Have an antiquiqe shelf my mom had beside her bed as a child.

Denise Nichols
by Denise Nichols
I stripped all the varnish off and now dont know what i want to do it has some cigarette burns on the top. any ideas of how to restore it?That wont cost alot! HELP ME
  1 answer
  • Mary Insana Mary Insana on Nov 10, 2013
    Can you post a picture of it so we can see what it looks like now with the varnish off. I would try to leave the cigarette burns on it if they are from your Mom. I know it sounds a little weird but those are your Moms footprints left on the shelf. I think the easiest and cheapest way to restore it would be to buy some stain that already has a top coat in it lke Mini Was Poly Stain .You can either restore it to a similar color or change the color completely.
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