Baby Closet Dividers DIY to Organize Infant Clothing

45 Minutes
Very cool baby closet wooden dividers - perfect baby gift or kid's closet organizers. Organizing baby clothes can be difficult so these can be really helpful in keeping everything on tracks.
Baby closet dividers - start with these wooden dividers and choose the paint colors you prefer.
These boy colors were chosen to match the nursery. These are incredibly easy to personalize with whatever colors you would like to use to coordinate with the room.
Love having everything sorted according to the month! No more guessing the sizes or missing the opportunity to wear because it doesn't fit yet.
Baby Closet Organizers - All painted up and ready to hang up in the baby closet. Completely and totally adorable and easy to make!
Blissfully Domestic
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3 of 5 comments
  • Rose Rose on Dec 08, 2013
    Where did you purchase the unfinished dividers from?
    • Kerri Kerri on Apr 05, 2014
      @Rose -- Search for "wood door knob hangers." You can probably find them at Hobby Lobby, Michaels, AC Moore and/or JoAnn's, but you might find better prices and selection online.
  • Brenda Lins Brenda Lins on Aug 04, 2015
    Michaels & AC Moore sells the door hangers! I made these!
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