Do you think stenciled walls are still in style?

by Linda
All of the rooms in my home have stenciling on the walls or stnciled room borders. I'm going to be painting the rooms and was planning on stenciling again with different designs and colors. Do you think this is still in style?
  14 answers
  • Shari Shari on Oct 30, 2013
    I think stenciling is definitely "in" again but I think it is being used differently now than it was before when it was really popular 10+ years ago. Instead of borders and trompe l'oeil scenes, now I'm seeing whole accent walls covered in one pattern such as damask or geometric-like designs. The colors are often soft tone-on-tone shades or metallic finishes. I'm also seeing things from nature (tree branches/leaves, butterflies, flowers etc.) scattered randomly across one wall. If you do an internet search for images of stenciled walls or even visit some of the websites that sell stencils, I think you will be able to get a good sense of the kind of stenciling that is popular now.
  • Cindy Cindy on Oct 31, 2013
    Yes definitely, but as was stated not the old-school borders but entire walls to mimic wallpaper that especially looks classy paired with metallic paint.
  • Linda Linda on Oct 31, 2013
    Thanks Shari and Cindy for your reply. I like the idea of the metallic paint. I'll have to look into that idea a little more. I'd like to see a room done that way. My rooms are a blend of Victorian and shabby chic. My whole home is furnished from flea markets, our home town country auction, and rescued pieces from the dump that I do over. I love all my "stuff", and it makes me happy when I come upon another lost treasure to rescue and take home. My kitchen is a vintage country style that is also done with stenciling. I want to repaint the kitchen too. All your ideas are welcomed. Thanks everyone. Linda B.
  • Shari Shari on Oct 31, 2013
    Hmmm....the current stenciling styles and use of metallic paints I've seen definitely give off a more modern vibe so that would likely look somewhat out of place with the Victorian/shabby chic/vintage country decor you love. In my own home, I also lean toward the cottage-y/shabby chic (with a tiny bit of Pottery Barn) thrown in. So, although I love the new stenciling look with the whole wall wallpaper type look and the metallic paints, that probably wouldn't work well in my home either. I'll keep my eyes open and if I see a stenciling style that is more fitting for your decor, I'll come back here and let you know.
  • Linda Linda on Oct 31, 2013
    Shari. Thanks for your input. Yes please let me know if you see any other stenciling styles that would work with my decor. I love cottage style too! Oh dear I guess you must think I have a miss/mush of styles! But I truly love love all my stuff. Have you been on the web site You would be amazed at the vintage, antique and really cool things that is auctioned. There's thousands of goodies. I just got a 1904 vintage table fan and a 1940's black rotary dial desk phone for my little office room. Thanks. Linda B.
  • Janet Smith Janet Smith on Oct 31, 2013
    Wall stenciling has been around for hundreds of years. Stenciled borders are not "in vogue" right now, but will probably made a come-back some day. I love the idea of stenciling a wall to mimic wallpaper. Using a flat paint as a base and adding the stenciled effect with a semi-gloss in the same shade gives a subtle, sophisticated effect.
  • Cindy Cindy on Oct 31, 2013
    I Linda agree with Shari on the metallic look being out of place with a shabby chic look it does have a modern vibe but also could be used with a flat base paint in traditional style room such as a possibly a stripe accent wall.
  • Linda Linda on Oct 31, 2013
    Janet thanks for your input. I welcome all suggestions on this.
  • Linda Linda on Oct 31, 2013
    Thanks Cindy. I agree about the metallic paint looking to modern in my rooms. If you think of anything else please advise me. Thank you. Linda B.
  • Robin James Robin James on Nov 01, 2013
    Like everything, a little goes a long way, every room stenciled sounds over the top. Just pick a statement area and make it special. Stenciling dates your home, the first thing home buyer's comment on when they see it, is usually, ugh.. I don't like it. So pick carefully, and accent with it.
  • Shari Shari on Nov 01, 2013
    I found one example of stenciling in a shabby chic style bedroom. (First photo below.) I think this is gorgeous and a very sophisticated example of how to blend current stenciling looks with the type of furniture you may have in your home. Searching internet images or sites like Pinterest should turn up many more examples for you to get inspiration from. However, I had another idea. What about stenciling a couple of your rescued furniture pieces? (See some examples in photos 2 through 5.) That look is very "in" right now too but I agree with @Robin James -- a little stenciling goes a long way. It's a look that should be used in moderation.
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  • Linda Linda on Nov 01, 2013
    Robin.Thanks for your response Your right. Good idea.
  • Linda Linda on Nov 01, 2013
    Shari. Thanks for the great ideas. I love them all!
  • Linda Linda on Nov 05, 2013
    Thanks for the answers, but I'm still hoping for more ideas.