Looking for Victorian ideas for my bedroom walls.

I just got a huge Victorian style bed for my room. Now i need inspiration for decor for my walls, as well as bedside tables. diy projects are not out of the question.I am not even opposed to ideas being more steampunk than Victorian
  10 answers
  • Sfg178760 Sfg178760 on Nov 07, 2013
    Old framed Needlepoint, old hat boxes (I have a cool rusty one for you https://www.etsy.com/listing/162514560/metal-hat-box-vintage-tin-hat-box?) Sorry...did not mean to make this into an ad...but I love that thing so much and would love to see it in a cool setting. ;o) Actually, can't believe I told you about it! Back to the ideas...pick up old photos of strangers and arrange them on your walls (my sister has photos of strangers all over her house ;o). Old mirrors (even hand mirrors) make for nice light bouncing decor. As for more steampunky...which I like as I love metal of any kind especially rusted. How about old wire baskets, old tools, old pieces of wood/metal architecture, and even deer antlers and the such !! Check out this llink....http://www.remodelista.com/posts/5-10-favorites-tools-as-decor . Ha just found it for you and now I am in love with it. And you can frame pages from old dictionaries...the pages with the graphics you like best too. Okay...I think you get my point! o)
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Nov 07, 2013
    Do you have a picture of the room?
    • Jessica Upchurch Jessica Upchurch on Nov 07, 2013
      @Miriam I not at the moment, its a rather small room. there is just enough space on either side of the queen size bed for bedside tables/night stands with a good 5 foot between the foot board and wall. beige carpet and white walls. im renting so painting is out of the question.
  • Cyndi Moore Tippett Cyndi Moore Tippett on Nov 07, 2013
    Lots of brocade, velvet and lace. Soft colors like rose, creamy white, burgandy and deep green. The furniture is usually dark and heavy. It is usually cozy because of the heavy furnishings and darker colors. Post pictures when done...
    • Jessica Upchurch Jessica Upchurch on Nov 07, 2013
      @Cyndi Moore Tippett the bed is very dark, espresso/chocolate brown. the head board has thre inset panels that are a black on black vine and leaf pattern.
  • Jessica Upchurch Jessica Upchurch on Nov 07, 2013
    the bed is quite large, the only way it would fit in the room was to block the only window. the headboard just hits the top of the window frame. i plan to buy a curtain rod to fit from one corner to the next and hang curtains so that the fill in the space between the head board and the corner. thus making that wall all bed. i am looking for bedside tables that i can redo to match the bed.also looking for a Victorian style chair for a reading area. im am just at a loss for wall art. i have a number of empty picture frames i plan to fill with images from a Google image search, ladies in bustle dresses, gents on the bicycle with the huge tire in front etc.but i have three walls to decorate lol.
  • Sandra North Sandra North on Nov 08, 2013
  • Jessica Upchurch Jessica Upchurch on Nov 11, 2013
    i got a box of picture frames free at the end of a yard sale, most hold 5X7 so i did a Google search for Victorian images, ladies in bustle skirts,and to give a slight nod to steam punk i found an image from the Time machine and an image of the Nautilus from 20,000 leagues beneath the sea. i am printing them out on 5X7 photo paper in black and white and taupe for that vintage fill. once i get them up i will post a pic or add to my blog. Thanks all for the great suggestions.
  • Jessica Upchurch Jessica Upchurch on Nov 11, 2013
    Thanks for the answers, but I'm still hoping for more ideas.
  • Ann Ann on Jun 16, 2015
    My bedroom is more eclectic cottage chic but I hung up the huge paper flowers from a family wedding over my sleigh bed. I like the way they look with my mix of different pillows.
    comment photo
  • Linda Y Linda Y on Feb 12, 2016
    Paint frame shapes onto the wall, ovals as well as rectangular. Frame the shapes with plaster moulding. Another way would be to apply a rectangle of plaster moulding ( wood painted with chalk paint if you can't get plaster) if you get plaster they make circular inset corner pieces. Fill the inside with wallpaper to match your bedding. Dark colours were favoured in Victorian times and as it will be just a panel it shouldn't make your room over dark.
  • Kayo Frazier Kayo Frazier on Feb 14, 2016
    Here's my 2 cents...Check out thrift stores or flea markets...You can get 1-2 steamer trunks for storage. For the steamer trunks you can clean them, OR paint & distress them w/ colors you prefer. You can get 3-4 old fake leather suitcases. For the old suitcases you could stain them a dark brown, stack then wrap 1-2 leather straps around them & use them as night stands. For some artwork ideas...This might be something you can check out...https://www.pinterest.com/pin/532621093411460079 For decor pieces..old fashioned birdcages, silver plate trophies(i.e.make up, jewelry or hair accessories holders) you can get wooden boxes of all sizes & steam punk them to your tastes. Print out old style maps, if you like the look of gears, you can make them relatively easy, plenty of tutorials. You can re-do your lamp shades in Victorian fabrics. Get typewriters, telescopes, walking canes, pendants or chandeliers w/ Edison light bulbs. You could get ceiling tin tiles, paint & distress them then add to the walls or ceiling or both? Hope this helps.