of DIY work so far. Please pour in your ideas to decorate our kitchen. Thanks a lot in advance.
  28 answers
  • Johnchip Johnchip on Nov 07, 2016
    Perfect kitchen. Go slow. I might darken the lower island and the outer facinng lowerwalls to match the appliances, letting the rest 'float'. I have often taken a few cabinet doors off to make them open, adding depth, as display spaces, It helps break up the huge cabinet look'. Before painting anything, you can buy 25-50 piece color packs of construction paper and tape some on to see what you like. Not sure about that upper wall color, but take that as a last thing; best selling kitchen colors are honey wheat and butter cream. Remember, this is a very handsome kitchen as is. Take it slow!
    • Bobby Bobby on Nov 07, 2016
      Thanks alot Johnchip for your inputs.will def'ly consider your suggestions
  • Sandra Crosbie Sandra Crosbie on Nov 07, 2016
    It is a really nice looking kitchen. If you do decide to paint the cabinets you sure will be painting FOREVER you have so many doors and other parts. Wow. Firstly make sure you are really nice to friends and/or family who you think is either old enough or steady handed enough to hold a paintbrush. If that's not doable, then try paint the walls a different colour than it is because to me it kind of looks too close to the colour of the cabinets. Don't rush with any of it yet. It will come to you when you settle into your new home. Good luck in your new home and enjoy putting your stamp on it.🍀🏡🚿🛀🔨🔧
    • Bobby Bobby on Nov 07, 2016
      Thank you for your inputs and suggestions Sandra Crosbie.I think you are absoultely right about getting hands on with paint.
  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Nov 07, 2016
    Paint the walls and add a tile back splash for now - you can paint later, if you still want to. Another instant update is to replace the cabinet knobs and drawer pulls. Live in the house for a bit before jumping in to such a big project as painting the cabinets.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Nov 07, 2016
    Wait and live in your home before jumping into changes.
  • Kse12357422 Kse12357422 on Nov 08, 2016
    Consider- glassblack splash, replace 2 cabinet doors with glass or open shelving, spray paint cabinet pulls in Rust-oleum oil rubbed bronze, larger light fixture over the island, nice art work, repaint walls light staying away from yellow under tones. Look for tile at high end store and take advantage of decorator's assistance. Painting the cabinetry is always an option, but not something you'd want to attempt on your own. Good luck!
  • Lcmc815 Lcmc815 on Nov 08, 2016
    I had the same thing, I used General's Gel Stain in Java. I had alot of cupboards too, so I set up work tables and put all of the door front on and went to work. The whole project took a week, but so worth it. Not hard at all, just time consuming! Good Luck!
  • Gina Gina on Nov 08, 2016
  • Lynne Forrestal Lynne Forrestal on Nov 08, 2016
    All good advice, wait... get new hardware to math light fixture if you like that, and back splash, there are lots of ways to do back splash too that may be good to try, like tin look, check out home depot and menards for ideas and pinterest has tons of dyi ideas that may not be as permanent as tiles.
  • Patty Patty on Nov 08, 2016
    I would absolutely wait to do anything until you have lived in the house for a while. You could do little things like a curtain valance over your window using colors you love, paint a couple walls using colors you love, place some throw rugs, these are all easy changes later on and will warm your kitchen up. I love your kitchen, it is light and bright and your cabinets from what I can tell are beautiful. One thing I would do is I would box in the refrigerator using would to match the cabinets, that would give it a more built in look, and would cost a lot of money. There are a lot of little things you can do until you know exactly what you want, but remember if you darken your cabinets it will also darken your kitchen.
  • Madeleine Kerns Madeleine Kerns on Nov 08, 2016
    What about two tones on the cabinets? Lower cabinets a darker shade - and maybe leave the uppers as is - or rub the darker cabinet shade into the arch of the upper doors?
    • B. Enne B. Enne on Nov 22, 2016
      I would wait for a bit, but I agree with Madeleine Kerns, if you do choose to stain or paint. I gel stained my bottom cabinets a dark espresso shade, and left the tops to see if we would like them. We ended up liking them after changing the wall colour, and adding new hardware that works with both tones. I'm glad we didn't change all the cupboards.
  • Patt Patt on Nov 09, 2016
    this would be awesome to re-do. I would do the cabinets in a dark shade since the flooring and countertops are light.
  • Lesli Ritchie Lesli Ritchie on Nov 09, 2016
    I've painted cabinets, using the Rustoleum cabinet paint kits. My cabinets came out great! However, be warned that it is a very involved job. There are many steps to doing it right, and you have to take your time. You've got a lot of cabinets! Perhaps doing a darker wall paint color would tone down all the light wood. I would also recommend doing easy changes first, like replacing the cabinet hardware and the lighting. Get a few colorful accessories, and then see how you like it.
  • Jackie Jackie on Nov 09, 2016
    I agree with some of the other posts paint and back splash would make a completely different look. It's a great kitchen but the colors of the floor cabinets and walls are to much the same nothing pops A darker wall color would enhance the cabinets and counter top maybe a rust or forest green Get some of the little sample paint cans and try a few. The mixed media back splash would be a nice option . Changing the door knobs and pulls is also a good idea along with using throw rugs for a pop of color.
  • Charl Charl on Nov 10, 2016
    Stain with General's Java gel stripping required!! it's a dark wood stain. I've never read so many positive comments for a product....check it out. A gray-white granite would be very up to date and a gray or soft white subway tile on the cabinet walls the granite would be the biggest expense. Then if in the budget, stainless steel appliances. A light gray or white floor tile would look good too. New hardware also...Amazon has great prices on cabinet hardware. ..MUCH cheaper than home improvement stores. Lastly a greige color on the's a gray-beige that goes good with everything. Bring in another color with your accessories.
  • Marisol Sanchez Marisol Sanchez on Nov 10, 2016
    quita la isla y empotra la cocina en la esquina donde esta el florero y la nevera tambien empotrada esta en el medio espero me mandes la foto con el resultado
  • Mon2913831 Mon2913831 on Nov 10, 2016
    Painting cabinets is a big job....I would avoid it. A cheap backsplash is to use peel and stick floor tile, use a adhesive to attach. I found a smooth flooring tile (traffic master Gray linear) and was easy to install, easy to clean and looks great.
    • Charl Charl on Nov 11, 2016
      Painting cabinets is a job but so worth it. It immediately changes the whole look. I've done it and would do it again.
  • Bbunny42 Bbunny42 on Nov 10, 2016
    Yes, try painting the wall and adding bright rugs and accessories. Also, I would cut off that peninsula for better traffic flow. If you need the cabinet space, add to the existing island. If you darken the cabinets a lot, it will darken your kitchen considerably -- maybe more than you want.
  • Elaine Elaine on Nov 11, 2016
    First of all, look at Kitchens on sites, such as Houzz! Decide on a style you like: modern? country? etc. Painting is a big job but yields big results! I personally prefer a kitchen be either a creamy white or a much darker color (no orange wood). If you are handy, adding crown molding at the tops of your cabinets will add style. Keep accessories to a minimum avoiding tiny items in favor of fewer but larger pieces. Do you receive morning or evening light through the windows? This has a bearing on wall color.
  • Susan Bellwood Susan Bellwood on Nov 12, 2016
    I wouldn't be too quick painting the cupboards if they are in pristine condition. Your kitchen looks like it could use a pop of color. Perhaps a change in the wall color and a new backsplash.
  • Jho12993198 Jho12993198 on Nov 12, 2016
    I would paint the island a darker color that you really like. That way you will be able to tell how your kitchen would look with that color and how easy/difficult the painting job is. Also, the color on the island may be enough of a change to satisfy you.
  • Andrea Axelrod Sheridan Andrea Axelrod Sheridan on Nov 12, 2016
    get forks and spoons and drill a hole in the handle and one in the middle of the spoon and us them as cabinet openers
    comment photo
  • Andrea Axelrod Sheridan Andrea Axelrod Sheridan on Nov 12, 2016
    get a pot and pan rack and hang it from the ceiling over the cabinet
    comment photo
  • And1639926 And1639926 on Nov 12, 2016
    If the cabinets are real wood you could sand and stain darker. Options to paint could be black or gray since you mentioned darker.
  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Nov 13, 2016
    You have a beautiful clean easy to look at kitchen. If you are new to FYI please don't start with this project, it's to much to take on. Sorry but it's true. I agree that you need some color because all looks the same but without knowing floor plan it's hard to suggest painting. I personally would change out light fixture it looks too small. Maybe add an orchid or some flooring plant.
  • Lisa Yuen Lisa Yuen on Nov 13, 2016
    There are kits to paint the counter tops - that may be a good starting point - see how that goes and then get to the cabinets. I like the idea of doing the island first ... or maybe practice on one of the bathroom cabinets!!
  • Darla Low Conley Darla Low Conley on Nov 14, 2016
    Paint the walls to make the cabinets stand out. Darker red would look great with the lighter cabinets, and new finish on the countertops in dark grey, and latter a tile back splash in greys and blacks and tan to tie it all together. Crown moldings will really finish the space, that may be for a pro it can be little tricky to get every angle perfect, if your not used to working with angles. You have a great kitchen to start with.
  • Peggy Blegen Peggy Blegen on Nov 14, 2016
    Your kitchen just needs some pizaaz for now. Paint the walls a wow color that coordinates to the rest of your house. Add an edited few carefully chosen accents. Take your time choosing a wow new light. When you are ready to tackle the ig project of sanding, staining etc, go for it. Learn a lesson from this old gal. Choose wisely, the most high end you can afford, and when choosing things that should last a long time, do it right the first time.
  • Charl Charl on Nov 15, 2016
    Look up the DIY steel wool and vinegar stain. I've done it on raw wood and depending on how many coats you put on, the darker it gets. Really works great. That would be a way to darken the cabinets easily for literally pennies! Being it's not raw wood you would have to lightly sand to give it some tooth. I would try it first on the inside of a cabinet. A nice gray or greige color on the walls may work with darker cabinets. Add color with your accessories.