What's the best way to paint paneling?

Julie Mrnak
by Julie Mrnak
What's the best way to paint paneling?
  7 answers
  • CKimball CKimball on Nov 08, 2016
    I would paid with a brush to get the grooves. then a roller for the bulk of the area
  • Becky Ferguson Becky Ferguson on Nov 11, 2016
    Prime with Kilz or some stain-blocking product like it, preferably oil based, first. This is absolutely necessary for a good paint job.
  • Susan Fodera Susan Fodera on Nov 11, 2016
    I moved into an older manufactured home covered in paneling "felt like I was in jail". I primed with Kilz them used Glidden eggshell finish with primer. Came out great, I also did the "stripes" with a brush before rolling.
  • Dorothy Weissert Dorothy Weissert on Nov 11, 2016
    I used a brush to fill grooves and used a paint that had primer in it.
  • Jimmy Fink Jimmy Fink on Nov 11, 2016
    You might have to use a brush to get the paint in the lines of the panel then rolling paint worked well with me. You might have to do two coats. I think most people skid the roller on the paneling in some areas...another reason to back paint
  • Lisa House Lisa House on Nov 12, 2016
    I have always used primer then paint. Brush to fill the grooves then a roller. The next time which will be next spring/summer, I plan on filling in the grooves and skim coating with something like joint compound first so that it doesn't look like paneling once it's all done.
    • Pmono7690 Pmono7690 on Dec 05, 2016

      I did a dining room that we called the cave, the paneling was very dark. I thinned the join compound and used to a roller to apply. Did several coats before I was satisfied. I didn't fill the grooves. Then painted using a Behr paint with primer in it. Added oak trim on bottom. The lower trim covers an edge of paneling. Ceilings are 9 foot. Looks great!

      I filled grooves on paneling in a bathroom, but ended up doing a paint, then place wet tissue in the paint, let dry and paint a second coat. The filler showed shiny streaks that I could not get rid of. Best of Luck on your project

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